If your a Somali parent who lives in the west, stop forcing your children under the age of 11 to wear the hijab!

قال الشيخ ابن عثيمين: البنت الصغيرة التي دون السبع، هذه لا حكم لعورتها، يعني تكشف وجهها، وتلبس الثوب القصير، ولا بأس، وإن كنا نرى ألا تُعَوَّد لُبس الثوب القصير؛ لأنها إذا لبست الثوب القصير خفَّ حياؤها إذا كَبُرَت؛ لكن مَن جاوزت ذلك [أي السبع سنوات] فإن النساء يختلفن، مِن النساء مَن يكون شبابها طيباً، وَلحمتها كبيرة حتى ترى مَن لها عشر سنوات تقول: هذه بالغة، فمتى تعلق النظر بها -بقطع النظر عن سنها- وجب عليها أن تحتجب. اهـ.
Translation is:

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen said: The little girl who is less than seven years old, there is no ruling on her nakedness, i.e. she uncovers her face and wears a short dress, and there is nothing wrong with it, although we think that she should not return to wearing a short dress; because if she wears a short dress, her modesty becomes lighter when she grows up; But who exceeded that [i.e., seven years], women differ, from women whose youth is good, and her flesh is large until you see someone who is ten years old saying: This is an adult, so when the gaze is attached to her - regardless of her age - she must veil. Uh.

For anyone curious

Lebron James

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Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
I feel like Somalia is probably one of the harshest parents when it comes to this! Other ethnic Muslim households usually don’t mind if the child doesn’t wear hijab at the age of 8 or 9 and lets them decide.

Why do Somali parents force their kids? Why do they think it’s normal to put a 4 year old in a hijab, I know a religious sister who has a 4 year old daughter who absolutely hates putting it on and constantly takes it off, her mother just picks it up and puts it back on! Do they not know it’s haram to take away another human beings autonomy on this no matter the age?!

Let me explain why this is extremely cruel especially living in the west

I grew up in an area with not a lot of Somalis who went to school with me during primary. I was the only hijabi, the only Muslim and the only black girl and one of the 2 only black people at the school. It was EXTREMELY isolating and I was not able to properly socialize as a result, do you not think it will hinder their growth later on? My caadan female teachers HATED me, the kids were repelled by me and I could never seem to catch a fucking break. Everything I did was wrong, looking back there were alot of issues that were not serious where they would call my parents and punish me while the caadan kids who did the same were coddled and cooed to and treated with empathy. Having to grow up and live your first 8 years of school from 4-12 being isolated and displaced from my peers does mess you up a bit.

Why punish your child because you selfishly decided to move to another part of your world and live with other gaalos for monetary ambitions?

Now if they’re over the age of 11, and reaching puberty I understand wanting to put on the pressure for them to wear it but it’s still a choice!

At least if you’re going to make them wear the hijab, pay up the $1000 a month and take them to Islamic school so they can live an actual normal ducking life otherwise shut up.
Crazy thing is these actions have consequences there are so many cases where I see girls who use to wear hijabs all their life’s throw it away the minute they reach 18 or 17 wearing a hijab from the age of 4 can do that to a person


Personally I would start when they start school, around 5-7 years old. I wouldn't be strict until 9-10 yrs old, cuz then they are coming up on puberty and really need to start wearing it.
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I feel like Somalia is probably one of the harshest parents when it comes to this! Other ethnic Muslim households usually don’t mind if the child doesn’t wear hijab at the age of 8 or 9 and lets them decide.

Why do Somali parents force their kids? Why do they think it’s normal to put a 4 year old in a hijab, I know a religious sister who has a 4 year old daughter who absolutely hates putting it on and constantly takes it off, her mother just picks it up and puts it back on! Do they not know it’s haram to take away another human beings autonomy on this no matter the age?!

Let me explain why this is extremely cruel especially living in the west

I grew up in an area with not a lot of Somalis who went to school with me during primary. I was the only hijabi, the only Muslim and the only black girl and one of the 2 only black people at the school. It was EXTREMELY isolating and I was not able to properly socialize as a result, do you not think it will hinder their growth later on? My caadan female teachers HATED me, the kids were repelled by me and I could never seem to catch a fucking break. Everything I did was wrong, looking back there were alot of issues that were not serious where they would call my parents and punish me while the caadan kids who did the same were coddled and cooed to and treated with empathy. Having to grow up and live your first 8 years of school from 4-12 being isolated and displaced from my peers does mess you up a bit.

Why punish your child because you selfishly decided to move to another part of your world and live with other gaalos for monetary ambitions?

Now if they’re over the age of 11, and reaching puberty I understand wanting to put on the pressure for them to wear it but it’s still a choice!

At least if your going to make them wear the hijab, pay up the $1000 a month and take them to Islamic school so they can live an actual normal ducking life otherwise shut up.
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Worst part is that most of those old hags shaming young women for refusing to wear it never wore it themselves when they were our age

can’t tell you how many times I clashed with habars over this

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
Keep your bullshit to yourself. No need to project your misery onto other Somalis. We will teach our kids(living around non-Muslims) the fundamentals of the Deen from a young age so that they can familiarize themselves with Islamic modesty.
You say this but somalis kids often in engage in haram activies, sometimes even while wearing the hijab. We care more about the image of a good muslim instead of actually being one


I feel like Somalia is probably one of the harshest parents when it comes to this! Other ethnic Muslim households usually don’t mind if the child doesn’t wear hijab at the age of 8 or 9 and lets them decide.

