Half-Somalis are not Somali

What is with the argument that Half-Somalis with a Somali Hooyo cannot have anything to do with their Somali side.

It is true that islamicially lineage will always come from the Father's side and that is where a person gets their abtiris from. It is haram for anyone to ascribe themselves to a lineage that they do not belong to as the Prophet (saw) forbade that.

However that does not mean a person's whole ethnicity is wiped out, Lineage and ethnicity are two different things. Look at Bilal bin Rabah (ra) as a example. His father was a Arab slave but he was still referred to as Al-Habashi. Hooyo's side is still respected even if you do not get your lineage from her.

Stop hiding your cunsuurinimo with these arguments and lets go back to the way of the Prophet (saw) and his generation. I will always have respect and love for my reer abti side, but this argument brought forward is flawed.


Quite the Islamist.
Who is a somali ?

People whose paternal linage trace back to Samale ?

People that live in current day Somalia?

Somali language speakers?

The whole thing is a one silly social construct. Doesn't make you any less/more the person you are.

I was surprised too when I read that about Bilaal recently, he apparently had a non black dad..Bilaal's whole identity today is ascribed to his mom.
Being half-Somali means you have two cultures, two languages, 2 sets of different families. Enjoy and embrace having two of everything and don't let people force you into one box.

Look at the DNA results we have in the Culture and History section, there are Somalis walking around whose paternal ancestor was not Somali and they even claim clans they don't belong to paternally.
You have to belong to a clan to be a Somali.They can claim having Somali heritage tho.We are the oppostie of the orthodox jews who force a half Jew with a jewish father to convert because they are not considered Bani Israel:pachah1:
This topic has been rinsed to death. In the West no one cares and mixed kids are free to explore both sides of their heritages. Even back home in the 70s in Xamar, seeing mixed kids wasn't seen as shocking.

Only reason why this is a hot topic is because some men hate the idea of seeing 'their women' marrying out, so the way they deter them, is by saying their kids will not be Somali or allowed in Somalia.
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This topic has been rinsed to death. In the West no one cares and mixed kids are free to explore both sides of their heritages. Even back home in the 70s in Xamar, seeing mixed kids wasn't seen as shocking.

Only reason why this is a hot topic is because some men hate the idea of seeing 'their women' marrying out, so the way they deter them, is my saying their kids will not be Somali or allowed in Somalia.

Most bias against Half-Somalis is when their mother is the Somali person and their father is the foreigner. Hardly anyone says anything when the father is Somali. It's all about gatekeeping Somali women and scaring them from foreign marriage. I'm a Somali + Somali guur only proponent but I can see the hypocrisy.

There was a Somali guy on this forum who used to discriminate against Bantus but then he checked his DNA and come to find out his paternal haplogroup was also Bantu. Some of these Somali men might want to run to 23andMe before they start harassing Half-Somalis with Somali mamas.

You have to belong to a clan to be a Somali.They can claim having Somali heritage tho.We are the oppostie of the orthodox jews who force a half Jew with a jewish father to convert because they are not considered Bani Israel:pachah1:
Cadcads or Barwanis don't have a clan that traces back to Somalis and they're seen as nationally Somali. There is a huge difference between ethnicity and Nationality.

Supposedly you're 'Canadian'. The irony is we have a bunch of hypocrites with passports not of their lineages, whether it be British, American ect, talking about how its haram for kids with Somali mothers but of foreign lineages to be nationally Somali.

If that is the case, give back your passports then.
What is with the argument that Half-Somalis with a Somali Hooyo cannot have anything to do with their Somali side.

It is true that islamicially lineage will always come from the Father's side and that is where a person gets their abtiris from. It is haram for anyone to ascribe themselves to a lineage that they do not belong to as the Prophet (saw) forbade that.

However that does not mean a person's whole ethnicity is wiped out, Lineage and ethnicity are two different things. Look at Bilal bin Rabah (ra) as a example. His father was a Arab slave but he was still referred to as Al-Habashi. Hooyo's side is still respected even if you do not get your lineage from her.

Stop hiding your cunsuurinimo with these arguments and lets go back to the way of the Prophet (saw) and his generation. I will always have respect and love for my reer abti side, but this argument brought forward is flawed.
Who is a somali ?

