Historically weak xabashi army - How somalis conquered most of Ethiopia

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Clear difference. They're Somali so they have a stronger identity since Somalia is a sovereign nation. There is no Oromia so Oromos can be either patriotic or sectionalist. This is why the Somali region actually has a case.
I wasn't talking about the legitimacy of secessionists and which ethnic groups have a better case for it...rather, I was referring to the impracticality of the situation if the galbeed were to secede (at this very moment) by looking at how that motion would pan out in the real world (i.e. measuring its capability to handle responsibilities & finances associated with being a nation).
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What I was saying though was that we are also the only country in Africa to be a Christian nation surrounded by Muslims. Not to mention, in an area with a lot of geopolitical significance.
Kenya, Ereteria and south Sudan are Christian countries. What are you talking about? Only somalia and north Sudan and tiny Djbouti are Muslims.
I wasn't talking about the legitimacy of secessionists and which ethnic groups have a better case for it...rather, I was referring to the impracticality of the situation if the galbeed were to secede, at this very moment, by looking at how that motion would pan out in the real world (i.e. measuring its capability to handle responsibilities & finances associated with being a nation).
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they turned out better than Somalia. What's their gdp and economy at right now? They have resources and no extreme conflicts going on there. What countries wouldn't be willing to invest? Either way, it's best for them. For example, while Eritrea isn't a success story, I'm sure they're happier being independent.

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
Khalid u are talking about proto words
Somali is not in the same family as arabic, only very little words we share coming from a descendant
Most arabic in somali is loanwords, unlike english and german some words going to a certain language
There is replacement for most arab word

You are forgetting tbe othwr languages like af maay, rendille, cafar and so on. We share way more words with these from a proto language
Arabic is a Semitic language like Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac and Amharic. I didn't mention german, German is whole language itself, like it took me to master this word for months Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz. Does english come from that no way? English language came from French, Norse, Sprinkle some Dutch and Anglish. Anglish was like Gode morin and so on so forth. But Dueschteland is far away from England.

I was saying Proto primitive words, and like any language with root words, we keep the Arabic root words the same. We change only a bit of word because we can't say for example Zaid we Somalis say Said. We can't say Raakhis we say Raakis.
The constitution in Ethiopia allows the federal states to secede like Eritrea in 90s. So, legally Ogaden can leave federal state of Ethiopia anytime.

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
Khalid u are talking about proto words
Somali is not in the same family as arabic, only very little words we share coming from a descendant
Most arabic in somali is loanwords, unlike english and german some words going to a certain language
There is replacement for most arab word

You are forgetting tbe othwr languages like af maay, rendille, cafar and so on. We share way more words with these from a proto language
Tell me what will Happen if we sack Arabic loanwords from Aff somali. Wouldn't be werid.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they turned out better than Somalia. What's their gdp and economy at right now? They have resources and no extreme conflicts going on there. What countries wouldn't be willing to invest? Either way, it's best for them. For example, while Eritrea isn't a success story, I'm sure they're happier being independent.

They are free in their own country


I have an IQ of 300
The constitution in Ethiopia allows the federal states to secede like Eritrea in 90s. So, legally Ogaden can leave federal state of Ethiopia anytime.
That thumbnail

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
I wasn't talking about the legitimacy of secessionists and which ethnic groups have a better case for it...rather, I was referring to the impracticality of the situation if the galbeed were to secede, at this very moment, by looking at how that motion would pan out in the real world (i.e. measuring its capability to handle responsibilities & finances associated with being a nation).
Somali region is going to be mine, I will kill President of Ethiopia for it
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