Khalid Hussein
بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
I will rade into his house and destroy it. like this IchwerdeseinFleischabholen
Ethiopia is second poorest country after niger and that's fact that you are denying it here
True, I thinking it was Good country but it looks like EinkelhafterScheißplatzEthiopia is second poorest country after niger and that's fact that you are denying it here
I was saying german and english come from the same ancestor and group. They are more closely related than english and french. Just because english has a lot of french doesnt mean its closer, people have studied these thingsArabic is a Semitic language like Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac and Amharic. I didn't mention german, German is whole language itself, like it took me to master this word for months Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz. Does english come from that no way? English language came from French, Norse, Sprinkle some Dutch and Anglish. Anglish was like Gode morin and so on so forth. But Dueschteland is far away from England.
I was saying Proto primitive words, and like any language with root words, we keep the Arabic root words the same. We change only a bit of word because we can't say for example Zaid we Somalis say Said. We can't say Raakhis we say Raakis.
Accept DeinekelhafterOrt
Perhaps you should refer to maps. You are not surrounded by Muslims. Only Somalia and North sudan are muslims and tiny Jabuuti. Kenya, Erteria and South sudan are christians. lay off the been.Refer to my response to Canuck on this.
Anglish and German came from the German family. If German and English are so close why does have Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz. English has more influence by French and Norse than Deutsch.I was saying german and english come from the same ancestor and group. They are more closely related than english and french. Just because english has a lot of french doesnt mean its closer, people have studied these things
Because the Ethiopian government have fat in their stomach for themselvesIt is not propaganda, 10 millions are suffering from famine right now in Ethiopia.
I went to Dire Dawa I see blokes eating birds raw, YuckEthiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study
Admin 3 years ago News
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study
(OPHI) –According to The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), published by Oxford University, Ethiopia ranks the second poorest country in the world just ahead of Niger. The study is based on analysis of acute poverty in 108 developing countries around the world. Despite making progress at reducing the percentage of destitute people, Ethiopia is still home to more than 76 million poor people, the fifth largest number in the world after India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan. India has the world’s largest number of poor people at more than 647 million.
87.3% of Ethiopians are classified as MPI poor, while 58.1% are considered destitute. A person is identified as multidimensionally poor (or ‘MPI poor’) if they are deprived in at least one third of the weighted MPI indicators. The destitute are deprived in at least one-third of the same weighted indicators, The Global MPI uses 10 indicators to measure poverty in three dimensions: education, health and living standards.
In rural Ethiopia 96.3% are poor while in the urban area the percentage of poverty is 46.4%. Comparing the poverty rate by regions, Somali region has the highest poverty rate at 93% followed by Oromiya (91.2%) and Afar (90.9%). Amhara region has 90.1% poverty rate while Tigray has 85.4%.
Addis Ababa has the smallest percentage of poverty at 20% followed by Dire Dawa at 54.9% and Harar (57.9%)
Burundi Somalia Central African Republic Liberia Guinea Sierra Leon
Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study
Admin 3 years ago News
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study
(OPHI) –According to The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), published by Oxford University, Ethiopia ranks the second poorest country in the world just ahead of Niger. The study is based on analysis of acute poverty in 108 developing countries around the world. Despite making progress at reducing the percentage of destitute people, Ethiopia is still home to more than 76 million poor people, the fifth largest number in the world after India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan. India has the world’s largest number of poor people at more than 647 million.
87.3% of Ethiopians are classified as MPI poor, while 58.1% are considered destitute. A person is identified as multidimensionally poor (or ‘MPI poor’) if they are deprived in at least one third of the weighted MPI indicators. The destitute are deprived in at least one-third of the same weighted indicators, The Global MPI uses 10 indicators to measure poverty in three dimensions: education, health and living standards.
In rural Ethiopia 96.3% are poor while in the urban area the percentage of poverty is 46.4%. Comparing the poverty rate by regions, Somali region has the highest poverty rate at 93% followed by Oromiya (91.2%) and Afar (90.9%). Amhara region has 90.1% poverty rate while Tigray has 85.4%.
Addis Ababa has the smallest percentage of poverty at 20% followed by Dire Dawa at 54.9% and Harar (57.9%)
Burundi Somalia Central African Republic Liberia Guinea Sierra Leon
I was responding to a post that cited the Europeans calling us an island of Christianity. And historically speaking this was true, we were surrounded by Muslims and Pagans for a really lone time while we were Christians since Ancient times throughout it all.Perhaps you should refer to maps. You are not surrounded by Muslims. Only Somalia and North sudan are muslims and tiny Jabuuti. Kenya, Erteria and South sudan are christians. lay off the been.
Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study
Admin 3 years ago News
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University Study
(OPHI) –According to The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), published by Oxford University, Ethiopia ranks the second poorest country in the world just ahead of Niger. The study is based on analysis of acute poverty in 108 developing countries around the world. Despite making progress at reducing the percentage of destitute people, Ethiopia is still home to more than 76 million poor people, the fifth largest number in the world after India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan. India has the world’s largest number of poor people at more than 647 million.
87.3% of Ethiopians are classified as MPI poor, while 58.1% are considered destitute. A person is identified as multidimensionally poor (or ‘MPI poor’) if they are deprived in at least one third of the weighted MPI indicators. The destitute are deprived in at least one-third of the same weighted indicators, The Global MPI uses 10 indicators to measure poverty in three dimensions: education, health and living standards.
In rural Ethiopia 96.3% are poor while in the urban area the percentage of poverty is 46.4%. Comparing the poverty rate by regions, Somali region has the highest poverty rate at 93% followed by Oromiya (91.2%) and Afar (90.9%). Amhara region has 90.1% poverty rate while Tigray has 85.4%.
Addis Ababa has the smallest percentage of poverty at 20% followed by Dire Dawa at 54.9% and Harar (57.9%)
Burundi Somalia Central African Republic Liberia Guinea Sierra Leon
I went to Dire Dawa I see blokes eating birds raw, Yuck
Nah you weren'tI was responding to a post that cited the Europeans calling us an island of Christianity. And historically speaking this was true, we were surrounded by Muslims and Pagans for a really lone time while we were Christians since Ancient times throughout it all.
We're their poorest region..And they want us to join them in HOA or Horn of shit, you know misery loves company
We're their poorest region..
Ethiopia Ranks Second Poorest Country in the World: Oxford University StudyNope our region is full of gas