Hassan Sheikh Mohamud: “I will take back all our migrants from Germany!”

Should HSM Coporate with Germany ?

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The fact that an insanely large part of the Somali economy relies on welfare recipients in the West is something to weep over. One of the things that makes Somalia resistant to pursuing economic activity is the "telephone game" of welfare, where recipients in the West send remittances back, which family members in Somalia then live on.

You also have to be honest; there is something particular about the post-2014 (ever since Gaddafi lost power) wave of migrants from Africa and the Middle East. These are young adult, uneducated, borderline hedonistic men, unlike the family units that comprised most of the early migration of the Somali diaspora in the West.

This group fuels far-right media narratives because of the criminal behavior they engage in en masse. Unlike the prior group pre-2014, this group also sends less money back home and consumes it all in senseless consumerism.

If we could trade economic investment—in the form of manufacturing and improvements in our tertiary sector like meat processing, farming, and fisheries—and take back the non-passport-holding "testosterone bombs," that would be a good deal.

Anyone who has a Western passport should not be worried unless they're foolish enough to have a Somali(land) passport as well, making them a dual citizen and potentially subjecting them to having their Western passport revoked.
The fact that an insanely large part of the Somali economy relies on welfare recipients in the West is something to weep over. One of the things that makes Somalia resistant to pursuing economic activity is the "telephone game" of welfare, where recipients in the West send remittances back, which family members in Somalia then live on.

You also have to be honest; there is something particular about the post-2014 (ever since Gaddafi lost power) wave of migrants from Africa and the Middle East. These are young adult, uneducated, borderline hedonistic men, unlike the family units that comprised most of the early migration of the Somali diaspora in the West.

This group fuels far-right media narratives because of the criminal behavior they engage in en masse. Unlike the prior group pre-2014, this group also sends less money back home and consumes it all in senseless consumerism.

If we could trade economic investment—in the form of manufacturing and improvements in our tertiary sector like meat processing, farming, and fisheries—and take back the non-passport-holding "testosterone bombs," that would be a good deal.

Anyone who has a Western passport should not be worried unless they're foolish enough to have a Somali(land) passport as well, making them a dual citizen and potentially subjecting them to having their Western passport revoked.
I was in Somalia at the start of the year,there are basically no jobs and if you are even qualified to get one good luck to all those clan members you will be infront of you,there’s no security you can easily be deleted for clan politics check that doctor who was killed in Galkacyo,so tell me why should any able bodied Somali live in hopelessness and fear
That has always been the case. Since when were refugees who tracked hundreds of miles along the Sahara, got put into the movie 10 years a slave for a while, swam across the Mediterranean, and snuck on transport across Europe fearful of being barred or blocked from returning home?
I hear they are mostly SLers in Germany. He is continuing the war on SL clandestinely. Qadaadweyn xaasidsanaa

He is xaasid, wanting to sene isaaqs back to xamar
Within ten years, a new government and leader. This entire dynamic should change, where the diaspora return to somalia voluntarily with loads of incentives. Including a stable country, a super developing country and a wealthy country. There should be full programs for this considering our position of failure for the past 30 years leading to a lot of people leaving. But we should also take our massive diaspora across the world as a massive benefit. The one good thing about how somalis fled is that we went all over the world. Somalis were already known to be travelers but this has only boosted it. Now we have strong communities, representation in government and most importantly we are starting to become wealthy. This is very good for somalia, the only problem I see currently is the rebellious states and incompetent leadership. Aswell as qabyaalad
The fact that an insanely large part of the Somali economy relies on welfare recipients in the West is something to weep over. One of the things that makes Somalia resistant to pursuing economic activity is the "telephone game" of welfare, where recipients in the West send remittances back, which family members in Somalia then live on.

You also have to be honest; there is something particular about the post-2014 (ever since Gaddafi lost power) wave of migrants from Africa and the Middle East. These are young adult, uneducated, borderline hedonistic men, unlike the family units that comprised most of the early migration of the Somali diaspora in the West.

This group fuels far-right media narratives because of the criminal behavior they engage in en masse. Unlike the prior group pre-2014, this group also sends less money back home and consumes it all in senseless consumerism.

If we could trade economic investment—in the form of manufacturing and improvements in our tertiary sector like meat processing, farming, and fisheries—and take back the non-passport-holding "testosterone bombs," that would be a good deal.

Anyone who has a Western passport should not be worried unless they're foolish enough to have a Somali(land) passport as well, making them a dual citizen and potentially subjecting them to having their Western passport revoked.

