Historically weak xabashi army - How somalis conquered most of Ethiopia

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Nah you weren't:drakekidding: Highlands were the perfect natural defence. Add that to the red sea and pagans not having a centralised state or advanced civilisation to actually attack. Ethiopia borders more Christian nations than Muslim nations.

What she means to say is Habesha people are surrounded by Muslims and Pagans but she didn't word it correctly.
Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study
Admin 3 years ago News

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study

(OPHI) –According to The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), published by Oxford University, Ethiopia ranks the second poorest country in the world just ahead of Niger. The study is based on analysis of acute poverty in 108 developing countries around the world. Despite making progress at reducing the percentage of destitute people, Ethiopia is still home to more than 76 million poor people, the fifth largest number in the world after India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan. India has the world’s largest number of poor people at more than 647 million.

87.3% of Ethiopians are classified as MPI poor, while 58.1% are considered destitute. A person is identified as multidimensionally poor (or ‘MPI poor’) if they are deprived in at least one third of the weighted MPI indicators. The destitute are deprived in at least one-third of the same weighted indicators, The Global MPI uses 10 indicators to measure poverty in three dimensions: education, health and living standards.

In rural Ethiopia 96.3% are poor while in the urban area the percentage of poverty is 46.4%. Comparing the poverty rate by regions, Somali region has the highest poverty rate at 93% followed by Oromiya (91.2%) and Afar (90.9%). Amhara region has 90.1% poverty rate while Tigray has 85.4%.

Addis Ababa has the smallest percentage of poverty at 20% followed by Dire Dawa at 54.9% and Harar (57.9%)

Burundi Somalia Central African Republic Liberia Guinea Sierra Leon

That self qarxis though....They're poor but you should have found a bias article or something:kodaksmiley:

Somalia was in civil war for more than 20 years unlike Ethiopia who had not any civil wars
Let us compare between Somalia was in civil war for past 20 years and Ethiopia which was stable
Subxanallah, wut did these bastards do with over 30billion$ of aid money?:faysalwtf: let's be honest here my Ethiopian neighbors, your vision of Abyssinia has been long dead, your country is waay to overpopulated, best thing for y'all to do is give the oromos a country of there own, and the amhaaras a country of there own, and the tigreyans a country of there own, the Ogadens will get there own country or come consolidate with Somalia regardless, it's not a matter of "If" but "when".

I honestly don't know why you want other ppls lands, :faysalwtf: u ppl have lots of Fertile ground but still u want to own something that we all know ain't urs:siilaanyolaugh: who are u kidding? The biggest loss to Ethiopia was losing it's access to the sea to eritrea :mjlol:
During the Cadal conquest of Abysinnia.. a number of xaarbasha emperors were slaughtered.
Plus an heir

Emperor Na'od, Emperor Dawit II killed, Fiqtor (Emperor Dawit II eldest Son was slain too) and Emperor Gelawdewos


Who says they'll want to join you?? Maybe they'll become their own country...kinda like Djibouti.
Most of Somali galbeed are Somali sooo idts
Plus they even refer themselves as Somalia Galbeed, Most of them are for reunification of Somalia and Somali galbeed
My grandmother is a Somali from Dooloow (Dolo odo) in Somali galbeed
"Ogadenia" will forever be apart of Somalia even if you xaarbeshas want to tell us different
Did you actually change your profile pic to the dead head of a past Ethiopian emperor? :pachah1:

There is funny story behind this king, he killed himself because he heard that British send troops to his country......... I used his picture as reality check to Ethiopians with imperial daydreams.
Subxanallah, wut did these bastards do with over 30billion$ of aid money?:faysalwtf: let's be honest here my Ethiopian neighbors, your vision of Abyssinia has been long dead, your country is waay to overpopulated, best thing for y'all to do is give the oromos a country of there own, and the amhaaras a country of there own, and the tigreyans a country of there own, the Ogadens will get there own country or come consolidate with Somalia regardless, it's not a matter of "If" but "when".

I honestly don't know why you want other ppls lands, :faysalwtf: u ppl have lots of Fertile ground but still u want to own something that we all know ain't urs:siilaanyolaugh: who are u kidding? The biggest loss to Ethiopia was losing it's access to the sea to eritrea :mjlol:

They can not feed their 20 millions people and claiming other people 'S lands. No wonder that they have lowest IQ in world.
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