How the world looks at Somalia

I swear all these Unionist "Landers" are all crawling out of the woodwork while they uniformly claim to be all females :mjlol:

We ain't coming together with Somalians. Nobody in SL is buying what you selling
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as a lander I want us all to come together and be one.

Nobody in Somalia is buying what you selling


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Garaad Awal

Former African
Stop calling us Somalians LMFAO
That's your nationality, just like a some one from Somaliland is a Somalilander or someone from Djibouti is a Djiboutian but all three are ethnic Somalis. It's not a hard concept to grasp. A Somali from Ethiopian and a Somali from Kenya is Kenyan. Stop the self-hatred, Somalian isn't a derogatory word to get triggered by


That's your nationality, just like a some one from Somaliland is a Somalilander or someone from Djibouti is a Djiboutian but all three are ethnic Somalis. It's not a hard concept to grasp. A Somali from Ethiopian and a Somali from Kenya is Kenyan. Stop the self-hatred, Somalian isn't a derogatory word to get triggered by
My nationality is British unfortunately


most accounts complaining about our dear sister Ilhan don't live anywhere near her city, some even on the otherwise of the planet. This is why it's best to ignore all the negative comments because the people in her district that matter love our dear sister Ilhan :)


Yes, it is.Just like someone from SL or Djibouti is an ethnic Somali. Somali is an ethnicity not a nationality. For example Bantus or Cadcads are Somalian nationals but aren't ethnic Somalis
No. Bantus from Somalia are literally called Somali Bantus. Not Bantu Somalians. Stop lying you dameer

Garaad Awal

Former African
most accounts complaining about our dear sister Ilhan don't live anywhere near her city, some even on the otherwise of the planet. This is why it's best to ignore all the negative comments because the people in her district that matter love our dear sister Ilhan :)
Do you condone her message that Somalilanders are fake ethnic Somalis Mr.Positive?


Yes, it is.Just like someone from SL or Djibouti is an ethnic Somali. Somali is an ethnicity not a nationality. For example Bantus or Cadcads are Somalian nationals but aren't ethnic Somalis
The demonym for Somalia is literally Somali plus whenever ppl call us Somalians it’s usually followed by some insults so…

Garaad Awal

Former African
No. Bantus from Somalia are literally called Somali Bantus. Not Bantu Somalians. Stop lying you dameer
Don't care what you call your fellow Somalian brothers but if they come to SL they are just Bantus from Somalia and will not be considered ethnic Somalis. Just like I would assume if the Bantus headed to Djibouti, they would also not be seen as ethnic Somalis.

For example in Djibouti, there are Djiboutian Canfar, they are Djiboutians by nationality but Canfari by ethnicity. Don't try to fool the rest of the Somali-speaking world by telling us your Bantu countrymen are ethnically Somali because we all have eyes and a functional brain.


Don't care what you call your fellow Somalian brothers but if they come to SL they are just Bantus from Somalia and will not be considered ethnic Somalis. Just like I would assume if the Bantus headed to Djibouti, they would also not be seen as ethnic Somalis.

For example in Djibouti, there are Djiboutian Canfar, they are Djiboutians by nationality but Canfari by ethnicity. Don't try to fool the rest of the Somali-speaking world by telling us your Bantu countrymen are ethnically Somali because we all have eyes and a functional brain.
Literally nobody thinks that they are ethnic Somalis


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Lmao, SL is like my rebellious teenager phase. They actually think they’re gonna be a country :cryinglaughsmiley:


Don't care what you call your fellow Somalian brothers but if they come to SL they are just Bantus from Somalia and will not be considered ethnic Somalis. Just like I would assume if the Bantus headed to Djibouti, they would also not be seen as ethnic Somalis.

For example in Djibouti, there are Djiboutian Canfar, they are Djiboutians by nationality but Canfari by ethnicity. Don't try to fool the rest of the Somali-speaking world by telling us your Bantu countrymen are ethnically Somali because we all have eyes and a functional brain.
It’s not about what I call them lmaooo. That’s literally their identity. The Somali in Somali Bantu refers to their nationality. We know they’re aren’t ethnic Somalis.


Somalia, a country that contributes nothing of significance to the world besides piracy and terrorism.
the Damage we inflicted on crusaders from resisting there ocupation in 2006, destroying there explotative projects in occupied galbleed to stoping their illegal operation in sea is truly a achievement for a impoverished people.

even a Fasiq among us enrages them to no end. The animosity they have for the poorest group on earth compared to the servitude of their Yahuudi overlord is unbelievable.

Garaad Awal

Former African
They are called Somali Bantus that’s literally their
Who calls them that? Their fellow Somalians? We just call them Madow when we see them in SL but we also historically have had no contact with them untill the modern era. We never knew the Madows,Bajuni,Swahili Baraawer pple,Bajuni Swahili folks etc.Somalians are very diverse.

minority languages like mushunguli,af-maay, Swahili with dialects of Barawe and the Bajuni Swahili dialect don't exist in the other Somali-inhabited parts of the Horn.These people are not Somalis