Is vasectomy haram?


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
I've never even shukansi you.. Go play with your dolls little girl.. You should also apologize for insulting my dead father.

Lol, who said me? I wouldn't want your attention. :drakekidding: I was simply poking fun at first, as people do on this site. You brought yourself to this thread to call me a little girl and incite an argument, and for what exactly? You got into your feelings over a joke. Calm down, it isn't good for your blood pressure, awoowe. Remember what the doctor said.

Lol, who said me? I wouldn't want your attention. :drakekidding: I was simply poking fun at first, as people do on this site. You brought yourself to this thread to call me a little girl and incite an argument, and for what exactly? You got into your feelings over a joke. Calm down, it isn't good for your blood pressure, awoowe. Remember what the doctor said.

Lool.. I'm not even angry or mad, well you can call me awoowe, adeer or daddy, it's all in your fantasy who am I to knock down your fantasy.. But why are you always soo salty and bitter, even when I read your name it kinda sounds like jackie butt hurt.. Did you choose your nickname intentionally to reflect your personality? :drakewtf: :mjlol:


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
Lool.. I'm not even angry or mad, well you can call me awoowe, adeer or daddy, it's all in your fantasy who am I to knock down your fantasy.. But why are you always soo salty and bitter, even when I read your name it kinda sounds like jackie butt hurt.. Did you choose your nickname intentionally to reflect your personality? :drakewtf: :mjlol:

It was all jokes until now.......


You made this weird.


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
Lool.. How every thread I go your calling me names like daddy and awoowe. :deadmanny: :deadmanny: :deadmanny:

I'll leave you alone, you do the same.

Me calling you awoowe is making a joke of you. It most definitely isn't a compliment. You pulled that "daddy" stuff out of your ass. It's an insult to be associated with a Sspot faraax, especially of your breed. If I ever go for older men, I'll go for the rich senile ones.

Me calling you awoowe is making a joke of you. It most definitely isn't a compliment. You pulled that "daddy" stuff out of your ass. It's an insult to be associated with a Sspot faraax, especially of your breed. If I ever go for older men, I'll go for the rich senile ones.

Bla bla.. You kinda sound like a desperate obese xalimo trying to sell her expired products for an over price.. I'm sure no Farax be old or young wouid be interested in your buuq and butt hurt salty jokes :hova: :mjlol:

Keep it rolling :camby:


My grandmother was telling me a story about somali guy (in his late 30s) who him and his wife have 5 kids. He told my grandma that if his wife said to get a vasectomy, he will. My grandma is traditional, she called him a fulay, and died out of laughter. So there are somali men out there, after some kids are ready to snip snip :lolbron: