Half Swedish half Somali girl knows good Somali

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Why the qashin? You know I already accept Half-Somalis, clan or not. I don't think you get me, what I'm saying is why do some Somali women insist on complaining about this whole "only fathers pass down the clan" thing, when you can use it as a get out card? Run and don't look back lol
Because as much as I respect you as a poster and you're free to have your opinions I felt like it was indeed a qashin post marred by a deep disdain for IR marriages. I could be completely wrong and misread your intentions.

Well because even if technically men are the ones that can only pass down the qabil, women are the ones that pass down languages and traditions. Even if you don't intend to pass it down, if your 1st language is Somali, have family around all the time especially ayeeyos ect, mostly around the kids ect, your kids are going to learn it and I feel it important because regardless as to how much some Somali men have issues with half Somalis, those kids have Somali blood running through their veins with Somali close relatives they simply cannot escape. They might even go back there to visit family ect. It is vital. You cannot remove elements of Somalinimo from a child with a Somali hooyo with a whole family behind her.

Every Somali man married to an ajnabi woman tend to have kids who speak their mother tongue perfectly, interact with their ajnabi abtis and grandparents and often make trips to their mothers homeland. I know men married to Moroccan women who partially rise their children in Morocco! So why is it an issue when a Somali girl does the same thing every race of women do?! It is hypocritical Wallahi. Somali men are incredibly accommodating to their ajnabi wives when it comes to this but attack Xalimos.
No its not rule, but its the reality with this one, I think its about 51/49 in favour of the Somali dad over Somali mom, when it comes to offspring learning Somali, and I give it to the dad because he is head of household, he probably decides the future of the child more than the mother and pays for it as well.
Even if if was just as likely that the kids would learn the father's tongue as much or nearly as much as the mother, this is offset by the fact that a lot of the time the father isnt present at all in many cases or is barely present. Also all this head of the household applies more in a country like Somalia where the father has supreme authority over the house and than in the west where things tend to be more equal and fathers are more hands off about these things (them simply accepting they live in a foreign country) and preoccupied with bringing money home whilst the mother just naturally spending more time with the kids influences the child more.
Even if if was just as likely that the kids would learn the father's tongue as much or nearly as much as the mother, this is offset by the fact that a lot of the time the father isnt present at all in many cases or is barely present. Also all this head of the household applies more in a country like Somalia where the father has supreme authority over the house and than in the west where things tend to be more equal and fathers are more hands off about these things (them simply accepting they live in a foreign country) and preoccupied with bringing money home whilst the mother just naturally spending more time with the kids influences the child more.
Back home, in which gender roles are rigid, Somali men are even more hands off when it comes to child rearing. Kids learn language from the ages of infancy to 5. Is the dad breastfeeding, feeding, bathing ect in which those times the mother is constantly talking to her child? Obviously a child with a foreign mum in Somalia will learn Somali as everyone outside is Somali, but they'll pick up on their mother tongue for simply being around their hooyo.

What I find hilarious is that for a forum that is obsessed with gender roles, they don't even know what the role of a mother is or that women spend most times with the kids.
Who ever taught her Somali, she claims its her mom only, thats freaking impossible, I say pad yourself on the back, you have succeeded, but no way is it just her mom.

Angilina, mothers speak mom language to their kids, the proper language is taught by teacher or dad. As you can see she has had a Somali step dad from young. It probably helped he is Rer Wuqooyi, growing up I noticed Rer Wuqooyi are very tough on their kids when it comes to language.
Erm don't be silly. Dads do not spend enough time with kids during their infancy years compared to mothers. Do you know what ages kids learn how to speak? Are you okay?! By the time a kid is at school age they know how to talk.

Does the mother speak sign languages whilst the kids are with her the whole day?

Honestly, that was a rather dumb point you made. You're talking as though kids learn how to talk at 5+.


Even if if was just as likely that the kids would learn the father's tongue as much or nearly as much as the mother, this is offset by the fact that a lot of the time the father isnt present at all in many cases or is barely present. Also all this head of the household applies more in a country like Somalia where the father has supreme authority over the house and than in the west where things tend to be more equal and fathers are more hands off about these things (them simply accepting they live in a foreign country) and preoccupied with bringing money home whilst the mother just naturally spending more time with the kids influences the child more.
fair point, you know what this is an uphill battle, I will evacuate this gender argument.

