How to bring Somaliland back home

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Why are we being nice? Why would the central government allow these people to function like a nation?
My idea would be to place sanctions on Somaliland. This would mean no international based company/country would deal with Somaliland directly. Any company caught working with Haregisa will be given 48 hours to leave the country. Any nation caught allying with Somaliland will also be analysed and will be told to bring their business to Muqdisho. Dahabshiil and any other money monitoring companies will be shut, and will no longer conduct business within Somaliland. If for any reason Dahabshil disobeys the command, the central government should ban Dahabshil permanently.
Ethiopia will be told to exist Hargeisa, and the president himself will no longer be given access to travel using the Somali passport. Electricity should be minimum. Foreign companies will not be given access into Hargeisa, any business being conducted in the interior will be privately own businesses.
Deny access to food and aid. This means all aid , whether it be financially or economically will be repudiated.
No nation can form allies with them, no company can sign deals with them.
Any company caught working within Somaliland will be confronted with counterfeit.
Somaliland technically doesn't have power to govern and play governance, allowing companies in would mean an annihilation of land owned by the central government. They'd be stealing land and territory that is internationally recognized as an enclave of the Somali government in Muqdisho.

Key: Sanctions. War can be avoided. Sanctions would mean migrants from Hargeisa to Muqdisho.
Shut everything down, everything. Anyone involved with Hargeisa will be charged for illegally transgressing .


this guy is taking the term armchair warrior to the next level :damsel:

do you also wear tinfoil hat while smoking a pot too?


this guy is taking the term armchair warrior to the next level :damsel:

do you also wear tinfoil hat while smoking a skank too?

These are talks Muqdisho will begin to have soon. Sanctions will be placed on Hargeisa, and thats reality.


Your superior
Somaliland will invade somalia and establish a permanent military base outside ugandisho. Ethiopia will be given a port and a portion of land in exchange of hawd and Kenya can take kismayo


tfw no habesha gf
Go back playing Civ 5 or EU4 or whatever the f*ck you played that made you feel like some leader of a nation, fam. you are no leader


Or or we can just buy 2 warships and move them to the coast and elimplent embargo where no ships can leave or dock 2 months and they would give up:damsel:
They won't last 2 weeks:fredo:


Go back playing Civ 5 or EU4 or whatever the f*ck you played that made you feel like some leader of a nation, fam. you are no leader
Yo, this is just an idea...nothing to get butt hurt about.
But if i thought about it...I'm sure many politicians have also


Your superior
Majority of dreams become reality. I dont think you've noticed the ANTI-Hargeisa movements in Villa Somalia

all i have to say is you guys better better pray that siilanyo changes his mind and decides to run for president again cuz that nigga was your only chance at some relations.

Mujahid müssa bihi is coming.:damn: aint going to be Mercy :rejoice:


Or or we can just buy 2 warships and move them to the coast and elimplent embargo where no ships can leave or dock 2 months and they would give up:damsel:
They won't last 2 weeks:fredo:
Lol, bruh they aint ready for that. Gedabursi kaliyaa ayaa ku filan, Dhulbahante haba sheegin


all i have to say is you guys better better pray that siilanyo changes his mind and decides to run for president again cuz that nigga was your only chance at some relations.

Mujahid müssa bihi is coming.:damn: aint going to be Mercy :rejoice:

Elect whomever you want, he will still fly using my passport. Somaliland is longer Somaliland, hada laga bilabaa waa riyo


This guy is the biggest airhead, yes lets sanction other Somalis because they don't want to share a country with us.:sheed:
My MJ hommie almost died in Hargeisa for a soccer tournament after niggahs found he was Darood
And you sitting here bootyclappin simply because we share disagreements.
Somaliland is a threat to Somalia, they must be dealt with accordingly. Forming allies with enemies is a no no. Waa in tilaabo laga qaado
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