I have something to address

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This shegaato troll Darod_Supremacy aka Boqorka_Bantu aka Hawdian aka SteadyState

I can't believe I am arguing with a troll who thinks Bantu is Racially linguistically culturally the same as another Somali but view Somali clans as Arabs of different ethnic groups who speak separate languages and have different cultures, yet want to carve out countries based on clan affiliations.:what:

This guy is the most obvious retarded senseless troll I've ever seen. Always pushes the same disproven logistically fallacious gimmick over and over again.

I remember when trolling use to be an art form and somehow at-least bit convincing.

Such a shame... :francis:



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
They all deny it, you may be a takfiri. You know why they are not united because you dont unite people based on a false premise, by ignoring the differences. Somalis do not unite because of race, but because of language origins,culture history etc. Most importantly unite due to mutual interests.

Why are idiots always trying to push for some sort of western form of nationalism? Islam comes before clan. Clan comes before Somali. Somali comes before being African..A wise individual would instead take everything that makes up the Somali identity and incorporate it into Somalinimo.True Somalinimo is authentically somali that includes Clannism. The fact that people always try to undermine clan and push it out of the equation is what has led to Somalia being at the state is today.

You guys try to undermine and seperate Clannism from somalinimo and act like its not part of the somali reality. We must accept that we are a clan based society and build around it to compliment it and bring out its good potentials.

Then why arent Arabs united via Islam? talk about contradiction. You say race do not unite people but religion will. Where is the proof? I could easily make the same argument you are making
Who said you should unite with Somali gaalos? i said they are non issue cuz they will never be accepted by the mainstream 99.9% Somali muslims.

So where is your beef do you think 99.9% Somalis who are muslims are somehow Gaalos? You freaking takfiri maniac...

This is why i say you trying create a false dischotomy, To be a Somali is to be a Muslim, in my defintion. So how am i chosing one over the other? When both are mutually exclusive?

What an idiot.
Takfiri's ka ayy ba waase, I call them spy's within the ummah, they're vermin do not associate me with them. I haven't got a herd mentality so I'm not easily lead like a sheep, I do my own critical thinking.

The ummah was once united under one khalifa & Allah says it will return in the Quran. Save your somalinimo for someone who cares cause my only concern are the Muslims.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
To be a Somali does not mean to be a Muslim & many Somali atheists & agnostic's on this forum will testify to that.
To be a Somali does not mean to be a Muslim & many Somali atheists & agnostic's on this forum will testify to that.

Somali is by culture and language. To be a Somali, you must accept the Somali dhaqan as your own and speak or understand the language. The Islamic identity is part and parcel of the Somali dhaqan and it does not exist without it. I couldn't careless what these cawaan atheists on here say. They are not Somali by my standards and the standards of the majority of Somalis. They are ajnabis as far as I'm concerned. A bantu or cadcad will always be more Somali in my eyes than them.
You have a peculiar ability in constructing the most ridiculous strawmans. If you had even half a brain, I would suggest you consider going into politics as you'd make a perfect fit, but you do not so that is a moot point.

A shared language and practicing similar culture is not enough to be classified as a tribe. For a given collection of people to be considered a tribe, they must fit that definition to the T. Look at the last part of the definition, "..and history" while most other dictionaries add shared heritage and blood ties as one of the characteristics that must be satisfied. In anthropology, a tribe is defined as

Nope did not create a strawman argumet, i just pointed out how you posted a defintion that contradicts what you are saying.
Somalis are one nation with clan families,just as easy as that, Genetics,language history culture pretty much proves this.

There is no shared common descent, heritage, or history between the different and unrelated peoples that make up the Hawiye, Darod, Isaac, D&M, Dir, and other tribes.

They share common descent history heritage,culture and language. Somalis are one ethnic group highly relates darood hawiye dir raxanweyn make up the somali ethnic group.

Hence, the label of tribe is perfectly fitting here. If a shared culture and language were all that was needed to be considered the same tribe/ethnic group, then you would be merging countless unrelated and distinct peoples living in South America, North Africa, the middle east, and South Asia who all share the same language (with given dialect variations) and culture but acknowledge being of different ethnic groups.

Somalis are virtually the same hence why the label nation,ethnic and race is fitting . Somalis are genitically the same hence why they are their own distinct group.

You should. My interests and aspirations are inline with the millions of people living in the Somali peninsula who love the status quo and love federalism. They don't want unity and will fight such a dirty and foreign concept to the very end.

No you should line yourself with my interests and aspirations which are inline with wast majority of Ethnic Somalis. Who wish nothing but to see unity and love among eachother. The only thing foreign here is your sheegato smelling ass.

Bring forth your evidence, then. The facts point to Somalinimo being created after the colonialists left and they needed to give the newly created central government an ideological basis. Before that, there has never been any acknowledgement of "Somalinimo" in any historical documents or any movements that could be recognized as a form of Somali nationalism in the peninsula. These are all indisputable historical facts.

You must be a brainless retard who can't even use google that well.:heh:

Somali nationalism is centered on the notion that the Somali people share a common language, religion, culture and ethnicity, and as such constitute a nation unto themselves. The ideology's earliest manifestations are often traced back to the resistance movement led byMohamed Abdullah Hassan's Dervish State at the turn of the 20th century.[1] In northwestern present-day Somalia,.

