I have something to address

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Citizen of Southwest State
Lol @ claiming the lamagoodle identity. Who gives a shit about the lamagoodle identity, you fucking xoolo? All we care about is our land that stretches from Mogadishu to Mozambique. :denzelnigga: I dare you to tell me Baraawe doesn't belong to me in my face. Wallahi, I would break your jaw. :nasmad:

Speaking of not owning any land in the former Somali Democratic Republic, there's a city named after my immediate paternal family Wallahi. :stevej:

Baraawe International Airport is is under construction while the port will be made to meet international trading standards. :umad: We always lived peacefully with our Tunni brothers in Baraawe who welcomed us to the city with open arms. We repaid their generosity by teaching them Islam. Baraawe has always been the center of Islamic knowledge in the Somali peninsula. We have also always lived peacefully with our Biyomaal brothers in Merca and also taught them the deen. :friendhug: @TheXamarCadcadGuy's family taught Quran and Islamic jurispendence to lamagoodles in Mogadishu and its hinterland yet you question our contribution to the Somali peninsula. :ohlord:Shame on you, ignorant dog. :ohlord:

Lamagoodles are nothing. We colonized them for centuries and we will colonize them again. :umad:


Lol @ claiming the lamagoodle identity. Who gives a shit about the lamagoodle identity, you fucking xoolo? All we care about is our land that stretches from Mogadishu to Mozambique. :denzelnigga: I dare you to tell me Baraawe doesn't belong to me in my face. Wallahi, I would break your jaw. :nasmad:

Speaking of not owning any land in the former Somali Democratic Republic, there's a city named after my immediate paternal family Wallahi. :stevej:

Baraawe International Airport is is under construction while the port will be made to meet international trading standards. :umad: We always lived peacefully with our Tunni brothers in Baraawe who welcomed us to the city with open arms. We repaid their generosity by teaching them Islam. Baraawe has always been the center of Islamic knowledge in the Somali peninsula. We have also always lived peacefully with our Biyomaal brothers in Merca and also taught them the deen. :friendhug: @TheXamarCadcadGuy's family taught Quran and Islamic jurispendence to lamagoodles in Mogadishu and its hinterland yet you question our contribution to the Somali peninsula. :ohlord:Shame on you, ignorant dog. :ohlord:

Lamagoodles are nothing. We colonized them for centuries and we will colonize them again. :umad:
They won't be grateful. lol


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Soomaali Gaalos are not even 0.001% yet you are throwing hissy fits all over the place. As if they can even have any role politically in Somalia or have any say in the Somalis future.. Since the constitutions says no other religion other than islam can be propagated. I mean these people have less chance of marrying another somali because of their gaaloness.

I bet you are one of those crazy Takfiri Salafis.
I'm not a salafi, some are too extreme. I take a middle path, that which is the way of the final messenger. Somalinimo will never unite us, look at the Arabs or other races, they ain't United cause of race. The only thing that will unite us is Islam. I don't appreciate some of these Somali gaalo taking digs at our Muslim Bantu & Arab bro & sisters in Islam.

Where does your loyalty lie?
Do yo get offended more when Somalis are being insulted or Islam?

I don't believe in nationalism.
Lol @ claiming the lamagoodle identity. Who gives a shit about the lamagoodle identity, you fucking xoolo? All we care about is our land that stretches from Mogadishu to Mozambique. :denzelnigga: I dare you to tell me Baraawe doesn't belong to me in my face. Wallahi, I would break your jaw. :nasmad:

Speaking of not owning any land in the former Somali Democratic Republic, there's a city named after my immediate paternal family Wallahi. :stevej:

Baraawe International Airport is is under construction while the port will be made to meet international trading standards. :umad: We always lived peacefully with our Tunni brothers in Baraawe who welcomed us to the city with open arms. We repaid their generosity by teaching them Islam. Baraawe has always been the center of Islamic knowledge in the Somali peninsula. We have also always lived peacefully with our Biyomaal brothers in Merca and also taught them the deen. :friendhug: @TheXamarCadcadGuy's family taught Quran and Islamic jurispendence to lamagoodles in Mogadishu and its hinterland yet you question our contribution to the Somali peninsula. :ohlord:Shame on you, ignorant dog. :ohlord:

Lamagoodles are nothing. We colonized them for centuries and we will colonize them again. :umad:



Citizen of Southwest State
This is from several years ago, you fucking xoolo. The sign was true prior to the formation of Southwest State but now Bravanese fully control their city and Hawiye have no pull in Southwest State. Those niggas returned to Cadaado and Gaalkacyo to form Galmudug.
I'm not a salafi, some are too extreme. I take a middle path, that which is the way of the final messenger. Somalinimo will never unite us, look at the Arabs or other races, they ain't United cause of race.

