HJ has the smallest Somaliland borders territory with Ethiopia

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Suldaanka Gobyare
7ONE7 doesn't even sound like a Habar Yoonis lmfao ignorant chimp that shouts a lot. You gotta read in between the lines. Doesn't even know the political clan structure of Wadani. Also most Habar Yoonis dislike Silaanyo, lol why promote him on your avatar? Where is Abdirahman tuur?

He's an odd fella always attacking Habar Awal,his own Habar Magaadle bro and siding with HJ, He also sabotaged your thread against HJ and turned the hate against HA.
:fittytousand: The crusade against gadabursi shall continue

You can thank yourself you brought this on yourself. I have seen your anti somaliland and anti Isaaq sentiments

Adkayso ninyahow


7ONE7 doesn't even sound like a Habar Yoonis lmfao ignorant chimp that shouts a lot. You gotta read in between the lines. Doesn't even know the political clan structure of Wadani. Also most Habar Yoonis dislike Silaanyo, lol why promote him on your avatar? Where is Abdirahman tuur?

He's an odd fella always attacking Habar Awal,his own Habar Magaadle bro and siding with HJ, He also sabotaged your thread against HJ and turned the hate against HA.

Every clan has their oddball. Back in Somnet you have Xkeyse and others who ass lick Reer
Jamaac Waal lol. I on the other hand couldn't careless about both clans just my interest is what matters.


Every clan has their oddball. Back in Somnet you have Xkeyse and others who ass lick Reer
Jamaac Waal lol. I on the other hand couldn't careless about both clans just my interest is what matters.
You get accused of being part darod is there some truth to this:mjohreally:
They say your a darod sympathizer:mjohreally:
Tbh back in somnet they way they talk about you I thought you would be another isaaq jackass I dislike:russ:


@Freebandz The forumers there are sheep and don't like someone with different opinion than them, they all want to sing Kumbaya and I burst their bubble dreams. That is why they hate me.

It was bigger than just HY vs HJ.
The fight was between garhajis( HY & ciidagale) vs marya olol (HA & HJ & Arap)

Ofcourse garhajis won and we schooled them in hargeisa and burco. The history is documented and now they are under garhajis dominion since the power sharing is two political parties for garhajis ( wadani and Ucid) and one party for HA & HJ to share (Kulmiye)

The history is on camera
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My family had their own tikniiko in Burco , I lost count how many Maryalool it killed. obamadatazz
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My HY adeers and Cidagele abtis never went out to the city with out their pistols all the way to 2001 times. Even when chewing qaad they would have their pistols next to them

Those HA baastards couldn't be trusted in hargeisa :gunsmiley:


And seek help in patience and prayers
It was bigger than just HY vs HJ.
The fight was between garhajis( HY & ciidagale) vs marya olol (HA & HJ & Arap)

Ofcourse garhajis won and we schooled them in hargeisa and burco. The history is documented and now they are under garhajis dominion since the power sharing is two political parties for garhajis ( wadani and Ucid) and one party for HA & HJ to share (Kulmiye)

The history is on camera

Here it shows HY are driving around in burco west. There are other videos recorded by the other side showing HJ forces entering the suuq galbeed.

So who is right? I think it depends whom you ask. I would say it was a draw.


There is a video of H-Y militia controlling Dawlada Hoose that is central Burco and the
entrance to Burco in the north. Fighting occurred allover Burco in the end though the HJ
militia was kicked out along with their civilians, they set up shop in Yiroowe.

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And seek help in patience and prayers
What was the date on that. I think this battle was stalemate. Neither side had desire or hatred for the other.

I have seen videos of HY control central burco and HJ also in central burco including suuqa galbeed. So it seems videos were Shot different times when each had control of such areas.


Yes the fighting was different times, first the HJ made a attack to attempt to dislodge H-Y militia but they couldn't, in the end the entire HJ militia was pushed out of Burco in 1995-1996, that is when the above video is that @70NE7 posted. The difference is the earlier HJ video is two guys shooting some building while in this video you see H-Y militia with many pick up trucks controlling a deserted Burco.
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Prince of East Africa
This 7one7 needs to shut the f*ck up and stop airing our laundry in front of the reer konfuur on this site.Xishoo warya


@70NE7 The fight was not only in central Somaliland, it reached Sanaag as well they got phunked though by Musa Ismaaciil and Sacad Yoonis, they made a big mistake thinking they
can make a move on Ceerigaabo. Check out them encouraging their 10 years old to fight starting at 0:47.

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