Welfare money is not enough for people to send back home, it's barely enough to sustain a living for 1 person in the west. Also foreign born migrants that don't have permits let alone citizenship don't receive those benefits either.

So it's mostly Somalis who work to earn income that send money back home and who otherwise pay taxes in western countries.

Also diaspora remittances actually acts like investment vehicle for various business, employment, industries , opportunities, education etc in Somalia

Because of the instability and lack of formal financial regulation or system, they don't attract sizeable foreign investment, most that come in from the diaspora. That's why HSM is on world tour to convince outsiders to invest to bring in that capital
Because most migrants come from the south. Even those other places are a bit problematic people invest in them in droves but there is lack of government regulation and support for it.

2024 Investment Climate Statements: Somalia

You can also see how important this is when there is more increase investment towards Ogaden in recent years and its the highest. Because of that government support , the returnee numbers are higher as well.


Most of the investment into hotel and tourism, agricultural development,
manufacturing, transport, and health and education etc and just general employment opportunities for Somalis back home in Somalia is coming directly from the diaspora. It's the government that is letting people down.

Just to show you how significant Diaspora investment is , by using Somali region of Ethiopia as an example

These is just 2017 , post 2018 would have probably skyrocketed it

Even this car manufacturing plant that provided jobs was in majority part funded by diaspora investments.
Outside of Somalia, there is a Jigjiga and Somali region in Ethiopia which is also experiencing heavy diaspora investments and private sector activities that has been transformative in the last 5 years, manufacturing facilities and many new industries like an automotive one like Suways Motors opened up, lots of job creation etc
Welfare money is not enough for people to send back home, it's barely enough to sustain a living for 1 person in the west. Also foreign born migrants that don't have permits let alone citizenship don't receive those benefits either.

So it's mostly Somalis who work to earn income that send money back home and who otherwise pay taxes in western countries.

Also diaspora remittances actually acts like investment vehicle for various business, employment, industries , opportunities, education etc in Somalia

Because of the instability and lack of formal financial regulation or system, they don't attract sizeable foreign investment, most that come in from the diaspora. That's why HSM is on world tour to convince outsiders to invest to bring in that capital

Just to show you how significant Diaspora investment is , by using Somali region of Ethiopia as an example

These is just 2017 , post 2018 would have probably skyrocketed it

Even this car manufacturing plant that provided jobs was in majority part funded by diaspora investments.

I don’t at all disagree with the importance of remittances as investment vehicles back home. However, Somalis on welfare do send a portion of it back home. In Europe specifically, the employment numbers are atrocious; in places like Sweden, the Netherlands, and most of mainland Europe, it's comfortably over 50%.

Even in the UK, where the economic position of Somalis is somewhat better than in mainland Europe, the unemployment rate is still close to 50%.

Most Somalis on welfare send a portion of their benefits back home, aswell as the smaller percentage of employed Somalis are sending a part of their paycheck , considering the substantial size of remittances back home—over 1 billion USD.

For me this point almost seems self evident, as I've seen it all my lives, some household being so in the chokehold of their family back home that they put themselves in deep poverty to send as much as they can.
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I don’t at all disagree with the importance of remittances as investment vehicles back home. However, Somalis on welfare do send a portion of it back home. In Europe specifically, the employment numbers are atrocious; in places like Sweden, the Netherlands, and most of mainland Europe, it's comfortably over 50%.

Even in the UK, where the economic position of Somalis is somewhat better than in mainland Europe, the unemployment rate is still close to 50%.

Most Somalis on welfare send a portion of their benefits back home, aswell as the smaller percentage of employed Somalis are sending a part of their entire , considering the substantial size of remittances back home—over 1 billion USD.

Most Somalis who struggle to gain employment in the west especially in Mainland Europe don't rely on welfare, they rely on relatives or family members who work to gain income. In a lot of cases you will have 1-2 persons income spread out to cover the needs of several of people and so on.

Those who are forced to rely on social assistance don't have enough to send money to people back home, because they have only enough to cover their own living expenses in the short term. If you rely on welfare you are essentially poor , how is a poor person supposed to send money? Even those with low income would struggle to

Controlled and dependent: experiences of living on social assistance in Sweden
Recipients reported that social assistance was generally sufficient for their basic material needs but allowed for no extras. It was possible to live on social assistance for a short time, but became difficult in the longer term

and also more than 50% of that remittances stat you showed of 1billion is from Somalis in UAE and Africa sending back home, where they don't recieve any social assistances.

