How AAs can get Somali girls and the sex lives of Somalis explained

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Kkkk the khanis is a menace to ummada somali'eed. There's some truth in what he's saying but that goes for all women no just Somalis women.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Looooooool you're a troll it's unbelievable. As if someone would take women advise from a homosexual.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Abdi how many Somali female friends do you have? And have you ever touched any of them inappropriately, by accident? Are they comfortable changing their clothes infront of you?
Abdi how many Somali female friends do you have? And have you ever touched any of them inappropriately, by accident? Are they comfortable changing their clothes infront of you?

3 good Somali female friends.

They let me touch their breasts and I kissed one.

I have never been in their homes for them to undress infront of me.
3 good Somali female friends.

They let me touch their breasts and I kissed one.

I have never been in their homes for them to undress infront of me.


Looooooool you're a troll it's unbelievable. As if someone would take women advise from a homosexual.

He's right, though. Women of any race, culture, creed, ethnicity, would ALWAYS go after an attractive man. Even if you're on that religious tip they'll still go after attractive men.

I've dated plenty of Muslim women who were forbidden to date or marry anyone outside their race/religion. It still would never stop them from coming over my crib and spending the night with me. I'm not a religious man. :pachah1:
He's right, though. Women of any race, culture, creed, ethnicity, would ALWAYS go after an attractive man. Even if you're on that religious tip they'll still go after attractive men.

I've dated plenty of Muslim women who were forbidden to date or marry anyone outside their race/religion. It still would never stop them from coming over my crib and spending the night with me. I'm not a religious man. :pachah1:

Somali girls?

How's the Somali community in NYC? Almost nonexistent right?
Absolutely disgusting thread. Why would you even want to out or sell your women? Truly a nigga mentality, even if your community has problems it is best to keep the secrets under carpet. You will never see an Arab, Indian, Eastern European or even Nigerian make a thread like this.
Absolutely disgusting thread. Why would you even want to out or sell your women? Truly a nigga mentality, even if your community has problems it is best to keep the secrets under carpet. You will never see an Arab, Indian, Eastern European or even Nigerian make a thread like this.

Arabs, Indians, EE or Nigerians dont marry out.
Arabs, Indians, EE or Nigerians dont marry out.

Eastern Europeans regularly marry outside their race, why do you think once had the tag of mail order bride especially the Ukrainians and Russians.Go to Eastern Russia or Western China, and you will so unbelievably amount of White Slavs with Chinese men. Nigerian women heavily marry outside their race, especially in the UK and US, they worship cadaan male more than any black race. Nigerians are the root of the "Swirl" movement.
Wallahi I have to admit it is funny always seeing African Americans boast about their sexual “conquest” of other women. These people cannot think beyond their penis and understand race and sexual politics. Look at how white men pedestal their women, look at how Asian men pedestal their women, same applies to Habesha, Somali, Arab, Indian and others.

But to the African American, getting ANYONE but the African American women is a “win” in their eyes. African American men are the Asian women when it comes to interracial dating, anyone but their own. But they don’t understand the consequences of their behaviour, their mentality of degrading their women has created a plethora of women low on self-confidence thus creating the most promiscuous women in America, highest rate of single motherhood, highest STD rates, easiest women in the dating world and biggest supporters of the Swirl movement. These men cannot even want or even try protect their women, hence why you have websites like Ghetto gaggers and other racist sites where black women thus black people being humiliated, but muh duck right? In 2016, you have a 40 year Jewish man cumming in a plastic cup in a toilet giving it to black women so they can have mixed race babies or smashing lesbian black women so they can have black babies, search Ari Nagel, lol. Look at the Swirl instragram or youtube, nearly all black women and white men talking about their “beautiful mixed” babies, this is what these men have created. Have you not seen the toxic hate relationship between the black men and black women in America, we don’t want this.

This is what we Somali people are trying to avoid. We don’t pedestal other women, we want the best for women, we want more Somali children and even if we step outside our race, we don’t speak about it, as reputation is everything.

Here is the reality of African American male in 2016, he can lie all he wants, his mother was a in the 80s and 90s, his baby mama and future white is a and finally his daughter will be a , it is like written prophecy. Do we want this? SMH
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