If your a Somali parent who lives in the west, stop forcing your children under the age of 11 to wear the hijab!


You do realise children don't have to wear the hijab?
The prophet ﷺ said "Teach the child to pray at the age of seven and beat him for it at the age of ten. This could be applied to Hijab and modesty. We should teach our kids the fundamentals of the Deen from young age and beat them if they refuse.


"I don’t live in darkness, darkness lives in me."
The prophet ﷺ said "Teach the child to pray at the age of seven and beat him for it at the age of ten. This could be applied to Hijab and modesty. We should teach our kids the fundamentals of the Deen from young age and beat them if they refuse.
Why not live in a Muslim country if that's your mentality?
I feel like Somalia is probably one of the harshest parents when it comes to this! Other ethnic Muslim households usually don’t mind if the child doesn’t wear hijab at the age of 8 or 9 and lets them decide.

Why do Somali parents force their kids? Why do they think it’s normal to put a 4 year old in a hijab, I know a religious sister who has a 4 year old daughter who absolutely hates putting it on and constantly takes it off, her mother just picks it up and puts it back on! Do they not know it’s haram to take away another human beings autonomy on this no matter the age?!

Let me explain why this is extremely cruel especially living in the west

I grew up in an area with not a lot of Somalis who went to school with me during primary. I was the only hijabi, the only Muslim and the only black girl and one of the 2 only black people at the school. It was EXTREMELY isolating and I was not able to properly socialize as a result, do you not think it will hinder their growth later on? My caadan female teachers HATED me, the kids were repelled by me and I could never seem to catch a fucking break. Everything I did was wrong, looking back there were alot of issues that were not serious where they would call my parents and punish me while the caadan kids who did the same were coddled and cooed to and treated with empathy. Having to grow up and live your first 8 years of school from 4-12 being isolated and displaced from my peers does mess you up a bit.

Why punish your child because you selfishly decided to move to another part of your world and live with other gaalos for monetary ambitions?

Now if they’re over the age of 11, and reaching puberty I understand wanting to put on the pressure for them to wear it but it’s still a choice!

At least if your going to make them wear the hijab, pay up the $1000 a month and take them to Islamic school so they can live an actual normal ducking life otherwise shut up.
My sisters never wore it untill they reached their 20s


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Even islamically speaking it doesn't make sense, hijab is supposed hide the woman awra like her curves and other sexual female parts. What is so sexual about a damn 4 year old for them to feel the need to put a hijab on her? it's giving pedophile undertones.


The prophet ﷺ said "Teach the child to pray at the age of seven and beat him for it at the age of ten. This could be applied to Hijab and modesty. We should teach our kids the fundamentals of the Deen from young age and beat them if they refuse.
That's salah he was talking about. You said it "could" be applied. Why are you beating your child if they do not want to wear it? Then you are not doing them a favour tbh. Salah is a different story.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Do you also take this view with Salah and Schooling? Need I remind you the age of puberty for some starts at 9? Kids don’t know what’s best for them, that’s why you as a parent have the responsibility to not only teach them but to also make them do the right thing.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and beat them for it (prayer) when they become ten years old; and arrange their beds (to sleep) separately.

Omar del Sur

the masjid I usually go is Yemeni and they had a khutbah where they said you should have young girls wear hijab so they get used to it. it has nothing to do with "sexualizing" or anything like that but they were saying you should do it, that way, she gets used to it and it's easier for her as she gets older. if she isn't used to it and then you try to get her to do it- wouldn't it be more difficult than if she's already used to it? so that is the reason we were taught as to teaching young girls to wear it.
Do you also take this view with Salah and Schooling? Need I remind you the age of puberty for some starts at 9? Kids don’t know what’s best for them, that’s why you as a parent have the responsibility to not only teach them but to also make them do the right thing.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and beat them for it (prayer) when they become ten years old; and arrange their beds (to sleep) separately.
That Hadith talks about Salah which is not the same as hijab, they aren’t even comparable. Women aren’t required to wear the hijab before they get their period, if you require it before puberty that’s haram because it’s not islamically required.
the masjid I usually go is Yemeni and they had a khutbah where they said you should have young girls wear hijab so they get used to it. it has nothing to do with "sexualizing" or anything like that but they were saying you should do it, that way, she gets used to it and it's easier for her as she gets older. if she isn't used to it and then you try to get her to do it- wouldn't it be more difficult than if she's already used to it? so that is the reason we were taught as to teaching young girls to wear it.
Nobody is saying don’t encourage your kids do wear hijab, I said force. Please read 🤦🏾‍♀️


