Horrible Atrocities Being Committed Against Somalis In Kilinka By Afar Extremists


it is kufr, no doubt but they apologise for their grave mistake, i rather have them than amhara, trigray or Oromo policing Somali people. inshallah under halal leadership these men will be redeemed.
The problem is Liyu follow the orders of Ethiopia. If Abiy says go massacre Somalis or Muslims they’ll do it. If he says go build a church and force people to leave Islam, they’ll go do it.

Imo Somalis in Somalia need to be mindful of this. To me I say keep them in Ethiopia because you can’t trust them. They ship in alcohol into GM and everyday we arrest them and set them free to the DDS
If they apologies this is good but they still killed and raped their own people liyus are evil
How many folks did usc rape and kill?
Hutus still rape and kill people in Lower and middle shabelle.

I remember under xassan sheikh they had burned down somali bantu villages in jowhar.

Also hutu sna and AS have been killing biyomal natives in marka and lower shabelle.
Apologize to who? U? Who the f*ck are u? :ftw9nwa:
i am beginning to think u are alshabab which explains why are u so mad.
What do you mean apologies to who? They committed a sin which is kufr, not only should they apologies to the muslims they should ask for forgiveness from Allah

Liyuus committed many atrocities on Somalis that is why I am mad the same for ONLF


How many folks did usc rape and kill?
Hutus still rape and kill people in Lower and middle shabelle.

I remember under xassan sheikh they had burned down somali bantu villages in jowhar.

Also hutu sna and AS have been killing biyomal natives in marka and lower shabelle.

This dude is a stuck record
How many folks did usc rape and kill?
Hutus still rape and kill people in Lower and middle shabelle.

I remember under xassan sheikh they had burned down somali bantu villages in jowhar.

Also hutu sna and AS have been killing biyomal natives in marka and lower shabelle.
When did I say I support this 🥱 When did I once speak of this? How is this relevant?
What do you mean apologies to who? They committed a sin which is kufr, not only should they apologies to the muslims they should ask for forgiveness from Allah

Liyuus committed many atrocities on Somalis that is why I am mad the same for ONLF
Ur mad because both are ogaden and u are hiding behind fake Somalinimo and fake islanimo. Diinta ilaahay baa leh cidina kama xigsan kartid. Orodoo meelahaa isku qarxi because liyuu will continue massacre alshabab and make zero apologies to anyone.
When did I say I support this 🥱 When did I once speak of this? How is this relevant?
You support this because of your silence.
You never talk about this

What is happening in sitti to ciise Hutus have been doing the same in Lower and middle shabelle which you also wanted to export it to juboyinka.
These folks games have backfired on them so badly.

They thought they will use AS and Xamze to expand their land to pre 2007 days.
It is time to go all guns blazing! No more muslim iyo somali weeye walaalheen weeye bullshit. Ninkii awood iyo cudud hayo xabad baa inoo balan ah.
You support this because of your silence.
You never talk about this

What is happening in sitti to ciise Hutus have been doing the same in Lower and middle shabelle which you also wanted to export it to juboyinka.
The reason I am speaking of liyus is because it is relevant to the discussion
Look at this doqon ranting about biyomaal iyo 2007 :mjlol:

People critique the lack of support to his cisse neighbours, and this doqon starts sperging and foaming at the mouth over this fantasy he's concocted in his head about 1991. Very irrelevant, but his doqonimo knows no bounds:damn:

Genuinely funny how stupid this dude is:damn:


Why hasn't IOG sent aid to the Ciise in K5? Cagjar isn't gonna help these folks, the guy is a closet Amhara. Should be threatening to close off Djibouti port if there's no federal intervention


The problem is Liyu follow the orders of Ethiopia. If Abiy says go massacre Somalis or Muslims they’ll do it. If he says go build a church and force people to leave Islam, they’ll go do it.

Imo Somalis in Somalia need to be mindful of this. To me I say keep them in Ethiopia because you can’t trust them. They ship in alcohol into GM and everyday we arrest them and set them free to the DDS
a bit extreme but i get your point. i'm just saying if Ethiopian states collapse or rightous admin was established 25k+ soldier would be handy.


Look at this doqon ranting about biyomaal iyo 2007 :mjlol:

People critique the lack of support to his cisse neighbours, and this doqon starts sperging and foaming at the mouth over this fantasy he's concocted in his head about 1991. Very irrelevant, but his doqonimo knows no bounds:damn:

Genuinely funny how stupid this dude is:damn:
Also his imaginary uncle who was killed by USC. Same shit every time

In this same thread, this doqon supports madoobe against the ethiopia backed gedo militia

While also finding himself in a fit of rage defending the ethiopian slaves known as the liyuu boolis

Truly the epitome of a doqon :damn:


In this same thread, this doqon supports madoobe against the ethiopia backed gedo militia

While also finding himself in a fit of rage defending the ethiopian slaves known as the liyuu boolis

Truly the epitome of a doqon :damn:
Don’t forget he says HAG funds Shabaab but also ignores Madoobe has let in to do business across the 4km’s in Kismayo


Why hasn't IOG sent aid to the Ciise in K5? Cagjar isn't gonna help these folks, the guy is a closet Amhara. Should be threatening to close off Djibouti port if there's no federal intervention
IOG doesn’t want Ethiopia trade held hostage by other ciise.