They all deny it, you may be a takfiri. You know why they are not united because you dont unite people based on a false premise, by ignoring the differences. Somalis do not unite because of race, but because of language origins,culture history etc. Most importantly unite due to mutual interests.

Why are idiots always trying to push for some sort of western form of nationalism? Islam comes before clan. Clan comes before Somali. Somali comes before being African..A wise individual would instead take everything that makes up the Somali identity and incorporate it into Somalinimo.True Somalinimo is authentically somali that includes Clannism. The fact that people always try to undermine clan and push it out of the equation is what has led to Somalia being at the state is today.

You guys try to undermine and seperate Clannism from somalinimo and act like its not part of the somali reality. We must accept that we are a clan based society and build around it to compliment it and bring out its good potentials.

The only thing that will unite us is Islam. I don't appreciate some of these Somali gaalo taking digs at our Muslim Bantu & Arab bro & sisters in Islam.

Then why arent Arabs united via Islam? talk about contradiction. You say race do not unite people but religion will. Where is the proof? I could easily make the same argument you are making
Who said you should unite with Somali gaalos? i said they are non issue cuz they will never be accepted by the mainstream 99.9% Somali muslims.

So where is your beef do you think 99.9% Somalis who are muslims are somehow Gaalos? You freaking takfiri maniac...

Where does your loyalty lie?
Do yo get offended more when Somalis are being insulted or Islam?

I don't believe in nationalism.

This is why i say you trying create a false dischotomy, To be a Somali is to be a Muslim, in my defintion. So how am i chosing one over the other? When both are mutually exclusive?

What an idiot.
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Citizen of Southwest State
They all deny it, you may be a takfiri. You know why they are ot united because you dont unite people based on a false premise, by ignoring the differences. Somalis do not unite because of race, but because of language origins,culture history etc. Most importantly unite due to mutual interests.

Why are idiots always trying to push for some sort of western form of nationalism? Islam comes before clan. Clan comes before Somali. Somali comes before being African..A wise individual would instead take everything that makes up the Somali identity and incorporate it into Somalinimo.True Somalinimo is authentically somali that includes Clannism. The fact that people always try to undermine clan and push it out of the equation is what has led to Somalia being at the state is today.

You guys try to undermine and seperate Clannism from somalinimo and act like its not part of the somali reality. We must accept that we are a clan based society and build around it to compliment it and bring out its good potentials.

Then why arent Arabs united via Islam? talk about contradiction. You say race do not unite people but religion will. Where is the proof? I could easily make the same argument you are making
Who said you should unite with Somali gaalos? i said they are non issue cuz they will never be accepted by the mainstream 99.9% Somali muslims.

So where is your beef do you think 99.9% Somalis who are muslims are somehow Gaalos? You freaking takfiri maniac...

This is why is say you trying create a false dischotomy, To be a Somali is to be a Muslim, in my defintion. So how am i chosing one over the other? When both are mutually exclusive?

What an idiot.
You will continue to foam at the mouth and cry on the internet while the Muslims liberate their lands.


They all deny it, you may be a takfiri. You know why they are ot united because you dont unite people based on a false premise, by ignoring the differences. Somalis do not unite because of race, but because of language origins,culture history etc. Most importantly unite due to mutual interests.

Why are idiots always trying to push for some sort of western form of nationalism? Islam comes before clan. Clan comes before Somali. Somali comes before being African..A wise individual would instead take everything that makes up the Somali identity and incorporate it into Somalinimo.True Somalinimo is authentically somali that includes Clannism. The fact that people always try to undermine clan and push it out of the equation is what has led to Somalia being at the state is today.

You guys try to undermine and seperate Clannism from somalinimo and act like its not part of the somali reality. We must accept that we are a clan based society and build around it to compliment it and bring out its good potentials.