By the way Somali mixed race aren't equal in the eyes of our society, the ones that have a Somali father are welcomed as part of the ethnicity despite being mix raced, while the ones that have a Somali mother aren't unless they claim false lineage.

So have that, our kids can speak chinese for all I care, they are still more Somali than the yamyam qadaadweyn these women bring home, good day sir.
fair point, you know what this is an uphill battle, I will evacuate this gender argument.

By the way Somali mixed race aren't equal in the eyes of our society, the ones that have a Somali father are welcomed as part of the ethnicity despite being mix raced, while the ones that have a Somali mother aren't unless they claim false lineage.

So have that, good day sir.
This isn't a gender battle. You're just trying to deny a fact of life. Babies and toddlers are with their mothers all the time at that age and guess what? That is when they learn to speak.
Is the dad carrying around the baby all the time?

Maybe in this generation in which househusbands and working mothers is prevalent, but traditionally raising kids was a mother's job whilst dad makes money.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I noticed half Somalis with Somali mothers have a greater likelihood of marrying Somalis than half Somalis with (qabils, aka fathers). Of course, neither group is beholden to any community, and most of them marry out again, but it's just a trend I've noticed lately.
I noticed half Somalis with Somali mothers have a greater likelihood of marrying Somalis than half Somalis with (qabils, aka fathers). Of course, neither group is beholden to any community, and most of them marry out again, but it's just a trend I've noticed lately.
Because most Somali dads ditch their ajnabi children and opt to start with a clean slate by having another family with a Somali woman lmao
Your edo purposely did not teach her kids Somali which is surprising as fob Somali women tend to feel more comfortable speaking af Somali. Where are the kids when she is talking on the phone or when relatives come over ect. Who is mostly at home? She clearly only spoke to them in English. If she spoke to them in Somali from when they were babies they would know. But she is the one that choose to speak to them in English.

Kids pick up on languages whilst they're in the womb. Even as newborns they can differentiate their mum's language from others. Forget specific languages, it is mothers that teach babies how to talk, full stop. Any father that ends up teaching his children af Somali especially if he is in a traditional marriage in which he mostly works and the mum is spending more time is incredibly commendable. The reality is that fathers don't spend the same amount of time with their children.

The hooyo is the primary caregiver, the first teacher and instructor. We have unfortunate cases of full Somali kids living in Somali areas with Somali relatives not knowing how to speak Somali because the mum keeps on talking to them in English, especially when they're below the age of 5. Those women purposely didn't make an effort and this will be an issue for this generation. Forget mixed kids, full Somalis born from Western Somali mums and dads now have that issue. I have young cousins who live in Somali populated areas and their kids Somali is atrocious! These young mums keep on talking in English.
I'm surprised you feel comfortable talking about a woman (she was a fob but educated) you don't know, she did try teach those kids somali when they were younger but since they weren't surrounded by their somali family or community they didn't really pick up the language. Kids spend more time with their parents when they're the age 6 and younger so unless they have other somali speaking kids to play with those skills will depreciate. It's also one of the reason you see a lot of indhoyar women complaining that their children neither speak the language or relate to their side of the culture.

The thing with women passing down the language and culture is that it's not just the mother herself it's her mother (grandmother) and female relatives who help raise those kids that really make those kids learn the language and that doesn't happen much if you live in a suburb surrounded by cadaans. People are confusing the traditional pre-industrial way of raising children with the modern nuclear family.

As evidenced by that girl speaking somali that well and her stedad being somali so I'll go out on a limb and say she most likely lives in a somali community. There are a lot of fobs in scandinavia hence the ones who grow up there tend to speak the language better than the ones in other parts of the diaspora except the odd dhaqan celis here and there.

These days most couples can't afford stay at home parents so unless your keeping your child near qaraabo or a somali community they won't be speaking the language very much other than a word here and there.

