Haplogroup map

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Digil and Mirifle is made up of many ethnically diverse confederacies not comparable to dir who are mostly homogeneous

There wouldn't be bantu admixture, why would they be when they didn't even intermarry? If there wasn't any intermarriage between the boon who are much closer then what makes you think there would've been bantu intermarriage?

Which one is it man? You are confusing us. I also doubt that d&m are ethnically diverse as you said, more research needs to be done.

My name clearly says banadiri not digil and mirifle. Af Maay isn't only spoken by digil and mirifle. There are few digil and mirifle's on yfull, one is Barbaare by lineage and luwaay by alliance, and another is leysaan but didn't mention his sub clan to hint to any specific lineage.

Will take years for there to be enough digil and mirifle yfull results from all clans to come to any conclusions

Beesha D&M have many sheegads/assimilated folks it seems, but made clear by their lineage.

It would be appropriate to dismiss any supposed
”D&M” who don’t abtirsi to Digil, no?
No, jàreer ≠ bantu, jàreer d&m would be like Eyle , Gawaawiin , the jàreer of Geledi, Bagadi, Shan caleemood, Eelay, Hariin etc . They're all of similar ethnic stock, for example Eyle, Gawaawiin and jàreers of dhoobey claim to be descendants of three sons of shaash . As for the Eelay jàreers then they migrated with rest of Eelay to their modern day lands in south and that's the case for most mirifle clans

The Madow groups you mentioned ultimately came from Tanzania, Mozambique etc am I correct? But I see you mention how the Eelay Madow joined the other Eelay from their original homeland but Madow don’t exist in Ethiopia. Only few lived upstream on the shabelle river around Iimey and those were brought by the Karanle to cultivate the farms several centuries ago so my question is, where and how did they join the Eeylay?
That's a given due to slavery in the south, no such use for slaves in the north, not adopted but married bantu woman most likely, I doubt a Somali would adopt grown as guys.

T-L208 average in Somalis is between 15-25%, the rest being E-V32 and 1-5% of various haplogroups like A, B and J1 etc...
Saxib I meant how did he use the exported data from his 23andme relatives to create that pie chart.
@Step a side I found these people called toubou tribe in chad 🇹🇩 and they have high amounts of t Haplogroup.

Read this, it will make all sense.

Which one is it man? You are confusing us. I also doubt that d&m are ethnically diverse as you said, more research needs to be done.
Wdym which one? I spoke clear English what's confusing about that? Yes they are ethnically diverse. It's already known without genetic research, anyone who knows all the Digil and mirifle clans would know
Beesha D&M have many sheegads/assimilated folks it seems, but made clear by their lineage.
I don't think you understand the clan structure of digil and mirifle clans . For example Eelay is a large confederacy. They split up into Bohooraad, Naasiye, Geedafade and Waalamoge ( Mashaayikh), collectively they're known as 3 Gambar & Mashaayikh. All 3 have original sub clans and subclans that joined through alliance , overtime the ones that joined through alliance outnumbered the original descendants. This should make it simple to understand my point, obviously this doesn't apply to all clans, for example the Geledi clans have different clan structure, all subclans of goobroon are descendants of goobroon, all subclans of abiikarow are descendants of abiikarow and so on.

It would be appropriate to dismiss any supposed
”D&M” who don’t abtirsi to Digil, no?
They're still part of digil and mirifle tho even if they don't descend from Digil. Descendants of cumar diin for example make up a significant portion of digil and mirifle, even tho some narrations say he's a descendant of digil , other narrations that are commonly believed say otherwise, their results shouldn't be dismissed
The Madow groups you mentioned ultimately came from Tanzania, Mozambique etc am I correct? But I see you mention how the Eelay Madow joined the other Eelay from their original homeland but Madow don’t exist in Ethiopia. Only few lived upstream on the shabelle river around Iimey and those were brought by the Karanle to cultivate the farms several centuries ago so my question is, where and how did they join the Eeylay?
Nah, the ones from Tanzania, Mozambique would be shambara and mushunguli and other bantu communities along shabelle who's ancestors came through slave trade. What clan are those few? Are they part of karanle now or standalone?

Idk where they joined eelay as for how then this is what I've come across.

1) The traditions of the Helai of Bur Hacaba agree that the Helai of Baidoa were their inferior, protected good people who followed them in the invasion, suffering their fate in peace and in war; who were then left partly in the lands of Baidòa, while the bulk of the tribe and all the free people moved to the Bûr area. The fact that there is no Ghedafade group in the Bôn of Baidòa is explained as follows by tradition: The three Ghèmber Helai had consulted and decided to kill all their Bón, because they had become so numerous that they could take away the command from the free ones. The Bôn Gadafade, except for a few, were killed; but the Bohorad and the Nassie did not want to kill their men, saying that they were brothers, and instead urged them to stay in Baidòa and ask them for help when necessary. If it is natural that the H. of Baidòa deny their origins, it is however certain that they are largely of that same race which constitutes the basis of the non-Somali population of the territory between Juba and Webi.

The names of the groups, in the Nassie, largely reproduce those of the Nassie of Bûr; much less in the Bohorad (Bangia, Cobogoda; see instead the characteristic names of Totòc and Ototilè).
Nah, the ones from Tanzania, Mozambique would be shambara and mushunguli and other bantu communities along shabelle who's ancestors came through slave trade. What clan are those few? Are they part of karanle now or standalone?
Thanks for the information.

The once from Ethiopia still live in imay and qalaafe in small numbers but alot moved to work in Addis Ababa. They are stand alone.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I really wasted 13 minutes waiting for him to say anything about T and we get a 4 second mention :mjlol:


HA Activist.
He's the only t-l208 reewin that tested so far, but there's t-l208 gisaargude, hadame on 23andme and possibly other clans
I know a Leysaan brother who has gotten T on 23andme. Southern Somalis, mainly RX and minority clan, are too undersampled for any of us to draw any conclusion on them
I know a Leysaan brother who has gotten T on 23andme. Southern Somalis, mainly RX and minority clan, are too undersampled for any of us to draw any conclusion on them
Ask him which sub sub clan of leysaan he is, I doubt he's from any sub sub clans of samaale origin so if he's leysaan bari for example he would either be from obo barre,obo musa or mudun subclans.