Half Swedish half Somali girl knows good Somali

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I agree with you, I'm talking about the culture in general, you know how cut-throat Somalis can be, even the yaryars can't catch a break. Farax's like me and you are in the minority when it comes to accepting half-Somalis.
Thats true if she went back home she would be heavily fetishized as a white girl and would have no elders to really speak for her.

Males are worst IMO you will be called laangaab cadaan ah kkkk


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
It caught me off guard, I was expecting another Maya Jama lookalike, but then again, Maya's dad was decent looking, this one's hoyo or abo might be facially challenged.:axvmm9o:
She looks fine I dont know why you insulting a teenager’s looks..

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
What you cannot contest is that languages are called 'mother tongue' for a reason. Most mixed kids who are the sons of migrant mothers regardless of background can speak their mum's language. It has always been women that are the primary caregivers of children especially between the ages of infancy to 5 which is the prime ages children pick up on languages.
The ones with fob parents can speak good somali, the new generation ones tend to be uncultured

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
Why can’t my cousin speak af somali like her, her mom is somali but she speaks little somali:mjcry:

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
Erm don't be silly. Dads do not spend enough time with kids during their infancy years compared to mothers. Do you know what ages kids learn how to speak? Are you okay?! By the time a kid is at school age they know how to talk.

Does the mother speak sign languages whilst the kids are with her the whole day?

Honestly, that was a rather dumb point you made. You're talking as though kids learn how to talk at 5+.
So you logic dads are useless?:russ:

It’s crazy I don’t get along with both of my parents

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
fair point, you know what this is an uphill battle, I will evacuate this gender argument.

By the way Somali mixed race aren't equal in the eyes of our society, the ones that have a Somali father are welcomed as part of the ethnicity despite being mix raced, while the ones that have a Somali mother aren't unless they claim false lineage.

So have that, our kids can speak chinese for all I care, they are still more Somali than the yamyam qadaadweyn these women bring home, good day sir.
Biracial is biracial, even if you speak good somali that don’t make you full, we don’t give a f*ck what parent is somali, you a BI RACIAL

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Your edo purposely did not teach her kids Somali which is surprising as fob Somali women tend to feel more comfortable speaking af Somali. Where are the kids when she is talking on the phone or when relatives come over ect. Who is mostly at home? She clearly only spoke to them in English. If she spoke to them in Somali from when they were babies they would know. But she is the one that choose to speak to them in English.

Kids pick up on languages whilst they're in the womb. Even as newborns they can differentiate their mum's language from others. Forget specific languages, it is mothers that teach babies how to talk, full stop. Any father that ends up teaching his children af Somali especially if he is in a traditional marriage in which he mostly works and the mum is spending more time is incredibly commendable. The reality is that fathers don't spend the same amount of time with their children.

The hooyo is the primary caregiver, the first teacher and instructor. We have unfortunate cases of full Somali kids living in Somali areas with Somali relatives not knowing how to speak Somali because the mum keeps on talking to them in English, especially when they're below the age of 5. Those women purposely didn't make an effort and this will be an issue for this generation. Forget mixed kids, full Somalis born from Western Somali mums and dads now have that issue. I have young cousins who live in Somali populated areas and their kids Somali is atrocious! These young mums keep on talking in English.

Unfortunately that aint enough abaayo, picking up a language requires more then that. You need to be actively in an environment where you can hear somali and are FORCED to speak somali. The latter is the way some of us diaspora people learnt somali. Also you got to be strict, children must reply to you in somali.

Environment is important also. I know half-somalis who picked up the language by spending more time with full somalis.

What unfortunately happens is that children grow up hearing somali and speaking limited amount of somali, mainly talking about chores and saying haa or maya. This is with both parents, imagine with only one. I would not blame that guys aunt, she was just uneducated.

Somali parents, Allah bless them, unfortunately are uneducated about passing down a language. Thats why a hooyo mataalos are common occurence. I agree completely with what you have said, its an another sign of our people lack of education. Its an easy problem to fix too. I wonder why some have not offered to teach somali for pay, one thing we love is money.
The thing is, I'm not into the swirl and never talked to men outside my ethnicity (because I choose to). Also, I'm marrying within my clan because I want to. So don't bother with the unreal if-clauses. The problem I have with many Abdis on here is they make a mistake 'assuming' that you are into outmarriage just because you have a balanced perspective.

All I mentioned was I noticed that of these mixed-race groups, the ones with a strong Somali influence, often the mothers are more likely to marry back into their Somali side. I even prefaced this by saying most iska dhal marry out. And I based this more on anecdotal information. So please do not put words into my mouth. I'm a hardliner on my stance, but I don't project. Something some people on here have a hard time grasping.
The same clan? :ohhh: you like your people walle, respectable


I noticed half Somalis with Somali mothers have a greater likelihood of marrying Somalis than half Somalis with (qabils, aka fathers). Of course, neither group is beholden to any community, and most of them marry out again, but it's just a trend I've noticed lately.
Might be suugo science but since people care more about their mother than their father they probably marry someone from their ethnicity as well :manny:
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