Then why arent Arabs united via Islam? talk about contradiction. You say race do not unite people but religion will. Where is the proof? I could easily make the same argument you are making
Who said you should unite with Somali gaalos? i said they are non issue cuz they will never be accepted by the mainstream 99.9% Somali muslims.

So where is your beef do you think 99.9% Somalis who are muslims are somehow Gaalos? You freaking takfiri maniac...

This is why i say you trying create a false dischotomy, To be a Somali is to be a Muslim, in my defintion. So how am i chosing one over the other? When both are mutually exclusive?

What an idiot.
Look, Islam is supposed to unite all Muslims and it has done exactly that for over a millennium. We are supposed to live under 1 khilaafah (all Muslims). If people refuse to apply the laws of Allah in its entirety then that doesn't mean it is Islam that has failed, it's us as Muslims that have failed, be careful.
Look, Islam is supposed to unite all Muslims and it has done exactly that for over a millennium. We are supposed to live under 1 khilaafah (all Muslims). If people refuse to apply the laws of Allah in its entirety then that doesn't mean it is Islam that has failed, it's us as Muslims that have failed, be careful.

Bro i did not diss Ummah. I think it is an awsome concept. But you will never unite muslims by lumping them together and ignoring peoples differences. Allah made us all diverse and unique let us aknowledge this but somehow people forget this.


Oh! mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.-Chapter (49) sลซrat l-แธฅujurฤt (The Dwellings)

Surah Rum (The Romans) 30:22
And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge.

My response was to the idiot saying indirectly that 99.9% muslim Somalis are Gaalos. That being Somali is unislamic when being Somali in my definition means you are muslim. So the fool is trying to create a false dichotomy. Because islam and Somalinimo are mutually exclusive.


Bro i did not diss Ummah. I think it is an awsome concept. But you will never unite muslims by lumping them together and ignoring peoples differences. Allah made us all diverse and unique let us aknowledge this but somehow people forget this.


Oh! mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.-Chapter (49) sลซrat l-แธฅujurฤt (The Dwellings)

Surah Rum (The Romans) 30:22
And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge.

My response was to the idiot saying indirectly that 99.9% muslim Somalis are Gaalos. That being Somali is unislamic when being Somali in my definition means you are muslim. So the fool is trying to create a false dichotomy. Because islam and Somalinimo are mutually exclusive.

I never once disagreed that we should accept and acknowledge our differences, I agree with that 100%.

I thought you was insinuating that Islam has failed to unite the Muslims because you've used the Arabs as an anecdote of the supposed failure of Islam to unite the Muslims.


Then why arent Arabs united via Islam? talk about contradiction. You say race do not unite people but religion will. Where is the proof?

It's alright though, we all make mistakes. I actually agree with many of the things you propagate. For instance, people should not identify themselves based on colour, tribal affiliation should not be disregarded, etc.
I never once disagreed that we should accept and acknowledge our differences, I agree with that 100%.

I thought you was insinuating that Islam has failed to unite the Muslims because you've used the Arabs as an anecdote of the supposed failure of Islam to unite the Muslims.

Islam has not failed anyone, merily that people themselves have failed. I was pointing how stupid his argument was and how he was contradicting himself in the same breath. I am just sick of these individuals who hate themselves and try to cover behind islam. They always act like we somalis are gaalos and non somalis and arabs are the only muslims.
This Geeljire kid is a monumental fool. He believes in tribalism, but also at the same time pushes the worthless and failed concept of "Somalinimo". He claims to be a supporter of clan identity and clan politics, but is also a supporter of foreign ideas such as a single governing body ruling over the entire Somali peninsula. He's against qabil states/federalism, despite the fact that qabil states have been the status quo in the Somali peninsula for countless centuries and is the only type of rule that is compatible with the Somali dhaqan.

He's either certifiably insane, a troll, or both. My money is on both. :heh:
This Geeljire kid is a monumental fool. He believes in tribalism,

I dont believe in tribalism, Somalis dont have tribes, we have clans. Clans are not an ideology or cult. They are just Social Units. Keep trying Hawdian you IQless sheegato troll.
but also at the same time pushes the worthless and failed concept of "Somalinimo". He claims to be a supporter of clan identity and clan politics, but is also a supporter of foreign ideas such as a single governing body ruling over the entire Somali peninsula.
He's against qabil states/federalism, despite the fact that qabil states have been the status quo in the Somali peninsula for countless centuries and is the only type of rule that is compatible with the Somali dhaqan.

