I have seen many times people claiming Harar to be the fourth holiest city in Islam. Why is this the case?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Probably it's early adoption of Islam pushed by the Dir, it became a centre for Islamic scholarship, religious legacy and tombs of saints, and it's important cultural and historical importance, especially for the spread of Islam in the horn.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
This was my first though too. If there was ever s fourth holiest city in islam it would be somewhere like cairo or damascus. Not some small medieval town in the horn.
Sometimes it's not about being the brightest light in the sky, the oldest stars are usually the dimmest, it's not the present we're looking at but in the past, for 800 years, this city was home to some of the most learned men in the Islamic field, the trade that went through the region brought many riches, the Futah mentions the Muslim forces have several thousand knight fully kitted out in armour and regalia, including horses.

Mind you Harar used to be 25% Somali that is no longer because of the oromo pushed by the Ethiopian regime to replace us. They did the same in Dire Dhaba now it is happening in Jijiga next will be every Somali city.