So, what were the various Sultanates such as the Marehan, Majeerteen, Warsangeli emirates and others? They were qabil kingdoms were one qabil dominated the landscape and others were marginalized. Sounds exactly like federalism, which is why it is so successful and beloved by the people. It is the only modern system that is compatible historically and culturally with the peoples living in the Somali peninsula.

Qabil kingdoms not Qabil federal states, not the same thing bro. Many historians of Somalia are convinced that Clan community political ideologies only developed in contact with the European ‘thinking about clans’ which the missionaries and colonial officers brought to Somalia.
Early 19Th Century Colonialism drew borders which did not exist. So Federalism i foreign bro.

when i mean Decentralized unitary state. i am not talking about clan based federalism which is pushed by ethiopia.
Somalia is not a multi-national or multi-religious state. It is a largely homogeneous society.64 Other than issues that relate to the two main dialects, there are no linguistic or religious cleavages that necessitate federation. Federation would be useful if some communities did not share certain values with the majority, but in Somalia there are no religious or linguistic values that separate communities
. The entire
population is Muslim and Sunni, and almost all speak the Somali language and its different dialects, as evidenced by the national media outlets, which broadcast in both main dialects of May and Mahatiri.
Finally, the small size of Somalia means its geography does not necessitate federation. Moreover, the country is poor and cannot afford to run multiple levels of administration.

That's flat out wrong. The united states is the best counter-example to your non-argument here.

United states is a society, made up of different ethnicties and nationalities.Multi religiou. sorry no argument on your part. Plus its a rich country with wast geographical size They have federal state which is fitting. For somalis who are race federal states is not fitting.

That is your logic, not mine. I have no problem with implementing foreign ideas provided they have a track record of success and will lead to prosperity. However, you do which is why I find it increasingly strange you are against federalism which is the only type of system that has any historical and cultural basis in the Somali peninsula.

No its very much your logic, since you keep mentioning foreign this and foreign that as if it was an argument. Federalism has people killing eachother in gaalkacyo as we speak , so were is this track record of prosperity and success? Federalism has no historic or cultural base in somalia.

The only system that does is a decentralized one.

They are autonomous states. The UK's central government rules over all of its constituent federal states even if in many respects they operate as distinct countries.
way to contradict yourself. :cryinglaughsmiley:

Oh, and they don't have a separate culture and separate language as in both Scotland and Northern Ireland the official languages are English and they clearly practice the same customs (for the most part) as those in England.

scots speak scottish and scottish gealic, irish speah irish, the welsh speak welsh and have seperate costoms.

Adal was not a decentralized system. Nice try.

Adal Empire was composed of seven (7) States. According to the size of their land and the military forces of each state, here is their names: Ifaad, Dawaaro, Araabiini, Hadaya, Sharqa, Baali and Daara, where each of them had its own government. The largest and strongest State Ifaad, known from Egypt and “Shaam” as Zeyla’s land, became later the dominant and the central one with its capital city of Zeyla.

That's an opinion. The nationalists who want do away with qabyalaad but not qabil also feel their ideology is fitting within the Somali culture. Both ideas are wrong and not consistent with the facts, but you are free to hold whatever opinion you wish. The thing is, you've been harping so much against "foreign ideas" and place so much value on so-called indigenous concepts while in actuality you are against the only indigenous system of governance that has been ruling the diverse peoples living in the Somali peninsula for millennia while promoting a concept that was created outside of the Somali peninsula. Don't blame me for finding problems with that train of thought.

No its a fact. Clans are not an ideology nor are they a cult, Clans are just Social Units. Decentralized sytem is an indigenous system which has along track record history and cultural foundation on Somali Soil. Somalinimo is an indigenous concept that has historic foundation on Somali Soil.

And Again with the Foreign foreign this and that logic, Here you are contradicting yourself

here are your words.

That is your logic, not mine. I have no problem with implementing foreign ideas provided they have a track record of success and will lead to prosperity.

and then the contradiction.

They don't want unity and will fight such a dirty and foreign concept to the very end.

:draketf: if something is foreign is irrelevant why mention it to begin with?
Whatever helps lull you to sleep, kid.:heh:

Really? then go make me some biscuits, Farhiyo. :drakegrin:
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Takfiri's ka ayy ba waase, I call them spy's within the ummah, they're vermin do not associate me with them. I haven't got a herd mentality so I'm not easily lead like a sheep, I do my own critical thinking

Naw you are just a radical fakfiri maniac. Now be careful saaxiib takfirinism is dangerous:ufdup:

The ummah was once united under one khalifa & Allah says it will return in the Quran. Save your somalinimo for someone who cares cause my only concern are the Muslims.

So are somalis muslims or are they not ? A Simple question..
Is Ayan hersi Somali? Yes. Is she Muslim? No.

Stop dodging the question, To be a Somali is to be a muslim, both are mutually exclusive. But Still You are trying tocreating a False dichotomy

99.9% are muslim so if i care for a somali muslim is that wrong? to you? Since you say f*ck somalinimo i care for Muslims. Are the 99.9% Somalis Muslims not Muslims?Or are Arabs and non Somalis the only true Muslims on this Earth

Flipping Takfiri Radical.
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