History of unified rule in Somalia


Unfortunately, therefore lack of any wisdom
Does Somalia have many examples of unified statehood in its history excluding the post-colonial period up until the civil war?

I'm aware of the existence of multiple kingdoms and sultanates in Somali history but I'm pretty sure this was more of a decentralised sort of rule.
If I was living at rgw time of Sayid Cabdile Xassan. I would have sided with British or Italian. What's the point of fighting empires? Empires can create for you nation States. I believe Sayid Cabdile Xassan movement was like Al Shabab created by Isaaq, so they could be the chosen sweet child of the British empire. Isaaq are very intelligent people, and I admire them for those moves, I would have done the same.
Your completely wrong the dervish was based on Somali nationalism and the sayyid was the most recent Somali hero for the Somali youth league and even Siad barre saw himself as the incarnation of Mohamed Abdullah Hassan he wasn’t wrong in this since he was the last Somali who virtually had all of greater somalia for a short period of time September 1977 - March 1978 during the Ogaden war except for Djibouti and Nfd before the soviets intervened and sided with mengistu’s Ethiopia


Unfortunately, therefore lack of any wisdom
Sayid Cabdile Xassan started off his movement in Berbera. He appointed his top man Darawiish a Isaaq, He started of by displacing inky Marehan and had a agenda of decreasing Dhulbahante population. If that doesn't ring alarm, then I don't know what will, your a donkey than.
Read my reply below man some Somalis are completely lost after the 1991 overthrow of our government and the November 1991 usc split which destroyed the infrastructure of Mogadishu I guess Siad barre wasnt wrong when he said in the late 80s when the rebels where up in arms I’m the president of Somalia’s mental asylum lazareeti if I’m gone you will see what lazareeti will become he wasnt wrong...
If I was living at rgw time of Sayid Cabdile Xassan. I would have sided with British or Italian. What's the point of fighting empires? Empires can create for you nation States. I believe Sayid Cabdile Xassan movement was like Al Shabab created by Isaaq, so they could be the chosen sweet child of the British empire. Isaaq are very intelligent people, and I admire them for those moves, I would have done the same.
Britain built little to nothing for us mate unlike the Italians. And even the Mogadishu railway that the Italians built for you Reer konfuur was dismantled by the British. They’re beyond xaasid.


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