People whose paternal linage trace back to Samale ?

People that live in current day Somalia?

Somali language speakers?

The whole thing is a one silly social construct. Doesn't make you any less/more the person you are.

I was surprised too when I read that about Bilaal recently, he apparently had a non black dad..Bilaal's whole identity today is ascribed to his mom.

Same, it was a big suprise when I found out that he had a Arab dad aswell. The reason for me even making this post is so that the new generation doesn't get conned by these flaw arguments that these nationalists and tribalists make. Being Somali or Half-Somali doesn't matter in the sight of Allah and on the day of judgement.
Wallahi what's with these effeminate ethno-supremacist soft muppets? If your abo is Somali, you are Somali. It's not complicated.
This topic has been rinsed to death. In the West no one cares and mixed kids are free to explore both sides of their heritages. Even back home in the 70s in Xamar, seeing mixed kids wasn't seen as shocking.

Only reason why this is a hot topic is because some men hate the idea of seeing 'their women' marrying out, so the way they deter them, is my saying their kids will not be Somali or allowed in Somalia.
Marrying out is not the only idea many are opposed, for many like me, it has more to do with our patriarchal ethnic identity in which you are who your father is. If your Aabo ain't Somali, you don't Abtirsi to Somali nor can you claim to be Somali.

Marry who you want but women who marry out in the diaspora should not confuse their kids with Somalinimo when they very well know we view their Ajnabi kids as Ajnabi irrespective of whether their Hooyo is Somali. Anyway, most females who marry out in the West don't really care about transferring their identity to their kids, so it is a non-issue.
Most bias against Half-Somalis is when their mother is the Somali person and their father is the foreigner. Hardly anyone says anything when the father is Somali. It's all about gatekeeping Somali women and scaring them from foreign marriage. I'm a Somali + Somali guur only proponent but I can see the hypocrisy.

There was a Somali guy on this forum who used to discriminate against Bantus but then he checked his DNA and come to find out his paternal haplogroup was also Bantu. Some of these Somali men might want to run to 23andMe before they start harassing Half-Somalis with Somali mamas.

Sis, i prefer the Somali marrying Somali marriages. Its better in the long run for both parties, but their attitude makes me sick as they've dehumised women and have turned them into nothing but baby making machines to be taken/conquered and who have no physical or societal influence over their own children they've birthed.

Mind you, these are the same idiots who live in foreign countries, take their passports, live in their lands, whilst dictating who can visit their own home country they've abandoned.
Cadcads or Barwanis don't have a clan that traces back to Somalis and they're seen as nationally Somali. There is a huge difference between ethnicity and Nationality.

Supposedly you're 'Canadian'. The irony is we have a bunch of hypocrites with passports not of their lineages, whether it be British, American ect, talking about how its haram for kids with Somali mothers but of foreign lineages to be nationally Somali.

If that is the case, give back your passports then.
In somaliland those Barwaanis ain't Somali anyways :mjlol:
Marrying out is not the only idea many are opposed, for many like me, it has more to do with our patriarchal ethnic identity in which you are who your father is. If your Aabo ain't Somali, you don't Abtirsi to Somali nor can you claim to be Somali.

Marry who you want but women who marry out in the diaspora should not confuse their kids with Somalinimo when they very well know we view their Ajnabi kids as Ajnabi irrespective of whether their Hooyo is Somali. Anyway, most females who marry out in the West don't really care about transferring their identity to their kids, so it is a non-issue.
You said yourself, your views are not based on morals but your own ego and possessiveness that only benefits you as a man. I too believe that you are what your father is, but some of you take it too far just so that you can score points against a woman who you feel has 'betrayed Somali men' for not marrying you lot. Psychotic possessiveness. I don't see other groups harrassing kids that have a mother of their ethnic group.

The last part is laughable as most mixed kids know the language of their mother, as languages are referred to as 'mother tongue'. I've met half Italian half Nigerians, they speak Italian, half Somali half Arab, they speak Arabic. You men need to accept its the mother that transfers languages, customs and traditions and women do it naturally by simply being around their kids.
You said yourself, your views are not based on morals but your own ego and possessiveness that only benefits you as a man.

