I have something to address

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What's your obsession with Arabs? Or Bantu? War as long as they're Muslim they should be able to marry your sister & live in Somalia with a great big land so they can breed these xalimo's.

:draketf: When i have i talked about arabs?you guys brought them up, The whole topic is about why guys are qucik to label me when i speak of bantus even tho i speak about every group living in Somalia.

. What is as long as they are muslim? Somalis are muslim too or did you think we are all gaalos?

Deen before ethncity? what does this mean? When did 90+% somalis stop being muslims?
how are you putting ethnicity before deen when we are muslims? zero logical argument!

The land belongs to the somali people and our identity belongs to us. And no there is no line in the Quran or hadith that says interracial marriage is obligatory. So we marry other somalis period!!
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The land belongs to Allah, Muslims are welcomed but Somali gaalo should be not allowed to return to Somalia.


You are a bigger threat than them, the Somali gaalo are the cancer, public enemy number one. We will unite with our Muslim Bantu brothers & Arab brothers against gaaloda somali'eed.

Lol 1st try uniting with the other muslim Somalis before you lot totally kill your selfs , kulaha we will unit with other muslim bantus to fight us Somali gaalo :umad::sheed:
@Geeljire I can also say Bantu lovers and Bantu haters are equally obsessed with Bantus.


Yes very true. Don't see your point. This was topic of thread why you guys are quick to label me when i mention one specific group over the other and you prove my point.

I have nothing against them other than that the Somali identity and land belongs to us Purely political. Thats why i am making my opinion known Identity is important.

Why are you pulling out the religion card? Are you one of those who think Arab hating = Islam hating?

Bantus are a threat to our land physically but Arabs are an equally big threat to us culturally. We got Somalis committing terrorism and yelling "For Syria".

Wahabi and Arab culture are a cancer and a threat to Somalis.

Religion? when did i mention religion? . I mean if you really care about Somalis not becoming Salafi and Wahabis you should really direct it towards other Somalis. An Arab can never make us an Arab nor can he force to accept their ideology , only a Somali can

it is important that our cultural immunity and cultural defense systems are strenghtened.
You are a bigger threat than them, the Somali gaalo are the cancer, public enemy number one. We will unite with our Muslim Bantu brothers & Arab brothers against gaaloda somali'eed.

Soomaali Gaalos are not even 0.001% yet you are throwing hissy fits all over the place. As if they can even have any role politically in Somalia or have any say in the Somalis future.. Since the constitutions says no other religion other than islam can be propagated. I mean these people have less chance of marrying another somali because of their gaaloness.

I bet you are one of those crazy Takfiri Salafis.
@Geeljire is definitely one of my favourite members of SSpot.

Warrr hushh aa ku dhahii waryaa

Huush? Me? Nacaskan dhakada weyn baa ugu daran, you cannot even write one proper sentence in Soomaali Haddana afka qadh-muun baad nala soo galaysaa.

War bax niyow, your people are homeless 0.5 gypsies. Go crawl back to the cave you came from.


Huush? Me? Nacaskan dhakada weyn baa ugu daran, you cannot even write one proper sentence in Soomaali Haddana afka qadh-muun baad nala soo galaysaa.

War bax niyow, your people are homeless 0.5 gypsies. Go crawl back to the cave you came from.
Trust me... It's not us that came from a cave LOL. If everyone thought like you then every community and ethnicity would be segregated. For example my ancestors would not of came to Somalia. If it wasn't for foreigners, Somalia wouldn't have a rich and diverse culture. Although I don't think all of mankind should intermarry and breed, I'm against that as well. I don't think a few minorities in every community can hurt though. Otherwise life would be boring! (For example, no madows or Asians in the UK, only white people).
Trust me... It's not us that came from a cave LOL. If everyone thought like you then every community and ethnicity would be segregated. For example my ancestors would not of came to Somalia. If it wasn't for foreigners, Somalia wouldn't have a rich and diverse culture. Although I don't think all of mankind should intermarry and breed, I'm against that as well. I don't think a few minorities in every community can hurt though. Otherwise life would be boring! (For example, no madows or Asians in the UK, only white people).

All im saying is the land is Somali and the Somali identity belongs to the 5 major somali clans. Wether minorities live in Somalia or not is no problem. Minorities live peacefully in homogenous nations like Norway,Korea and Japan , but never are they allowed to assume the idenity of the majority or claim their land.


All im saying is the land is Somali and the Somali identity belongs to the 5 major somali clans. Wether minorities live in Somalia or not is no problem. Minorities live peacefully in homogenous nations like Norway,Korea and Japan , but never are they allowed to assume the idenity of the majority or claim their land.
we are citizens of the state known as Somalia. You wouldn't understand though because of your primitive mind set. :troll:
we are citizens of the state known as Somalia. You wouldn't understand though because of your primitive mind set. :troll:

I have never said you hairy Xabashcarbeeds weren't. Being Citizens does not give you any claim to our land or our identity. Otherwise i could go to china tomorrow become citizen and live there for 50 years and then claim their land and then tell them i am Chinese. If they do no accept me they are racist and have primitive mentality? :draketf:

If they do not give me and my descandents equal poltical participation i will protest like some stupid entitled as well. :uCkf6mf:


All im saying is the land is Somali and the Somali identity belongs to the 5 major somali clans. Wether minorities live in Somalia or not is no problem. Minorities live peacefully in homogenous nations like Norway,Korea and Japan , but never are they allowed to assume the idenity of the majority or claim their land.
Wallah we never ever claimed to be ethnic Somalis. In fact most cadcads whether Persian, Arab or Indian in origin tend to have a superiority complex and thus would never claim Somalis. We also own land there, a whole lot of it, so deal with it. Wallah I have a distant cousin from the Irro family and I only recently realised that's a respected family in the Somali community but we never gave a ****. His mum is from @HalyeeyQaran's tribe. What makes you think we would claim Somalis when we are Arabs? that's insane.


I suggest Somali be called something
I have never said you hairy Xabashcarbeeds weren't. Being Citizen does not give you any claim to our land or our identity. Otherwise i could go to china tomorrow and live there for 50 years and claim their land and then tell them i am Chinese. If they do no accept me they are racist and have primitive mentality? :draketf:
But we've been living here for four to six centuries mah dawg :troll:.
How can I say Im a citizen of Somalia without being confused for saying I'm Somali.there's no confusion in saying Ethiopian or Kenyan, because they don't seem to pertain to a certain ethnic group.
But we've been living here for four to six centuries mah dawg :troll:.
How can I say Im a citizen of Somalia without being confused for saying I'm Somali.

The time you guys came is debatable ,however irrelevant. You just say i am benadiri, arab, persian whatever the f*ck you are and i am citizen from Somalia. Simple as that.

I aint too worried tho, non of you guys wear somali as ethnic identity, like the bantus do. to the point these people are reffered to as collectively ''Somali Bantu'' misleading people into thinking there is another variant to being Somali. How can they be given linguistic accomodation in Somalia when in India,Arabia or China they are not.

Kinda reminds me of this White African bullshit in South Africa.
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