Half Swedish half Somali girl knows good Somali

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I knew the hooyo was Somali… geeljires only produce maya jama looking negroes with the swedes and the norwegians.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
She looks 100% Somali. Her mom genes were strong. Maya's White genes are stronger
Even before watching the vid I knew her mum was Somali. Kids with ajnabi mums never know how to speak Somali. Somali mothers tend to raise their kids with af-Somali...well the fob ones. I don't know about this new generation through. Half of them can't even speak Somali, let alone passing it down.
Do you have the statistics for this ? just wondering
What you cannot contest is that languages are called 'mother tongue' for a reason. Most mixed kids who are the sons of migrant mothers regardless of background can speak their mum's language. It has always been women that are the primary caregivers of children especially between the ages of infancy to 5 which is the prime ages children pick up on languages.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
What you cannot contest is that languages are called 'mother tongue' for a reason. Most mixed kids who are the sons of migrant mothers regardless of background can speak their mum's language. It has always been women that are the primary caregivers of children especially between the ages of infancy to 5 which is the prime ages children pick up on languages.
I never knew that, was skeptical thats why i asked for some statistics on somalis proving it but i guess theres not which sucks.
I never knew that, was skeptical thats why i asked for some statistics on somalis proving it but i guess theres not which sucks.
Who taught you Somali? Your mother was probably talking to you whilst you were in the womb. Did you know by the time a baby is born they can recognize their mum's language? Cool right.In traditional families abo is at work and mum is interacting with the kids and building their vocabulary.

However, on a mass scale nations speak their father tongue according to scientists. I don't know how it works still reading up on it, but due to travelling, conquering ect its men who spread languages on a mass scale, whilst mothers simply pass it down to their offspring. So technically, af Somali is our 'father tongue'.
Who taught you Somali? Your mother was probably talking to you whilst you were in the womb. Did you know by the time a baby is born they can recognize their mum's language? Cool right.In traditional families abo is at work and mum is interacting with the kids and building their vocabulary.

However, on a mass scale nations speak their father tongue according to scientists. I don't know how it works still reading up on it, but due to travelling, conquering ect its men who spread languages on a mass scale, whilst mothers simply pass it down to their offspring. So technically, af Somali is our 'father tongue'.
men seem to care about language and tradition more

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
It’s really funny because her tribe technically in the Islamic sense isn’t Somali but her Somali is very good. Usually kids with Somali dads don’t really care about their identity nor the language and usually marry out
It’s really funny because her tribe technically in the Islamic sense isn’t Somali but her Somali is very good. Usually kids with Somali dads don’t really care about their identity nor the language and usually marry out
I don't think its about caring. Its simply based on exposure. They're with their mothers all the time growing up and due to that, they probably speak their mum's language very well.
I wonder if the father's Muslim? Anyways, mashaaAllaah, the mother tends to be the first educator as they say, so whatever she teaches, be it language or values, the kid/kids will learn...


Bantu Liberation Movement
I don't think its about caring. Its simply based on exposure. They're with their mothers all the time growing up and due to that, they probably speak their mum's language very well.
Why aren't they with their fathers?


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
Even before watching the vid I knew her mum was Somali. Kids with ajnabi mums never know how to speak Somali. Somali mothers tend to raise their kids with af-Somali...well the fob ones. I don't know about this new generation through. Half of them can't even speak Somali, let alone passing it down.

Because children spend more time with their mothers . The mother has wayyy more influence. I have an aunt and an uncle that both married Dutch , my aunt’s daughter speak fluent Somali, it’s funny she actually looks a lot like the girl in the video. My uncle’s children are more closer to their Dutch family. My uncle actually wanted to send his kids to Somalia to learn about the culture but his Dutch wife refused.
Why aren't they with their fathers?
Traditionally abo is at work, whilst the mum is looking after the kids. Even if both parents work, kids simply spend more time with their hooyo. Women are the primary caregivers and kids are around their mums a lot more. This has nothing to do with absent fathers.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I don't think its about caring. Its simply based on exposure. They're with their mothers all the time growing up and due to that, they probably speak their mum's language very well.
I believe so too, I seen it within my own family, mother's are the ones who instill the language that is a fact that cant be denied.
Even before watching the vid I knew her mum was Somali. Kids with ajnabi mums never know how to speak Somali. Somali mothers tend to raise their kids with af-Somali...well the fob ones. I don't know about this new generation through. Half of them can't even speak Somali, let alone passing it down.
I disagree although the mother does have impact than the father when it comes to language acquisition it really depends on whether they are raised around other somalis or not. My eedo and her kids live with her cadaan husband in an cadaan suburb and those kids can't speak a lick of somali.

While on the other hand my abti (not close family but still) has kids who do speak somali competently and the main reason for that is that they live near and interact with fellow somalis hence they pick up the language easier and get to use it more.
It doesn't matter how good the mother speaks the language if the kids don't have an informal setting within which they get to use the language especially amongst relatives, friends and neighbors.
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