You can also look at how much Somali diaspora from those same places sent back home before the civil war.
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Ride The Lightning
For me this point almost seems self evident, as I've seen it all my lives, some household being so in the chokehold of their family back home that they put themselves in deep poverty to send as much as they can.
depressing how much this culture has set us back economically, even in wealthy and abundant places like the USA. It’s been going for 30 years and for a good 25 of those that money went straight into the void. Spent on jaad, milk powder and trash like that, till today there’s basically no returns

the first gen are retiring or already retired, that’s a whole working life wasted on this and often time the family they’ve been sustaining back home takes it for granted. The lunacy back home is still ongoing in part because we’ve given it a life net too, I think Somalis would have actually felt the consequences of their stupidity and came to their senses long ago if there wasn’t a monthly deliverance of free money to keep them comfortable
depressing how much this culture has set us back economically, even in wealthy and abundant places like the USA. It’s been going for 30 years and for a good 25 of those that money went straight into the void. Spent on jaad, milk powder and trash like that, till today there’s basically no returns

the first gen are retiring or already retired, that’s a whole working life wasted on this and often time the family they’ve been sustaining back home takes it for granted. The lunacy back home is still ongoing in part because we’ve given it a life net too, I think Somalis would have actually felt the consequences of their stupidity and came to their senses long ago if there wasn’t a monthly deliverance of free money to keep them comfortable

What set Somalia back economically is not diaspora sending money back home, even after i have shown you studies on how it acts as an investment vehicle into various industries, you guys are still committed to this false framing.

It may be spent on jad or milk power, but it also spent on paying for schooling, food/water supply, electricity, housing, business, transportation, trade etc.

Every diaspora group sends remittances back home , the Chinese diaspora sends like 47$ billion dollars back to China every year.

The diaspora remittances in general actually drives economic activity and growth, i was pointing out that this was especially important in absence or limited foreign investments into the country and where the government fail to provide services for it's people or re-invest in them.

What is setting Somalia back is an ineffective government and the regional instability.
Change the situation in Somalia and you will lesen their dependency on it.
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Just to add to this i prefer Somalis to not repeat christian white right wing talking points of welfare or criminality nonsense when it comes to Somali immigrants, these people will despise you regardless if you live in their land or you live back in your homeland., regardless if you work or not work, if you commit crime or not commit crime. They will just spew propaganda to cast you in a bad light.

It's not what you do that's a problem to them, it's what you represent as a Black/African, Muslim they have a problem with.

Take for example the state of Maine i shared stats on, articles and posts to show how much of a model success story Somali immigrants have been for that city.
Maine where Somalis are pretty much a model success story, when we migrated there we revitalized the city, crime went down, surge in university enrollment and increase in employment opportunities:

Lewiston, Maine, Revived by Somali Immigrants​

Barely a decade ago, Lewiston, Maine, was dying. The once bustling mill town's population had been shrinking since the 1970s; most jobs had vanished long before, and residents (those who hadn't already fled) called the decaying center of town "the combat zone." That was before a family of Somali refugees discovered Lewiston in 2001 and began spreading the word to immigrant friends and relatives that housing was cheap and it looked like a good place to build new lives and raise children in peace. Since then, the place has been transformed. Per capita income has soared, and crime rates have dropped. In 2004, Inc. magazine named Lewiston one of the best places to do business in America, and in 2007, it was named an "All-America City" by the National Civic League, the first time any town in Maine had received that honor in roughly 40 years. "No one could have dreamed this," says Chip Morrison, the local Chamber of Commerce president. "Not even me, and I'm an optimist."

The center of town still has pawnbrokers and bars, but now there are also shops with names like Mogadishu and Baracka, with signs advertising halal foods and selling headscarves and prepaid African phone cards. "Generally, refugees or migrants that come into a town give a new injection of energy," says Karen Jacobsen, director of the Forced Migration Program at Tufts University's Feinstein International Famine Center. "Somalis particularly. They have a very good network [with strong] trading links, and new economic activities they bring with them." Retailers sell clothes and spices imported from Africa; other entrepreneurs have launched restaurants and small businesses providing translation services, in-home care for the elderly and other social services. There's even a business consultant. "Increasingly, there's an acceptance that immigration is associated with good economic growth," says urban-studies specialist Richard Florida, director of the University of Toronto's Martin Prosperity Institute. "How is Maine going to grow? It's a big state with a sparse population. One of the ways to grow quickly is import people."

