Historical Day for Maay community. Maay alphabet has officially been published. #Shirka Afeef Tagowke Elif Maay

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri aka Targaryen of the Awalid Kingdom.
Hopefully Af Maxatiri gets eradicated from Dooy and Dhoobey, no more hearing mudug dialects being spoken outside of mudug
Stop interfering between Cushitic brothers.Somalis & Maay are brothers the same way Galicians & Portuguese are brothers


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Also, if you don’t need any support from af-Maxaa speakers, why do want us to learn your language? In that case, keep your language in southern Somalia. Any maay speakers that migrate to other parts of Somalia/Somaliweyn will have to integrate and adopt af-Maxaa.
I said if they want to. Its not by force. I've personally come across many maxaa speakers that have voiced their desire to learn the Maay language. In that case all I said was with the resources now being developed they will be able to.