Somalinimo is very real, like ive mentioned many times before. You dont unite people ideologically or physically based on a false premise and that is to undermine and seperate Clans from somalinimo and act like its not part of the somali reality,

We are a clan based society and i am accepting of this fact.

I dont believe in one single governing body. I have said it multiple times that a centralized system is not compatible with the somali social structure. But Federalism is not either because we are not different ethnic groups are speak different languages.

Saaxiib you are not even making any sense, so you are saying i am a supporter of clan politics and seperation but want a centralized one governing body of all of Somali peninsuala? :mindblown:
He's either certifiably insane, a troll, or both. My money is on both. :heh:

Its amazing that this all comes from one Stupid Sheegato troll who thinks Somalis are arabs and somali clans are different ethnic groups.
This is from several years ago, you fucking xoolo. The sign was true prior to the formation of Southwest State but now Bravanese fully control their city and Hawiye have no pull in Southwest State. Those niggas returned to Cadaado and Gaalkacyo to form Galmudug.

whats the name of the mayor of barawe? :drakelaugh:
This Geeljire kid is a monumental fool. He believes in tribalism, but also at the same time pushes the worthless and failed concept of "Somalinimo". He claims to be a supporter of clan identity and clan politics, but is also a supporter of foreign ideas such as a single governing body ruling over the entire Somali peninsula. He's against qabil states/federalism, despite the fact that qabil states have been the status quo in the Somali peninsula for countless centuries and is the only type of rule that is compatible with the Somali dhaqan.

He's either certifiably insane, a troll, or both. My money is on both. :heh:

respect for ditching the dabaqoodhi flag :mjswag:
I dont believe in tribalism, Somalis dont have tribes, we have clans. Clans are not an ideology or cult. They are just Social Units. Keep trying Hawdian you IQless sheegato troll.
Then you don't know what you are talking about, as usual. What is the definition of a tribe? The Cambridge Dictionary defines "tribe" as the following:

Cambridge said:
a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities.

I'm pretty sure that Darod, Hawiye, Isaac, Dir, etc. all satisfy that definition sufficiently to be called a tribe. You can deny a snake is a snake all day and claim it to be an alligator, but that won't change anything about the fundamental nature of the snake and how it is defined by the experts.

Somalinimo is very real, like ive mentioned many times before. You dont unite people ideologically or physically based on a false premise and that is to undermine and seperate Clans from somalinimo and act like its not part of the somali reality,

Strawman. I have no interest in uniting the very diverse and unrelated peoples in the Somali peninsula. Rather, I think it is impossible and that such attempts at unity are completely at odds with the Somali dhaqan and is itself a foreign concept.

Somalinimo is a foreign concept that was invented during the colonial era to give the central government more legitimacy. It has no basis in authentic Somali culture which is why the majority of Somalis have never taken it seriously.
We are a clan based society and i am accepting of this fact.

Correct, we are tribe-based society. I agree and perhaps this is the only sensible comment in your entire post.

I dont believe in one single governing body. I have said it multiple times that a centralized system is not compatible with the somali social structure. But Federalism is not either because we are not different ethnic groups are speak different languages.
Factually speaking, federalism is the only ideology that is compatible with Somali dhaqan and approximates very closely the natural system that has been in use in the peninsula for millennia. Independent qabil states are the modern version of qabil emirates, so if you're truly an ardent supporter of indigenous ways of life then you would be a supporter of federalism.

Saaxiib you are not even making any sense, so you are saying i am a supporter of clan politics and seperation but want a centralized one governing body of all of Somali peninsuala? :mindblown:

You call for a decentralized unitary state, do you not? What is the definition of a unitary state? According to Brittanica,
Brittanica said:
Unitary system, a system of political organization in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government. It contrasts with a federal system

A decentralized system is basically what you have with the UK with Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. However, there is still a central government that has a certain degree of authority over all of these autonomous states.

Let me ask you, is a decentralized unitary state an indigenous concept? Or is it a foreign construct that you want to force on the Somali people? If that is indeed the case (and it looks like it is), then you are a hypocrite of the worst kind.

