How the world looks at Somalia


Who calls them that? Their fellow Somalians? We just call them Madow when we see them in SL but we also historically have had no contact with them untill the modern era. We never knew the Madows,Bajuni,Swahili Baraawer pple,Bajuni Swahili folks etc.Somalians are very diverse.

minority languages like mushunguli,af-maay, Swahili with dialects of Barawe and the Bajuni Swahili dialect don't exist in the other Somali-inhabited parts of the Horn.These people are not Somalis
what are you talking about?in English they are called Somali Bantus that’s what they literally refer to them selves as

Garaad Awal

Former African
Khat got you delusional:tacky: issaqland will never gain independence.
Have already been independent for the last 30 years or are you blind? Come tell your SNA and President to take a stroll in Hargeisa :ulyin:
Khatumo and awdal will never join your ass.
Khaatumo doesn't exist and Awdal (both majority clans) bent the knee in the 90s when they were defeated militarily. There will never be a day that the blue flag flies in Hargeisa ever again, keep dreaming about it tho :silanyolaugh:


Have already been independent for the last 30 years or are you blind? Come tell your SNA and President to take a stroll in Hargeisa :ulyin:

Khaatumo doesn't exist and Awdal (both majority clans) bent the knee in the 90s when they were defeated militarily. There will never be a day that the blue flag flies in Hargeisa ever again, keep dreaming about it tho :silanyolaugh:


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
You’re a retarded fob. Somaliland will never be a country. Inshallah somalia will subjugate you doqons.
I have to give it to them tho, one single clan PR war against all somalis. But yeah theyre bound to lose either way. Srs tho they need to lay off the khat cus their too delulu:silanyolaugh:


On a break
I have to give it to them tho, one single clan PR war against all somalis. But yeah theyre bound to lose either way. Srs tho they need to lay off the khat cus their too delulu:silanyolaugh:

Somaliland is close to winning it's second war of independence. We already fought one, now the bloody international community came in and brought that corpse back to life, we have to down it again.

Garaad Awal

Former African
I have to give it to them tho, one single clan PR war against all somalis.
We have no beef with Somalis in Djbouti,Ethiopia or Kenya,Our beef is with Somalians/Xamar. Don't try to recruit other Somalis for your fascist ideology against SL
But yeah theyre bound to lose either way. Srs tho they need to lay off the khat cus their too delulu:silanyolaugh:
We are winning, which is why your president has been going from news channel to news channel.Getting humiliated by Sisi & IGAD while despite all his desperate antics, the deal is still going ahead with both SL & Ethiopia not backing down.

Garaad Awal

Former African
They are starting to leave
ATMIS keeps renewing their mandate. this is a permanent occupation
Meme Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Have already been independent for the last 30 years or are you blind? Come tell your SNA and President to take a stroll in Hargeisa :ulyin:

Khaatumo doesn't exist and Awdal (both majority clans) bent the knee in the 90s when they were defeated militarily. There will never be a day that the blue flag flies in Hargeisa ever again, keep dreaming about it tho :silanyolaugh:
Lmaooo yall are like the biggest hypocrites ever. Lemme get this straight, you want the right to self determination yet refuse it to others??? You cant have the cake and eat it too! Enjoy you little triangle state :chrisfreshhah:
Khaatumo doesn't exist and Awdal (both majority clans) bent the knee in the 90s when they were defeated militarily.
I think you’re forgetting main reason SL exists in the first place. It rhymes with suuq:silanyolaugh:
Barre was right too level these langaabs . Time and time again they proving it. I always thought they was miskeen lmao.

I can only imagine the headache they caused im the 80s, if this is how their millenials are acting.

Somalia will not prospers with them.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Lmaooo yall are like the biggest hypocrites ever. Lemme get this straight, you want the right to self independence yet refuse it to others??? You cant have the cake and eat it too. Enjoy you little triangle state :chrisfreshhah:
We already have independence, we are seeking recognition..are you dense naaya? As for triangle Wajaale,Gabiley,City,Ceerigaabo & Caynabo are all major Isaaq cities outside this delusional Somalian meme of the triangle. Let's not forgot that Hargeisa's population alone is larger than the entirety of PL including your desert of Mudug.
I think you’re forgetting main reason SL exists in the first place. It rhymes with suuq:silanyolaugh:
This is why it will remain, we will never dismantle SL just so Somalians can attempt to repeat it. SL is here to stay and there's nothing the undemocratically elected mayor of Xamar can do about it


On a break
Barre was right too level these langaabs . Time and time again they proving it. I always thought they was miskeen lmao.

I can only imagine the headache they caused im the 80s, if this is how their millenials are acting.

Somalia will not prospers with them.

Dude we ain't even a part of Somalia. It's like there's some kind of brain chemistry problem where you can't connect the final dot.