Is this woman Somali?

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This woman was arrested in turkey because of bombing of nightclub in the new year. She is claiming the Somali ethnicity although she does not look Somali at all. However lately lot of foreigners were arrested holding Somali passports. Somali government must do something about diplomatists who sell our passports. Arrested them not just transferring them.
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I have an IQ of 300
She is claiming the Somali ethnicity
Are you sure she's claiming to be ethnically Somali? Seems to me she's simply claiming the nationality. She couldn't plausibly attempt to pass herself off as ethnically Somali in a million years
Are you sure she's claiming to be ethnically Somali? Seems to me she's simply claiming the nationality. She couldn't plausibly attempt to pass herself off as ethnically Somali in a million years

I know that, but she was arrested under Somali nationality in turkey and woman belongs to ISIS.


I have an IQ of 300
I know that, but she was arrested under Somali nationality in turkey and woman belongs to ISIS.
Doesn't mean she's necessarily claiming to be ethnically Somali. There's no way of knowing until more details come to light but this woman doesn't look too bright so she probably is claiming ethnicity.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Of course she isnt somali just look at her nose! Smh why are these jihadist losers trying to ruin our image like it isnt bad enough already.....
A Somali Passport can get you into Turkey and Malaysia without a visa.

If the government doesn't add a finger printing database to everyone issued a Somali passport,
many Somalis might lose the last privileges we have in these countries.

A simple finger printing database that includes a persons qabil with 3 references can curb this issue.


I have an IQ of 300
Idk something about the teeth and the fat eyelids
I've definitely seen somali girls that look like that
The hair doesn't seem right tho
The number of people this post will trigger :chrisfreshhah:
She literally looks nothing like a Somali and I genuinely can't fathom how you could think that, you must be seeing some Madow infused Somalis
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