Its amazing that this all comes from one Stupid Sheegato troll who thinks Somalis are arabs and somali clans are different ethnic groups.

You're still under the delusion that I'm Hawdian? :heh:
Then you don't know what you are talking about, as usual. What is the definition of a tribe? The Cambridge Dictionary defines "tribe" as the followingI'm pretty sure that Darod, Hawiye, Isaac, Dir, etc. all satisfy that definition sufficiently to be called a tribe. You can deny a snake is a snake all day and claim it to be an alligator, but that won't change anything about the fundamental nature of the snake and how it is defined by the experts.:

Following the definition So you are saying somali clans are tribes that are not related speak different languages and practice seperate culture?:heh:

Fucking!! Delusional!! Somalis are one nation with clan families.

Strawman. I have no interest in uniting the very diverse and unrelated peoples in the Somali peninsula. Rather, I think it is impossible and that such attempts at unity are completely at odds with the Somali dhaqan and is itself a foreign concept.

I don't give a shit about what your interests are. Keep trying trolling tho.

Somalinimo is a foreign concept that was invented during the colonial era to give the central government more legitimacy. It has no basis in authentic Somali culture which is why the majority of Somalis have never taken it seriously.

When and where it was invented is irrelevant cuz it was indigenous creation invented by us the Somali Race.

Correct, we are tribe-based society. I agree and perhaps this is the only sensible comment in your entire post.

Correction * we are Clan based Society* We do not have tribes. Just a tough truth for you to swallow.

Factually speaking, federalism is the only ideology that is compatible with Somali dhaqan and approximates very closely the natural system that has been in use in the peninsula for millennia. Independent qabil states are the modern version of qabil emirates, so if you're truly an ardent supporter of indigenous ways of life then you would be a supporter of federalism.

Fewderalism and Qabil states are foreign systems of governance and foreign concepts. It is pretty much agreed upon it was something Ethiopia layed and advised to Balkanize and weaken Somalia.

Federal states requires people to speak different languages and be different ethnic groups. Somalis are one Race and have the same culture & language.

Dude you even contradict your own logic if foreign automatically means incompatible then what is your own argument for Federal States? Or does it make your foreign foreign abullshit invalid?

You call for a decentralized unitary state, do you not? What is the definition of a unitary state? According to Brittanica,

What is the definition of my ass crack ? according to Oxford

A decentralized system is basically what you have with the UK with Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. However, there is still a central government that has a certain degree of authority over all of these autonomous states

Those are not autonomous states. They are seperate countries with seperate languages and seperate culture and seperate ethnic/national identities

Let me ask you, is a decentralized unitary state an indigenous concept? Or is it a foreign construct that you want to force on the Somali people? If that is indeed the case (and it looks like it is), then you are a hypocrite of the worst kind.

A decentralized system is not a foreing concept. Somalis had empires unitary and decentralized Adal is one example

Let's speak hypothetically even if it was foreign, how it would it exclude the applicability of it regarding the somali social structure. It wouldn't tho since we are the same ethnic group speak the same language and have the same culture ,but divided into closely related clan families. Thus decentralized unitary state is fitting

You're still under the delusion that I'm Hawdian? :heh:

Keep it up Hawdian maybe your Somalis are arab and not one ethnic group bullshit might make someone shuckle and laugh you delusional sheegato.
This shegaato troll Darod_Supremacy aka Boqorka_Bantu aka Hawdian aka SteadyState

I can't believe I am arguing with a troll who thinks Bantu is Racially linguistically culturally the same as another Somali but view Somali clans as Arabs of different ethnic groups who speak separate languages and have different cultures, yet want to carve out countries based on clan affiliations.:what:

This guy is the most obvious retarded senseless troll I've ever seen. Always pushes the same disproven logistically fallacious gimmick over and over again.

I remember when trolling use to be an art form and somehow at-least bit convincing.

Such a shame... :francis:
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Following the definition So you are saying somali clans are tribes that are not related speak different languages and practice seperate culture?:heh:

Fucking!! Delusional!! Somalis are one nation with clan families.

You have a peculiar ability in constructing the most ridiculous strawmans. If you had even half a brain, I would suggest you consider going into politics as you'd make a perfect fit, but you do not so that is a moot point.