I noticed half Somalis with Somali mothers have a greater likelihood of marrying Somalis than half Somalis with (qabils, aka fathers). Of course, neither group is beholden to any community, and most of them marry out again, but it's just a trend I've noticed lately.
From what I've seen the only half somalis who do marry somalis are almost always the ones who grew up in a xaafad with other somalis. rip lol if you think your reer shisheeye will ever marry a somali if they live away from them.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I'm surprised you feel comfortable talking about a woman (she was a fob but educated) you don't know, she did try teach those kids somali when they were younger but since they weren't surrounded by their somali family or community they didn't really pick up the language. Kids spend more time with their parents when they're the age 6 and younger so unless they have other somali speaking kids to play with those skills will depreciate. It's also one of the reason you see a lot of indhoyar women complaining that their children neither speak the language or relate to their side of the culture.

The thing with women passing down the language and culture is that it's not just the mother herself it's her mother (grandmother) and female relatives who help raise those kids that really make those kids learn the language and that doesn't happen much if you live in a suburb surrounded by cadaans. People are confusing the traditional pre-industrial way of raising children with the modern nuclear family.

As evidenced by that girl speaking somali that well and her stedad being somali so I'll go out on a limb and say she most likely lives in a somali community. There are a lot of fobs in scandinavia hence the ones who grow up there tend to speak the language better than the ones in other parts of the diaspora except the odd dhaqan celis here and there.

These days most couples can't afford stay at home parents so unless your keeping your child near qaraabo or a somali community they won't be speaking the language very much other than a word here and there.

From what I've seen the only half somalis who do marry somalis are almost always the ones who grew up in a xaafad with other somalis. rip lol if you think your reer shisheeye will ever marry a somali if they live away from them.
What do you mean "your reer shisheye', fool? I'm only for nin Samaroon at this point. I wouldn't even bother with Abdis outside of my clan let alone ethnicity. You are a newcomer to SSpot talking to a Moderator that is more wadani than you will ever be so don't try to negate or misrepresent me.

Take your fragile Somali male ego elsewhere. I prefer my own but I won't hate on the sisters for doing whatever they like. Unlike you, I don't project my life choices onto others. I will agree with you on one thing. Exposure to Somalis plays a role. And well it's more common for those with Somali hooyos to make an effort to teach their kids Somali and immerse them in their culture as children spend more time with their mothers vs fathers.
Women are the transmitters of culture in the family, everyone understands this. The role of the father is to protect and provide. It is no surprise that she has excellent command of the somali language
Did you expect them to like those mixed blacks with the green eyes and lush ginger afro :lol:

It caught me off guard, I was expecting another Maya Jama lookalike, but then again, Maya's dad was decent looking, this one's hoyo or abo might be facially challenged.:axvmm9o:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Why would a Somali woman that married out even teach her kids Somali, anyway? I see no benefit in it, without a clan your children are just gonna be relegated to bottom-feeder status. It's best they teach them their fathers language & culture, that makes more sense to me.
This is ridiculous, they are still half Somali ethnically although not lineage wise. They have every right to learn. Somali dhaqan actually values abtinimo more than adernimo lol.
Women don’t have qabiil let’s be honest.

I feel sorry for any half Somali man without a Somali father tho
He's not going to have any trouble marrying a Xalimo. Its the kids the mixed man has that will have it harder. They will look straight up Somali, but will be tribeless and Somalis will constantly accuse them of self-hatred if they claim their real qabil and ancestry. Confusing all around.

Saw a video of a Xalimo with a paternal Yemeni grandfather, hence she does not look Yemeni but straightup Somali as she's 75% Somali ethnically. People in the comments sections were telling her she's lying due to her appearance and that she's a self hater for claiming Yemen. But the issue is that how can she say she's fully Somali if she doesn't hail from a Somali qabil??!

Guys what do you think of that scenerio?
What do you mean "your reer shisheye', fool? I'm only for nin Samaroon at this point. I wouldn't even bother with Abdis outside of my clan let alone ethnicity. You are a newcomer to SSpot talking to a Moderator that is more wadani than you will ever be so don't try to negate or misrepresent me.