That's salah he was talking about. You said it "could" be applied. Why are you beating your child if they do not want to wear it? Then you are not doing them a favour tbh. Salah is a different story.
Some of the Ulema applied this hadith to fasting and said beat you 10-year-old kids for not fasting(you can imagine how difficult fasting is). Marka, I don't see any reason why this couldn't be applied to Hijab especially when you consider the wajibnes of Both the Salat and Hijab.
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Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
That Hadith talks about Salah which is not the same as hijab, those two are oxymoron they aren’t even comparable. Women aren’t required to wear the hijab before they get their period, if you require it before puberty that’s haram because it’s not islamically required.
Not comparable in importance? Yes but that’s not the point. The point is familiarising yourself with so that when you reach an age where you have to wear it, you are comfortable with it and don’t feel ashamed of it. An age like 5-6 is good to start wearing and getting more used to it. Plus this hadith has been applied to many wajib things by ulama


Some of the Ulema applied this hadith to fasting and said beat you 10-year-old kids for not fasting(you can imagine how difficult fasting is). Marka, I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be applied to Hijab especially when you consider the wajibnes of Both the Salat and Hijab.
Sorry, you have to beat your child for not fasting at the age of 10?? Fasting is mandatory once you reach puberty, if I am not mistaken? If you want to apply it to the hijab, then that's just you walaal. Also which Ulama stated the fasting and "beat your 10 year old for not fasting"?


Sorry, you have to beat your child for not fasting at the age of 10?? Fasting is mandatory once you reach puberty, if I am not mistaken? If you want to apply it to the hijab, then that's just you walaal. Also which Ulama stated the fasting and "beat your 10 year old for not fasting"?
Yeah, and Salat is mandatory when you reach puberty, yet we were ordered to beat our under age kids for not praying. This is done for the kids to familiarize themselves with these important rituals.

قال ابن قدامة :

" يعني : أنه يُلزم الصيام ، يؤمر به ، ويضرب على تركه ، ليتمرن عليه ويتعوده ، كما يُلزم بالصلاة ويؤمر بها ، وممن ذهب إلى أنه يؤمر بالصيام إذا أطاقه : عطاء والحسن وابن سيرين والزهري وقتادة والشافعي .
قال الشيخ ابن عثيمين: البنت الصغيرة التي دون السبع، هذه لا حكم لعورتها، يعني تكشف وجهها، وتلبس الثوب القصير، ولا بأس، وإن كنا نرى ألا تُعَوَّد لُبس الثوب القصير؛ لأنها إذا لبست الثوب القصير خفَّ حياؤها إذا كَبُرَت؛ لكن مَن جاوزت ذلك [أي السبع سنوات] فإن النساء يختلفن، مِن النساء مَن يكون شبابها طيباً، وَلحمتها كبيرة حتى ترى مَن لها عشر سنوات تقول: هذه بالغة، فمتى تعلق النظر بها -بقطع النظر عن سنها- وجب عليها أن تحتجب. اهـ.


قال الشيخ ابن عثيمين: البنت الصغيرة التي دون السبع، هذه لا حكم لعورتها، يعني تكشف وجهها، وتلبس الثوب القصير، ولا بأس، وإن كنا نرى ألا تُعَوَّد لُبس الثوب القصير؛ لأنها إذا لبست الثوب القصير خفَّ حياؤها إذا كَبُرَت؛ لكن مَن جاوزت ذلك [أي السبع سنوات] فإن النساء يختلفن، مِن النساء مَن يكون شبابها طيباً، وَلحمتها كبيرة حتى ترى مَن لها عشر سنوات تقول: هذه بالغة، فمتى تعلق النظر بها -بقطع النظر عن سنها- وجب عليها أن تحتجب. اهـ.