A shared language and practicing similar culture is not enough to be classified as a tribe. For a given collection of people to be considered a tribe, they must fit that definition to the T. Look at the last part of the definition, "..and history" while most other dictionaries add shared heritage and blood ties as one of the characteristics that must be satisfied. In anthropology, a tribe is defined as

Tribe, in anthropology, a notional form of human social organization based on a set of smaller groups (known as bands), having temporary or permanent political integration, and defined by traditions of common descent, language, culture, and ideology.

There is no shared common descent, heritage, or history between the different and unrelated peoples that make up the Hawiye, Darod, Isaac, D&M, Dir, and other tribes. Hence, the label of tribe is perfectly fitting here. If a shared culture and language were all that was needed to be considered the same tribe/ethnic group, then you would be merging countless unrelated and distinct peoples living in South America, North Africa, the middle east, and South Asia who all share the same language (with given dialect variations) and culture but acknowledge being of different ethnic groups.

I don't give a shit about what your interests are. Keep trying trolling tho.
You should. My interests and aspirations are inline with the millions of people living in the Somali peninsula who love the status quo and love federalism. They don't want unity and will fight such a dirty and foreign concept to the very end.

When and where it was invented is irrelevant cuz it was indigenous creation invented by us the Somali Race.

Bring forth your evidence, then. The facts point to Somalinimo being created after the colonialists left and they needed to give the newly created central government an ideological basis. Before that, there has never been any acknowledgement of "Somalinimo" in any historical documents or any movements that could be recognized as a form of Somali nationalism in the peninsula. These are all indisputable historical facts.

Fewderalism and Qabil states are foreign systems of governance and foreign concepts. It is pretty much agreed upon it was something Ethiopia layed and advised to Balkanize and weaken Somalia.
So, what were the various Sultanates such as the Marehan, Majeerteen, Warsangeli emirates and others? They were qabil kingdoms were one qabil dominated the landscape and others were marginalized. Sounds exactly like federalism, which is why it is so successful and beloved by the people. It is the only modern system that is compatible historically and culturally with the peoples living in the Somali peninsula.

Federal states requires people to speak different languages and be different ethnic groups. Somalis are one Race and have the same culture & language.

That's flat out wrong. The united states is the best counter-example to your non-argument here.

Dude you even contradict your own logic if foreign automatically means incompatible then what is your own argument for Federal States? Or does it make your foreign foreign abullshit invalid?

That is your logic, not mine. I have no problem with implementing foreign ideas provided they have a track record of success and will lead to prosperity. However, you do which is why I find it increasingly strange you are against federalism which is the only type of system that has any historical and cultural basis in the Somali peninsula.

Those are not autonomous states. They are seperate countries with seperate languages and seperate culture and seperate ethnic/national identities
They are autonomous states. The UK's central government rules over all of its constituent federal states even if in many respects they operate as distinct countries. Oh, and they don't have a separate culture and separate language as in both Scotland and Northern Ireland the official languages are English and they clearly practice the same customs (for the most part) as those in England. The Welsh, Irish, Scots, and some of the English remaining today can all be broadly classified under the "Celtic" tribe. The only ones who are not of the same stock are the Anglo-Saxon invaders who have assimilated into the mainstream culture. So, again your argument fails. Face it, kid. You're a lightweight when it comes to this discussion.

A decentralized system is not a foreing concept. Somalis had empires unitary and decentralized Adal is one example

Adal was not a decentralized system. Nice try.

Let's speak hypothetically even if it was foreign, how it would it exclude the applicability of it regarding the somali social structure. It wouldn't tho since we are the same ethnic group speak the same language and have the same culture ,but divided into closely related clan families. Thus decentralized unitary state is fitting

That's an opinion. The nationalists who want do away with qabyalaad but not qabil also feel their ideology is fitting within the Somali culture. Both ideas are wrong and not consistent with the facts, but you are free to hold whatever opinion you wish. The thing is, you've been harping so much against "foreign ideas" and place so much value on so-called indigenous concepts while in actuality you are against the only indigenous system of governance that has been ruling the diverse peoples living in the Somali peninsula for millennia while promoting a concept that was created outside of the Somali peninsula. Don't blame me for finding problems with that train of thought.

Keep it up Hawdian maybe your Somalis are arab and not one ethnic group bullshit might make someone shuckle and laugh you delusional sheegato.

Whatever helps lull you to sleep, kid.:heh:
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