Historical Day for Maay community. Maay alphabet has officially been published. #Shirka Afeef Tagowke Elif Maay

Keep coping. Af-Maxaa is here to stay in the south for infinity. There’s nothing you can do about it :hahaidiot:

In fact, realistically speaking, af-Maay will most likely be confined to KG in formal education. I highly doubt that any other FMS will incorporate it in their curriculum, especially Banaadir or JL.
Shit is like Spanish Vs English in America. We gotta fight like cadaan people lol


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Keep coping. Af-Maxaa is here to stay in the south for infinity. There’s nothing you can do about it 🤣

Your own Banadiri creole language of Chimwini has almost disappeared from Somalia within one generation. Worry about that. :hahaidiot:

In fact, realistically speaking, af-Maay will most likely be confined to KG in formal education. I highly doubt that any other FMS will incorporate it in their curriculum, especially Banaadir or JL.
Its very possible that it can become a part of jubbaland curriculum. Jubbaland has a huge maay speaking community and it would help with cohesion between Maay and Maxaa community.

Similar to Banaadir , which also hosts a massive Maay.commmity.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Economic and social factors will always favor Af Maxaa because it's spoken by 25-30 million Somalis while Af Maay is only spoken by 2 million.
10-15 million*

Many Somalis speak it in southern Somalia as a secondary language. usually due to proximity or relatives speaking Maay.
Its very possible that it can become a part of jubbaland curriculum. Jubbaland has a huge maay speaking community and it would help with cohesion between Maay and Maxaa community.

Similar to Banaadir , which also hosts a massive Maay.commmity.

It’s not like population has ever been a factor to deciding political matters in Somalia, lol.

It all boils down to whether the maamul of Banadir and JL agree to it. I can’t see it happening anytime soon.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Technically, I have no problem with increased af-Maay teachings. But some of these people will come at come even while you’re supporting their right of learning their own language. Cajiib :draketf:

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Who is asking for you or any Maxaa tiri speakers support?

Maxaa tiri speakers from post colonisation untill today have been fighting against the Maay language. Siyaad barre did the same , he fought the Af Maay language and pushed the 1 language and 1 people narrative.

As for this Elif Maay initiative it was organised from start to finish by Maay speakers. The professor's who worked to put this book together was Maay speakers. They were funded by Maay speakers.

So what "support" are you really speaking about. It will continue and be succesful regardless who supports and whoever is against it bi'idnillah.

We aren't begging for anyone's support. Whoever chooses to support we appreciate. But nonetheless who ever doesn't support it's up to them.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
It’s not like population has ever been a factor to deciding political matters in Somalia, lol.

It all boils down to whether the maamul of Banadir and JL agree to it. I can’t see it happening anytime soon.
It also depends on the population and how much they advocate/fight for this. If they are quiet then obviously no leader will add this into the curriculum.

But if the population are vocal as well as the Maay speaking polliticians with enough pressure I don't see it becoming far fetched for Maay to be added to the curriculum.
Who is asking for you or any Maxaa tiri speakers support?

Maxaa tiri speakers from post colonisation untill today have been fighting against the Maay language. Siyaad barre did the same , he fought the Af Maay language and pushed the 1 language and 1 people narrative.

As for this Elif Maay initiative it was organised from start to finish by Maay speakers. The professor's who worked to put this book together was Maay speakers. They were funded by Maay speakers.

So what "support" are you really speaking about. It will continue and be succesful regardless who supports and whoever is against it bi'idnillah.

Don’t let what I said get over your head.

I never said that you needed our support. Nor that we are the reason for why maay is gaining significance in the educational sphere.

As for what MSB did, you can’t pinpoint on us. Likewise can you do not do for what politicians decide on, as there’s no democracy with participation of the public. Even though I recognize that there’s widespread ignorance.

With that said, I only highlighted how there will always be people, whom you support for whatever reason, that may turn on you after supporting their cause, *generally and hypothetically speaking*. Not that it happened with af-Maay.

Also, if you don’t need any support from af-Maxaa speakers, why do want us to learn your language? In that case, keep your language in southern Somalia. Any maay speakers that migrate to other parts of Somalia/Somaliweyn will have to integrate and adopt af-Maxaa.
Don’t let what I said get over your head.

I never said that you needed our support. Nor that we are the reason for why maay is gaining significance in the educational sphere.

As for what MSB did, you can’t pinpoint on us. Likewise can you do not do for what politicians decide on, as there’s no democracy with participation of the public. Even though I recognize that there’s widespread ignorance.

With that said, I only highlighted how there will always be people, whom you support for whatever reason, that may turn on you after supporting their cause, *generally speaking*.

Also, if you don’t need any support from af-Maxaa speakers, why do want us to learn your language? In that case, keep your language in the south of Somalia. Any maay speakers that migrate to other parts of Somalia/Somaliweyn will have to integrate there as well.
its more secure if we have a unified language otherwise down the line there will be conflict
Keep coping. Af-Maxaa is here to stay in the south for infinity. There’s nothing you can do about it 🤣

Your own Banadiri creole language of Chimwini has almost disappeared from Somalia within one generation. Worry about that. :hahaidiot:

In fact, realistically speaking, af-Maay will most likely be confined to KG in formal education. I highly doubt that any other FMS will incorporate it in their curriculum, especially Banaadir or JL.
Wallahi that nigga was tweaking heavy af maxa ain’t going nowhere
Its very possible that it can become a part of jubbaland curriculum. Jubbaland has a huge maay speaking community and it would help with cohesion between Maay and Maxaa community.

Similar to Banaadir , which also hosts a massive Maay.commmity.
It would make sense if it became part of the curriculum in Gedo and Middle Juba but not Lower Juba
Hes actually right. Baay and Bakool and Gedo actually speak identical version of Af Maay.

Its Shabeelada hose where the af Maay that is spoken there is very similar to Maxaa tiri most likely by influence and proximity.
Wouldn't say influence because there wasn't any intermarriage historically for there to be huge maxatiri influence, more research is required to come to the conclusion of how Dhoobey dialects formed


Keep coping. Af-Maxaa is here to stay in the south for infinity. There’s nothing you can do about it 🤣

Your own Banadiri creole language of Chimwini has almost disappeared from Somalia within one generation. Worry about that. :hahaidiot:

In fact, realistically speaking, af-Maay will most likely be confined to KG in formal education. I highly doubt that any other FMS will incorporate it in their curriculum, especially Banaadir or JL.
Very based sxb

It would make sense if it became part of the curriculum in Gedo and Middle Juba but not Lower Juba
That’s completely Stupid, why would a state have 2 different curriculums. All of Jubbaland will be learning af maxaa tiri. Also I don’t really see the benefit in why Af-Maay would be taught in Jubbaland. The state government and all of its district administration use Af-Maxaa tiri to communicate.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri aka Targaryen of the Awalid Kingdom.
That is the goal Bi'idnillah.

Btw don't try use us for you seccesionism agenda. We are Somalis and a part of Somalia.

Just cause we speak our own dialect doesn't make us foreign and we will always be vital and integral part of Somalia/Somali identity. We aren't seccesionist.

Find something else to push your succesionist agenda.
You aren’t Somali.You are a Somalian national like the cadcad,Bantu,Arabs & Swahili Barwani.

And where did I mention SL? Worry about the Maay language and removing the Ethiopians my Maay brother