How do we figure out this union?

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Funny thing is the Somaliland government is planning to have a dam built near Lascaanod to help them deal with droughts. If they're so ungrateful let Farmaajo do it for them. :icon lol:

By the charity of Kuwait and UAE governments to all Somalis in north. BTW the air bridge will start today to help the drought in Somalia by Kuwait government, hopeful they don't sell the aid in markets of burco


He has more urgent issues to deal with walaal.

Of course he does. And I hope he deals with abaarta if he's really serious Somalinimo but it's see through why people are championing him. I believe in him because he's an educated man and I think his heart is in the right place, he's the right person to build institutions. I hope he also starts peace and reconciliation because nothing will get accomplished otherwise.


Your superior
It is not my problem that you failed in geography and don't know that SSC region or khatumo state

You said Somaliland used Ethiopia against khaatumo in the 90s but Somaliland took over your land in 2000s and khatumo wasn't formed then so you are a liar
Of course he does. And I hope he deals with abaarta if he's really serious Somalinimo but it's see through why people are championing him. I believe in him because he's an educated man and I think his heart is in the right place, he's the right person to build institutions. I hope he also starts peace and reconciliation because nothing will get accomplished otherwise.

For once I agree with Somalidiids! We are better united and facing the suffering of our people :fittytousand:
I think the grievance is they weren't even given consideration while the USC took control. The whole promising them presidency was a gentlemans agreement anyways.
I think the grievance is they weren't even given consideration while the USC took control. The whole promising them presidency was a gentlemans agreement anyways.
Don't drag USC into this.

Gen Mujaahid Ceydiid, Raximullah, met with SNM & their clan elders numerous times.


For once I agree with Somalidiids! We are better united and facing the suffering of our people :fittytousand:

I am not Somalidiid, honestly I believe I don't have say because I was born in the West but the suffering of the people of the Somali territorities needs to be dealt with. Kuwaa qurbaha jooga ba kibray. You can't believe the amount of suffering of the people back home. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. It's not about qabyalad because those who are closest to your clan hate you the most. Somalis are selfish beings.
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