The last part is laughable as most mixed kids know the language of their mother, as languages are referred to as 'mother tongue'. I've met half Italian half Nigerians, they speak Italian, half Somali half Arab, they speak Arabic. You men need to accept its the mother that transfers languages, customs and traditions and women do it naturally by simply being around their kids.
It is based on my own ethnic tribalism, no form of tribalism is based on a moral code, it is a social evolutionary cultural practice which is a marker of our ethnic group like how modern Jews are Jewish maternally, not paternally. It sure does benefit me Alxamdulillah as a man as we Abtirsi through our Father straight to Adam but such is the way of the Dunya.

They could speak perfect Somali but at the end of the day, we gonna ask 'Abtirso', if he or she Abtirsi to an Cajam, they ain't Bloody Somali, nothing can change that fact.
It is based on my own ethnic tribalism, no form of tribalism is based on a moral code, it is a social evolutionary cultural practice which is a marker of our ethnic group like how modern Jews are Jewish maternally, not paternally. It sure does benefit me Alxamdulillah as a man as we Abtirsi through our Father straight to Adam but such is the way of the Dunya.

They could speak perfect Somali but at the end of the day, we gonna ask 'Abtirso', if he or she Abtirsi to an Cajam, they ain't Bloody Somali, nothing can change that fact.
This is why I added:

I too believe that you are what your father is, but some of you take it too far just so that you can score points against a woman who you feel has 'betrayed Somali men' for not marrying you lot. Psychotic possessiveness. I don't see other groups harrassing kids that have a mother of their ethnic group.

You can't tell women not to teach their children their languages. If you marry an Arab woman, your kids will speak Arabic, be around their Arab side of the family more ect and there is nothing you can do about it.
This is why I added:

I too believe that you are what your father is, but some of you take it too far just so that you can score points against a woman who you feel has 'betrayed Somali men' for not marrying you lot. Psychotic possessiveness. I don't see other groups harrassing kids that have a mother of their ethnic group.

You can't tell women not to teach their children their languages. If you marry an Arab woman, your kids will speak Arabic, be around their Arab side of the family more ect and there is nothing you can do about it.
Many conservative ethnic groups do, not only us Walaal so be fair with your criticism in the first paragraph. As a matter, we are probably more laid-back than some other ethnic groups.

They can teach them what they want at the end of the day but as long as they emphasise to their kids that they are 'Reer Dhegacas', 'Reer Timojileec', 'Reer Tyrone', 'Reer Smith' etc. and not Somali. Reer Apti iyo Somalinimo Kala Sar!
It is based on my own ethnic tribalism, no form of tribalism is based on a moral code, it is a social evolutionary cultural practice which is a marker of our ethnic group like how modern Jews are Jewish maternally, not paternally. It sure does benefit me Alxamdulillah as a man as we Abtirsi through our Father straight to Adam but such is the way of the Dunya.

They could speak perfect Somali but at the end of the day, we gonna ask 'Abtirso', if he or she Abtirsi to an Cajam, they ain't Bloody Somali, nothing can change that fact.
No one is denying that saxiib. But the argument is that it's wrong for you to state that a Half-Somali with a Somali Hooyo doesn't share the ethnicity of being Somali aswell. I literally gave you the example of Bilal bin Rabah (ra) who's father was a Arab Slave but was referred to as Al-Habashi. Somali Dhaqan correlates with Islam and anything that opposes it should be removed because it is part of Jahiliyyah. What you're saying contradicts the teachings of the best of mankind and the best generation to ever live in the Dunya.
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Many conservative ethnic groups do, not only us Walaal so be fair with your criticism in the first paragraph. As a matter, we are probably more laid-back than some other ethnic groups.

They can teach them what they want at the end of the day but as long as they emphasise to their kids that they are 'Reer Dhegacas', 'Reer Timojileec', 'Reer Tyrone', 'Reer Smith' etc. and not Somali. Reer Apti iyo Somalinimo Kala Sar!
Nah, Somali men are laid back about many other things but not that. Very rarely are other groups going to call a woman a dh1lo for entering a halal marriage albeit a foreign man. All over the world mixed kids celebrate their mothers heritage without 50 men in the comments section seething with anger.

