Is this woman Somali?

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The first one is Somali and the last one
U got 1 right

The first one is Somali n the last
U got 1 right

The third one isn't somali
U got 3/4

U only got 1 right

U got 1 right


None of you except for @SenseSays can come for me

She is not Somali according to Somalis at Facebook but from Senegal


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
At first I I didn't care but since everyone and their mother wants to act like she could never pass for somali I'm gna stick with my statement
Facebook isn't a good source
what kind of somali can she pass for? I've never in my years seen a somali that looks like her. Somali Bantu maybe. if I were to guess I would say she is Nigerian or Ivorian
Newsflash: Somalia has a billion Bantus & Bantus pretending to be Somali. Not every so-called Somali is genetically an actual Somali.
The first one is Somali and the last one
U got 1 right

The first one is Somali n the last
U got 1 right

The third one isn't somali
U got 3/4

U only got 1 right

U got 1 right


None of you except for @SenseSays can come for me
if their somali I'm korean sis. my ass about to realize my life long dream of becoming the 10th member of twice

I'm pretty sure they have bantu/oromo ancestors. some of y'all been using the "ethnic somali" line too loosely! :camby:everybody in the south needs to get tested
Forehead, eye shape, big lips & the protruding teeth look Somali but the nose looks Bantu.

Also to add to this: the high cheekbones & recessed chin she has are very common among Somalis

if their somali I'm korean sis. my ass about to realize my life long dream of becoming the 10th member of twice

I'm pretty sure they have bantu/oromo ancestors. some of y'all been using the "ethnic somali" line too loosely! :camby:everybody in the south needs to get tested

Tbh I don't blame you for thinking this way since Somalis usually tend to have very distinctive features that set them apart from other Africans. I guess it's important to remember than not every single one is gonna fit that stereotypical look, so try to be a little less bigoted will ya lol
Also to add to this: the high cheekbones & recessed chin she has are very common among Somalis

Tbh I don't blame you for thinking this way since Somalis usually tend to have very distinctive features that set them apart from other Africans. I guess it's important to remember than not every single one is gonna fit that stereotypical look, so try to be a little less bigoted will ya lol
tbh in some families theirs always that unfortunate soul that looks undistinguishable from a Nigerian. but those features had to come from somewhere, they probably inherited features from a great great bantu/oromo grandma. notice i said grandma because we don't do abtiris on women. we need to start since some of y'all been taking advantage of that loophole


I have an IQ of 300
tbh in some families theirs always that unfortunate soul that looks undistinguishable from a Nigerian. but those features had to come from somewhere, they probably inherited features from a great great bantu/oromo grandma. notice i said grandma because we don't do abtiris on women. we need to start since some of y'all been taking advantage of that loophole
Horta do Oromos look that different to Somalis? Aren't they related to us?
Horta do Oromos look that different to Somalis? Aren't they related to us?
Everyone in the Horn is Cushtic(including the Habesha). There may be subtle differences, but overall all Cushites share common physical traits. Some Somalis have this imaginary sense of superiority over the Oromos when really we look all the same.


I have an IQ of 300
Everyone in the Horn is Cushtic(including the Habesha). There may be subtle differences, but overall all Cushites share common physical traits. Some Somalis have this imaginary sense of superiority over the Oromos when really we look all the same.
The internet is telling me that the Oromos have some Nilotic admixture due to repeated assimilations whereas Somalis have little to none due to us being geographically and culturally isolated from Nilotic groups.
The internet is telling me that the Oromos have some Nilotic admixture due to repeated assimilations whereas Somalis have little to none due to us being geographically and culturally isolated from Nilotic groups.
I'm sure most Oromos are predominantly Cushtic because of their appearance, but yeah some Oromo groups bordering nilotes may have mixed with the them.
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Everyone in the Horn is Cushtic(including the Habesha). There may be subtle differences, but overall all Cushites share common physical traits. Some Somalis have this imaginary sense of superiority over the Oromos when really we look all the same.
you've never seen an oromo in your life so sit your ass down. oromos have a very distinct look that if mixed with somali would create a new race. they look nothing like us. if you think so then you have a couple sheegatos in your bloodline :umad:
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