Is this woman Somali?

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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
A Somali Passport can get you into Turkey and Malaysia without a visa.

If the government doesn't add a finger printing database to everyone issued a Somali passport,
many Somalis might lose the last privileges we have in these countries.

A simple finger printing database that includes a persons qabil with 3 references can curb this issue.

you've never seen an oromo in your life so sit your ass down. oromos have a very distinct look that if mixed with somali would create a new race. they look nothing like us. if you think so then you have a couple sheegatos in your bloodline :umad:
Whats up with the hate? Dont tell me this Oromo in the link above doesn't look Cushitic. There's no need for the jealousy, rather you should embrace them.
The first one is Somali and the last one
U got 1 right

The first one is Somali n the last
U got 1 right

The third one isn't somali
U got 3/4

U only got 1 right

U got 1 right


None of you except for @SenseSays can come for me
Show the original 1st pic
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