Hamas launches new operation against Israel.

Pick up a gun and go do jihad if not then enough with posts hyping up these terrorists killing innocent israelis.

You'll be posting threads by the end of the week crying about zionists shooting missiles

They were killing and displacing the palestinians long before this and we did not see you here crying you delusional zionist.

You have no talking points instead of talking in circles.


I think that I need to remember some people how insufferable and entitling zionists are.

They were first foremost planning to make a homeland in east Africa, called the Uganda scheme, a place they never even originated from. That’s how entitled these people are.

You can show sympathy for what their great-grandparents went through, but they didn’t go through that: they are cleansing out the natives off those lands too, in a similar way that was done to their elders.

Zionists give 0 fucks, they wouldn’t have shown any country that would have been in Palestine any sympathy.
May Allah curse whoever taught Indians English
Damn the Brit’s for forcing them to make English their official language

