How much do Somalis contribute to MN. Haters come in!!

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
He made the nation. Started loosing grip in 78 after he lost of the Ogaden. He started to repress them MJ's particularly Cumar Mahmuuds. Poisoned wells and killed their camels. He even stripped their powerful men of government and army roles. But after he got humiliated in Hargeisa and was welcomed he realised he was treated his brother like shit and starting building infrastructure in PL. Like the road from Garowe to Bosaso and Bosaso port. A damn shame that Bosaso port only finished the first stage of 3 stages.

But the reason I like him is because he was a strong man and his programs in his first 10 years. He gave us something to proud of, he elevated us. Most powerful country in Africa, free health, free education. We have check the lion of Africa so hard in the Ogaden war of 1977. He was a somali nationalist and actually had a love for his people. He only punished those that crossed him. I'm not excusing what he did to MJ's and the bombings of SL but overall a decent leader. He should have resigned in 1978 when they tried to do that coup on him that way could have left power with a legendary legacy. No point talking about what could have happened though.

Hawiyes and Isaaqs wouldn't have been shit without him, they ought to put more respect to his name. Hell, he even helped Midgaans and Madows. He gave high ranking positions in the army Hawiyes, Madows and Midgaans. They could only dream about it. Even General Samatar (midgaan) got to run the country when he was in hospital. This dude gave Hargeisa and Berbera proper infrastructure and they betrayed and humiliated him. They even allowed helped a guerilla capture Burco, Hargeisa, and Berbera by killing all the high ranking officers in the city. A proper bloody coup. The thing is wasn't a real tribalist in the beggining since he elevated these people. They had the audcacity to betray him.

I could say so many things about him but I feel like I most important things. He was a good dude unless you crossed him. He was like Saddam Hussein except not a puppet for the west.
He made the nation. Started loosing grip in 78 after he lost of the Ogaden. He started to repress them MJ's particularly Cumar Mahmuuds. Poisoned wells and killed their camels. He even stripped their powerful men of government and army roles. But after he got humiliated in Hargeisa and was welcomed he realised he was treated his brother like shit and starting building infrastructure in PL. Like the road from Garowe to Bosaso and Bosaso port. A damn shame that Bosaso port only finished the first stage of 3 stages.

But the reason I like him is because he was a strong man and his programs in his first 10 years. He gave us something to proud of, he elevated us. Most powerful country in Africa, free health, free education. We have check the lion of Africa so hard in the Ogaden war of 1977. He was a somali nationalist and actually had a love for his people. He only punished those that crossed him. I'm not excusing what he did to MJ's and the bombings of SL but overall a decent leader. He should have resigned in 1978 when they tried to do that coup on him that way could have left power with a legendary legacy. No point talking about what could have happened though.

Hawiyes and Isaaqs wouldn't have been shit without him, they ought to put more respect to his name. Hell, he even helped Midgaans and Madows. He gave high ranking positions in the army Hawiyes, Madows and Midgaans. They could only dream about it. Even General Samatar (midgaan) got to run the country when he was in hospital. This dude gave Hargeisa and Berbera proper infrastructure and they betrayed and humiliated him. They even allowed helped a guerilla capture Burco, Hargeisa, and Berbera by killing all the high ranking officers in the city. A proper bloody coup. The thing is wasn't a real tribalist in the beggining since he elevated these people. They had the audcacity to betray him.

I could say so many things about him but I feel like I most important things. He was a good dude unless you crossed him. He was like Saddam Hussein except not a puppet for the west.
I agree with you to be honest. I think the root of the problem of his reign is the way he tried to completely outlaw qabiil- you cannot simply remove the whole ideology just by passing a law and expecting people to comply. He rather, instead of eliminating the concept completely, should have removed its influence in only a political sense and not a social one. While he did do a lot for the nation though, the way he handled his conflicts resemble that of a dictator and can never be justified. He did bring us to where we are today, and I only hope that we get a new leader who will emulate his vision- but without the dictatorship tendencies.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I agree with you to be honest. I think the root of the problem of his reign is the way he tried to completely outlaw qabiil- you cannot simply remove the whole ideology just by passing a law and expecting people to comply. He rather, instead of eliminating the concept completely, should have removed its influence in only a political sense and not a social one. While he did do a lot for the nation though, the way he handled his conflicts resemble that of a dictator and can never be justified. He did bring us to where we are today, and I only hope that we get a new leader who will emulate his vision- but without the dictatorship tendencies.

At the end of the day I blame the USC and the other clans that decided to slaughter their neighbours and destroy the nation. Even after the first conference after the war we chose Ali Mahdi to be the president but HG weren't happy so they fought. They slaughtered each other and completely flattened the city. I blame them for destroying the country because they chose conflict over the peace. Even the violence that happened after Barre was ousted. These guys had prepared for it. How can you convice so many youths to kill their own neighbour savagely and paint the walls with blood. I blame the USC for destroying the nation completely. Siad barre is to blame for some of the reasons like the economic strife we found ourselves in. Even the return of qabilism into the government is his fault. But at the end of the day, it was the USC that destroyed the nation. Why couldn't they just work out some way of changing the regime without mercelessly killing civillians. Some these killers were killing their reer abti. I cannot understand how a civilised people can resort to such animalistic violence. How?

People don't know this but Ethiopia had a civil war close to the time that Somalia did. What happened there was the Tigreys managed so assume power. Bloodshed was minimal. The ethiopian regime at the time was so oppressive they make Barre seem like a saint. Why could the Amharas get away and Daroods suffer reprisal. Even the civil war, if it was because Daroods were opressors why did MJ's get slaughtered too, they coped it the most from Barre. These people destroyed the nation.
Never would've thought Australia of all places had such a vibrant diaspora :patrice: I like how you all just came out of the woodwork at the mention of Australia loool :dead:
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