Take your fragile Somali male ego elsewhere. I prefer my own but I won't hate on the sisters for doing whatever they like. Unlike you, I don't project my life choices onto others. I will agree with you on one thing. Exposure to Somalis plays a role. And well it's more common for those with Somali hooyos to make an effort to teach their kids Somali and immerse them in their culture as children spend more time with their mothers vs fathers.
Calm down walaalo, who you marry is non of my business. I'm not one of those anti interracial marriage people, you should marry whomever you want. I just meant that if you do marry shisheeye and you don't keep your kids around somalis, not only will they forget what little somali you taught them they'll also identify less with their somali side and will therefore be less likely to marry somalis.

I don't know why diaspora kids bring up xeer when it comes to half-somalis to decide who is and isn't somalis (neither are full somalis imo). I remember my parents telling my that back in the days the half somalis kids got bullied regardless of the sex of their somali parent. If you wanna bring up xeer in conversations of marriage and children then by traditional law you should marry (dumaal) your sister-in-law if your brother passes away and you'll have to adopt and raise your nieces and nephews.

He's not going to have any trouble marrying a Xalimo. Its the kids the mixed man has that will have it harder. They will look straight up Somali, but will be tribeless and Somalis will constantly accuse them of self-hatred if they claim their real qabil and ancestry. Confusing all around.

Saw a video of a Xalimo with a paternal Yemeni grandfather, hence she does not look Yemeni but straightup Somali as she's 75% Somali ethnically. People in the comments sections were telling her she's lying due to her appearance and that she's a self hater for claiming Yemen. But the issue is that how can she say she's fully Somali if she doesn't hail from a Somali qabil??!

Guys what do you think of that scenerio?
My opinion is that soomaalida waa dad wareersan who have bigger fish to fry than whether some half-somali kid should be considered somali or not. If they live amongst somalis, speak the language and they take part in the culture then they're pretty much somali in my eyes.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Calm down walaalo, who you marry is non of my business. I'm not one of those anti interracial marriage people, you should marry whomever you want. I just meant that if you do marry shisheeye and you don't keep your kids around somalis, not only will they forget what little somali you taught them they'll also identify less with their somali side and will therefore be less likely to marry somalis.

I don't know why diaspora kids bring up xeer when it comes to half-somalis to decide who is and isn't somalis (neither are full somalis imo). I remember my parents telling my that back in the days the half somalis kids got bullied regardless of the sex of their somali parent. If you wanna bring up xeer in conversations of marriage and children then by traditional law you should marry your sister-in-law if your brother passes away and you'll have to adopt and raise your nieces and nephews.
The thing is, I'm not into the swirl and never talked to men outside my ethnicity (because I choose to). Also, I'm marrying within my clan because I want to. So don't bother with the unreal if-clauses. The problem I have with many Abdis on here is they make a mistake 'assuming' that you are into outmarriage just because you have a balanced perspective.

All I mentioned was I noticed that of these mixed-race groups, the ones with a strong Somali influence, often the mothers are more likely to marry back into their Somali side. I even prefaced this by saying most iska dhal marry out. And I based this more on anecdotal information. So please do not put words into my mouth. I'm a hardliner on my stance, but I don't project. Something some people on here have a hard time grasping.
This is ridiculous, they are still half Somali ethnically although not lineage wise. They have every right to learn. Somali dhaqan actually values abtinimo more than adernimo lol.

I agree with you, I'm talking about the culture in general, you know how cut-throat Somalis can be, even the yaryars can't catch a break. Farax's like me and you are in the minority when it comes to accepting half-Somalis.
He's not going to have any trouble marrying a Xalimo. Its the kids the mixed man has that will have it harder. They will look straight up Somali, but will be tribeless and Somalis will constantly accuse them of self-hatred if they claim their real qabil and ancestry. Confusing all around.

Saw a video of a Xalimo with a paternal Yemeni grandfather, hence she does not look Yemeni but straightup Somali as she's 75% Somali ethnically. People in the comments sections were telling her she's lying due to her appearance and that she's a self hater for claiming Yemen. But the issue is that how can she say she's fully Somali if she doesn't hail from a Somali qabil??!

Guys what do you think of that scenerio?

Personally if I was a half-Somali with a Somali mother, I wouldn't claim being Somali. I'd appreciate the culture, but what's the point when I can't even get into FKD/politics/goverment? Everyone would just shut me down by saying I don't have a qabil lol
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