I am tired of Habesha people thinking I am one of them


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Average cadaan will often struggle to be able to tell the difference between West Africans and Horn Africans. Yet we can generally pinpoint an individual to a 20km radius.

To outsiders we are all the same. That’s life

I get confused for Somali by everyone including Somalis. Wouldn’t take it as an insult though. It’s actually considered a compliment back home
I’ve got a question are Highlanders actually that 😭😭


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
“short” I forgot to put it in :yacadiim:
Yeah they generally are but I say a big part of it is diet. Highland diet consists mostly of grain and isn’t protein rich (this is exacerbated by Orthodox fasting rules too)

My dad is 5’7 (born and raised in Eritrea but moved to Sudan in childhood). His brothers born in Sudan are taller (5’10 - 6’0). Me as his cornfed diaspora son am 6’4


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Yeah they generally are but I say a big part of it is diet. Highland diet consists mostly of grain and isn’t protein rich (this is exacerbated by Orthodox fasting rules too)

My dad is 5’7 (born and raised in Eritrea but moved to Sudan in childhood). His brothers born in Sudan are taller (5’10 - 6’0). Me as his cornfed diaspora son am 6’4
ohhh so that’s why.I’ve always wondered :yacadiim: . 6’4 is mighty tall though :wow1: .I love tall people you guys are blesseddd
That's...literally my point. She kept picking arguments with me, I promptly put her in her place and then placed her on 'Ignore'.

F*ck outta here.
:deadpeter: :dead:haye, keep arguing. We will see where that takes you
Atleast argue in your dms. No one is trying to see it
Don't quote me in this unfunny "both sides" bullshit when she's pathetically sensitive to damn near any stimulus on her screen and can't stop abusing the word "triggered" like an edgy teenage boy on 4Chan.

Look at how she started the whole thing by snapping at me in response to a joke about another Australian user's city. The fact that I felt comfortable bantering with her at first should imply to you that I obviously don't hold a grudge against her.

View attachment 332486

You can't tell me "it's not that deep" for pushing back against her mentally deranged mischaracterisations of me, saaxib.
You literally inserted in a convo that had nothing to do with you and said "you hardly hit a nerve" your statement was condensing and rude. Stop trying to act all innocent dummy. @Kizaru
:deadpeter: :dead:haye, keep arguing. We will see where that takes you
Atleast argue in your dms. No one is trying to see it
What part of "I put her on 'Ignore'" don't you understand, nacas? I said several times I'm not interested in interacting with her at all, let alone argue.

Take your goofy peacekeeper act somewhere else.
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