Identity crisis

AA need to return to Africa and learn their History and do DNA tests and return to their respective ethnic tribes within africa. They need to be more serious and succesful and stop with the degeneracy and return to their former glory.
Historically speaking it comes from the fact that Native Americans owned Black slaves and many of them took on the tribal identity and culture of their slave owners much like how they took on the names and surnames of their white slave owners.
So that's what their grandparents knew and handed down to them

Native Americans enslavement of African Americans continued for decades after emancipation: So it had more of a lasting legacy
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I have not generally found them to be claiming native roots the same way those Americans are. Just that they are more of the land than their European counterparts can ever claim to be, which is true.

See Alchemist's post on the thread Do you agree with China?
Some of them do say that but I mean the delusional bunch who say they aren’t Africans and that First Nations people are liars and aren’t the people early European explorers spoke of :damsel:
Some of them do say that but I mean the delusional bunch who say they aren’t Africans and that First Nations people are liars and aren’t the people early European explorers spoke of :damsel:
Those retards exist, they are amongst "FBA" or "BlackFirst", a bunch of insecure idiots.
AA need to return to Africa and learn their History and do DNA tests and return to their respective ethnic tribes within africa. They need to be more serious and succesful and stop with the degeneracy and return to their former glory.
What glory was that? Waring in the jungles of Africa to sell their opponents into slavery? :wow1:
Some tribes were not like that you nacas. Read up on the Fulanis and the Soninke and the Hausa
Many of them were sold into slavery in that manner. We’re talking about west African America stock right? Any ways Fulani are a distinct Berber group that have nothing to do with American Slave stock.
Yes but not those ethnic groups considering their modern dempgraphics and phenotypees
Majority of AA like 95% have nothing to do with the groups you mentioned. Their history is truly pitiful when you look into it. Especially the manner in which they came to the Americas.
Not really, the fulanis have varying amounts of berber ancestry but many are near full western african. Also many fulani slaves were taken hence why some AA's have very minor north african ancestry, remember most of the ancestry of aa's is literally a mixture between several different african groups.

Fulanis are very very VERY far from most berbers genetically, they aren't berbers. Most of their "berber" ancestry is also very old. Berbers are very heterogeneous
Why do they have a Cushitic phenotype?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
not really
Reminds me of this one render done on rulers from an Ancient Egypian dynasty originating in Upper Egypt & they were displayed as dark skinned just like the people of Aswan are today & the reactions to it were crazy.

"Egyptians were never black " "woke bs" wallahi I was in tears. Same people who say Egypt has had unchanged racial demographics for 5k years suddenly want to sing a different tune when that same logic is applied to their southern countrymen :drakekidding:

