If your a Somali parent who lives in the west, stop forcing your children under the age of 11 to wear the hijab!

Youre acting like hijab was the root of all your problems at school. Some kids have it rough at school for many reasons like race, size, status, social skill etc etc. You never asked them why treated you like that

pinning all your problems on a scarf is crazy ngl as if you showing few strands of timo would have guaranteed you dreamy childhood. if it wasnt hijab it would've been something else
Somali parents shoving religiosity down their kids throat will backfire massively

There’s a reason athiesm is skyrocketing in places where religion is violently enforced like Iran

it’s such a turn off

I also notice how its mostly men on here , that can’t relate to your experience as a VISIBLY muslim woman that are frothing at the mouth at your reflection of your experience, lol, how typical

completely disregard, sis


Ah I remember it as if it happened yesterday!

“you should wear it to hide your body”

Meanwhile I was merely 4 years old, made me confused and ask further.

Anyways it didn’t help, most off the time it doesn’t help, you’ll eventually take it off wether it be in front off your parents or behind their backs, while the latter is smt that happens most off the times