Why do Somali parents force their kids? Why do they think it’s normal to put a 4 year old in a hijab, I know a religious sister who has a 4 year old daughter who absolutely hates putting it on and constantly takes it off, her mother just picks it up and puts it back on! Do they not know it’s haram to take away another human beings autonomy on this no matter the age?!

Let me explain why this is extremely cruel especially living in the west

I grew up in an area with not a lot of Somalis who went to school with me during primary. I was the only hijabi, the only Muslim and the only black girl and one of the 2 only black people at the school. It was EXTREMELY isolating and I was not able to properly socialize as a result, do you not think it will hinder their growth later on? My caadan female teachers HATED me, the kids were repelled by me and I could never seem to catch a fucking break. Everything I did was wrong, looking back there were alot of issues that were not serious where they would call my parents and punish me while the caadan kids who did the same were coddled and cooed to and treated with empathy. Having to grow up and live your first 8 years of school from 4-12 being isolated and displaced from my peers does mess you up a bit.

Why punish your child because you selfishly decided to move to another part of your world and live with other gaalos for monetary ambitions?

Now if they’re over the age of 11, and reaching puberty I understand wanting to put on the pressure for them to wear it but it’s still a choice!

At least if your going to make them wear the hijab, pay up the $1000 a month and take them to Islamic school so they can live an actual normal ducking life otherwise shut up.
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The prophet ﷺ said "Teach the child to pray at the age of seven and beat him for it at the age of ten. This could be applied to Hijab and modesty. We should teach our kids the fundamentals of the Deen from young age and beat them if they refuse.
Wtf don’t breed please you sound like a psycho hope you get locked up

your kids will turn athiest because they’ll learn to associate Islam with childhood abuse

massive backfire
Worst part is that most of those old hags shaming young women for refusing to wear it never wore it themselves when they were our age

can’t tell you how many times I clashed with habars over this
You know someone has little control in their life when they monitor how someone dresses. It’s very odd I have bigger things to worry about & it’s not my body.
I know how to raise my daughters well so that they become believing, pure, chaste and righteous women. This is not your place to teach me how to do that.

You girls are really pathetic, rised up in a western countries and now discussing "religion" and "modesty" when you don't even know what they mean.

Hijab hijab hijab, then what? You wears a small hijab that shows your giant Somali forehead which reflects the sun, your locks of hair are clearly visible, and wearing an open abaya. Is this what you call "hijab"?

So shameful, your parents didn't raise you well, they focused too much on earning money in make a better life in the west that they forget about learning some Islam basics.

Even if you wear the hijab, then what? You study in mixed schools and laugh and talk to foreign men — very comfortably. What kind of islam is this?

What a stupidity, May Allah guide you and fix your minds and conditions and save you from the land of the kuffar and its filth.
I know how to raise my daughters well so that they become believing, pure, chaste and righteous women. This is not your place to teach me how to do that.

You girls are really pathetic, rised up in a western countries and now discussing "religion" and "modesty" when you don't even know what they mean.

Hijab hijab hijab, then what? You wears a small hijab that shows your giant Somali forehead which reflects the sun, your locks of hair are clearly visible, and wearing an open abaya. Is this what you call "hijab"?

So shameful, your parents didn't raise you well, they focused too much on earning money in make a better life in the west that they forget about learning some Islam basics.

Even if you wear the hijab, then what? You study in mixed schools and laugh and talk to foreign men — very comfortably. What kind of islam is this?

What a stupidity, May Allah guide you and fix your minds and conditions and save you from the land of the kuffar and its filth.
Than why raise them in the west? Keep them in an Islamic country or shut up and try to meet them half way. Islam is a religion that requires guidance from someone who wants to teach them patiently, not shame and yell at them and make unreasonable requests.

If in the eyes of Allah SWT, a child is not sinned for not covering their head then who are you as a human being to force them?
Than why raise them in the west? Keep them in an Islamic country or shut up and try to meet them half way. Islam is a religion that requires guidance from someone who wants to teach them patiently, not shame and yell at them and make unreasonable requests.

If in the eyes of Allah SWT, a child is not sinned for not covering their head then who are you as a human being to force them?
Thats it: why would a sane man rise his kids in the west? Simply, There isn’t any reason except his stupidity.
A child doesn't have to fast or pray either ,but we do it to get them used to their future obligations & make the transition easier.

This notion "i let my children grow up & let them decide" is straight from shaytan.
It's very hard to pick up salat,fasting,hijab,reading quran when you already grown & never used to it.

Also it has nothing to do with forcing you children. Of course if you are a retard & too strict it will backfire. That's why you have to make the whatever you teach them 'tasty'.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I can’t wait for my son to be 10 so I can beat him if he doesn’t pray :banderas: