"Islam has no place in Slovakia". Slovakian PM Fico

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Over the course of 2016, the government of Slovakia made it quite clear what it considers Islam’s place in its country to be.

Last March, far-right and populist parties emerged as winners in and of the parliamentary election. A neo-Nazi party won seats in Parliament for the first time. And the Slovak prime minister, Robert Fico, warned of the dangers of Muslims ahead of the election.

In May, Fico gave an interview in which he said, “Islam has no place in Slovakia … The problem is not migrants coming in, rather in them changing the face of the country.”

In July, Slovakia took over the presidency of the EU Council, a change about which other European officials were apparently unenthusiastic given that Europe was (and is) in the throes of a refugee crisis and Slovakia sought to fight a refugee distribution scheme, saying it did not want to take any more refugees.

Last month, Slovakia presented a plan to the EU — of which, again, it currently presides over — to allow countries to spend more money or otherwise do more to enforce external borders or deporting people, instead of taking in their share of migrants. Also, Slovakia suggested EU member states should agree to emergency measures “on a voluntary basis” in response to peak refugee arrivals. Slovakia, like all other Visegrad 4 countries, hasrefused to take in refugees and migrants from Italy and Greece despite, or perhaps because of, a record number of asylum seekers reached Italy by boat this year.

And now, Slovakia’s government has approved a law that will, in effect, ban Islam from becoming a state religion. The legislation stated that a religion must have at least 50,000 followers to qualify for state subsidy. Per the latest census, there are about 2,000 Muslims in Slovakia, a number the government’s own policies have worked to keep relatively low. The law was approved by a two-thirds majority. It was proposed by the Slovak National Party, the chairman of which said, “We must do everything we can so that no mosque is built in the future.”

Slovakia’s internal politics are unlikely to change in the near future, even with 2017 regional elections. But European politics might: Malta takes over the EU Council presidency in January, and has already suggested that it will seek a “mandatory relocation plan” for resettling refugees and migrants throughout Europe. Including in Slovakia.


Community Manager
Staff Member
Eastern Europeans don't want their countries ruined by uneducated, unemployable zealots who spread intolerance. Zealots who ruined their own countries and wouldn't hesitate a moment to force their beliefs on others.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
There are like 83 Muslims in Slovakia. Calm your breasts.

It's like when the Mayor of Mogadishu wanting to crack down on Shias. Like all 7 of them.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There are like 83 Muslims in Slovakia. Calm your breasts.

It's like when the Mayor of Mogadishu wanting to crack down on Shias. Like all 7 of them.

Didn't those niggas also wanna crack down on Christmas or some next level quackery like that?
Is there even a large minority of muslims in eastern europe? Like other than the ethnic ones who already hail from there? :patrice:

who would wanna live there lmao


Your superior
Meanwhile Christianity conqueres the land banana republic who in hope of ictiraaf have built churches. Yet still no ictiraaf Lool


Accomplished Saaxir
Funny how the intolerant will always demand tolerance for their views.

I wish Western Europe showed half the heart Slovakia has.
I never liked Eastern Europeans but they have every right to do that. I ask that they focus their efforts on Sunnis though.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Eastern Europeans don't want their countries ruined by uneducated, unemployable zealots who spread intolerance. Zealots who ruined their own countries and wouldn't hesitate a moment to force their beliefs on others.

Sxb their countries have been ideological war zones for literal centuries

Their entire history is primarily centered around religious crusades and economic uncertainty due to those religious crusades. And when religious separations weren't enough they became defacto chess pieces for dictators.

Not to mention the perpetual unemployment that was once rampant from the Balkans to the Baltics.

These countries were routinely in the top 10 on immigration lists out of eastern Europe so it's relatively rich to see the eternal immigrants (who were once vilified unfairly) somehow develop anti immigration standpoints.

Granted they have a totally different paradigm as they have zero control sometimes on who floats into their country, but outright hatred of newcomers is laughably hypocritical.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I never liked Eastern Europeans but they have every right to do that. I ask that they focus their efforts on Sunnis though.

Why? They're hard working people usually and are more willing to abandon their prejudices than a lot of other people.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Well... A few of them are iffy. Never had issues with Serbs, Poles, Bosnians, or Lithuanians.

Ukrainians I know nothing about but my friends say they're relentlessly racist :mjcry:

Balkans are cool. Probably because they've been humbled and were refugees all over the West just recently.

Hungarians the worst. Hungary is basically an Alt-Right country. They make a lot of noises about hating non white people even though nobody outside of EE wants to actually live in fucking Hungary.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Balkans are cool. Probably because they've been humbled and were refugees all over the west just recently.

Hungarians the worst. Hungary is basically an Alt-Right country. They make a lot of noises even though nobody outside of EE wants to actually live in fucking Hungary.

Hungary to me is like a split between the west and the east

And a weird country considering their hatred for immigrants is pretty much self induced
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