Lewiston's sudden jolt is reflected even in enrollment at local universities. Although University of Maine enrollment has dropped systemwide since 2002, the student population at its Lewiston campus jumped 16 percent between 2002 and 2007. And Andover College, which opened a campus in Lewiston in 2004, had to start expanding almost immediately to accommodate a boom in applications. Enrollment doubled in two years.
Practically everyone in Lewiston credits the Somalis' discovery of their town with much of its newfound success.

This did not prevent Donald Trump and their right wing co-horts in smearing Somali population in Maine with slanderous lies about crime, when did his campaigning

Trump’s statements about Somali immigrants in Maine draw rebuke

Let me remind you that , Somalis have not formed gangs or participated in crime and their own police department came out against what Donald Trump said. They still tried to pin that narrative on us.
When asked if crime was up because of Somali immigrants, O’Malley said. “Not in Lewiston. Our crime rate has gone down. We have not seen any increase in crime due to the Somali immigrants.”
He said that since Somali immigrants began arriving in Lewiston in the 1990s, the city’s crime rate has steadily decreased. Meanwhile, overall crime rates are down across the state and across the nation, O’Malley said.

Portland Police Chief Michael Sauschuck said property and violent crime rates were down in his city as well. Sauschuck said property crime was down 14 and violent crime was down 24 percent compared to 2015.
” Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling said. “We cherish the Somali community here. You are welcomed here, you are cherished here. But more than you are welcomed and cherished here, we need you here.”

So it's important to not try to locate and perceive your own people through the minds of these cadaan gaalos or racists online. What we should do instead is study ourselves to improve things, and adopt a pragmatic approach rooted in identifying our own best interests.
Most Somalis who struggle to gain employment in the west especially in Mainland Europe don't rely on welfare, they rely on relatives or family members who work to gain income. In a lot of cases you will have 1-2 persons income spread out to cover the needs of several of people and so on.

Those who are forced to rely on social assistance don't have enough to send money to people back home, because they have only enough to cover their own living expenses in the short term. If you rely on welfare you are essentially poor , how is a poor person supposed to send money? Even those with low income would struggle to

Controlled and dependent: experiences of living on social assistance in Sweden

and also more than 50% of that remittances stat you showed of 1billion is from Somalis in UAE and Africa sending back home, where they don't recieve any social assistances.

You can also look at how much Somali diaspora from those same places sent back home before the civil war.

"Most Somalis who struggle to gain employment in the west especially in Mainland Europe don't rely on welfare"

In the Netherlands, 70% of Somalis receive some form of welfare. While numbers in the UK and Sweden are harder to obtain, a study in the London Borough of Waltham Forest, which could serve as a representative sample for UK Somalis, shows that 70% of Somali households there receive some form of benefits.

I would be shocked if Sweden, Norway, Finland and Germany aren't in the same ballpark.

While your example of Maine is a positive one, European lawmakers have already noticed a significant difference between EU and American Somali diaspora communities. European Somalis tend to do worse economically, partly because the community continually receives new immigrants. However, even before 2014, the two groups were diverging in terms of economic and integration levels. Some speculate that Europe’s more generous welfare benefits may contribute to lesser economic prosperity through employment opting to stay within the welfare system.

I don’t believe welfare or criminality should be taboo topics. It’s better to discuss these issues in a safe environment within our own community, where we know people are raising these concerns out of care for our people, rather than ignoring them until they become obvious to outsiders like a pink elephant.

I don’t fundamentally disagree with your latter points. However, remittances aren’t a sustainable economic model. As years pass and older generations die off, the bond between second, third, and even fourth generations of the diaspora will weaken, leading remittances to decrease before eventually drying up. Somalia needs a real economy, not a model of cramming as many Somalis into the West to send money back like tenants paying landlords.

I’m not making extreme claims. All I’m saying is that the majority of remittances from Western Europe come from Somali households that receive benefits. Not all, but most. These families are already struggling financially, and the remittances they send back take away from money they could spend on themselves and their children.

I don't care about christian nationalist, yes they hate us regardless, that is no reason to not have internal dialogue about our own issues. Wanting lower unemployement is good for Somalis.
depressing how much this culture has set us back economically, even in wealthy and abundant places like the USA. It’s been going for 30 years and for a good 25 of those that money went straight into the void. Spent on jaad, milk powder and trash like that, till today there’s basically no returns

the first gen are retiring or already retired, that’s a whole working life wasted on this and often time the family they’ve been sustaining back home takes it for granted. The lunacy back home is still ongoing in part because we’ve given it a life net too, I think Somalis would have actually felt the consequences of their stupidity and came to their senses long ago if there wasn’t a monthly deliverance of free money to keep them comfortable
Speak for yourself if you don’t help your relatives