"Islam has no place in Slovakia". Slovakian PM Fico

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The EU would have been so much better without these shitty Eastern European countries. All they do is complain and take money. Total drain on resources.

These clowns caused the UK to leave. Pre-2004 should have been the limit of EU expansion.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Balkans are cool. Probably because they've been humbled and were refugees all over the West just recently.

Hungarians the worst. Hungary is basically an Alt-Right country. They make a lot of noises about hating non white people even though nobody outside of EE wants to actually live in fucking Hungary.
Which is fucking hilarious considering that their origins aren't even in Europe. The Magyars are from the Eurasian steppe (like the Turks and Mongols) and only started migrating out in the 4th century.
Eastern Europeans don't want their countries ruined by uneducated, unemployable zealots who spread intolerance. Zealots who ruined their own countries and wouldn't hesitate a moment to force their beliefs on others.

So where do you see zealots? The majority of Muslims here in the west are peaceful people. If they really were fed up of just the zealots then a) that PM would not have made such a statement b) they wouldn't stage protests everywhere about how they want their country back and c) there wouldn't be such a high hate crime figures against the Muslim community.

Their intolerance is what is ruining them.
The scapegoating of the Muslim community is what is ruining them.
Not these non-existent zealots you seem to be speaking of.
Eastern Europeans don't want their countries ruined by uneducated, unemployable zealots who spread intolerance. Zealots who ruined their own countries and wouldn't hesitate a moment to force their beliefs on others.
So, the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world are ALL "zealots", "unemployed", "uneducated" and "ruin things", right? ALL the Muslims on this planet, every single one of them. Right?
So, the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world are ALL "zealots", "unemployed", "uneducated" and "ruin things", right? ALL the Muslims on this planet, every single one of them. Right?

Don't you know all Muslims are suspected terrorists?

Wallahi waa yaabaa the Somali gaalos in this forum - some of them talk as if they don't have Muslim relatives.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I understand when some irrelevant Eastern European racist, fascist politician paints all Muslims with one brush but what I fail to understand is the idiots whose mothers carried them for 9 months and endured all that pain for them, to paint her and every single, hard working, educated Muslims with the same brush with terrorists. I don't know where some of you were raised but as as a God fearing Muslim, who loves her religion, who's tolerant and who will never force her religion unto anyone, Islam is a gift and people should be lucky to even experience it. Terrorism has no place in Islam. Everything that's beautiful, there are always some hateful, jealous dimwits who will criticize it. With that being said, may Allah swt clean your hearts from this hatred and may you find the path to the beautiful religion.
Slovakia ain't the west

By the west I meant in general the western countries ( France , Holland , Belgium etc..) have become more intolerant.
But since you want to be tehnical Slovakia ain't the West neither is it the East as many people like you assume , it's actually Central Europe.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Wallahi waa yaabaa the Somali gaalos in this forum - some of them talk as if they don't have Muslim relatives.

There is no reasoning with them, there is no logic or truth behind them. To me there is some underlying psychological problem with these people on this forum. Something traumatic must have happened or bad experience that give them motive to do this.

It has nothing to do with being Gaalo, you don't see @Bielsa act like them, he is self aware. He understands he Somali and that comes with a specific self-interests and social-political reality.

It is not even a simple case of self hate or identity issues. They have deep ingrained irrational prejudice for the Somali community and border-line suffer from cognitive dissonance. There is something very deeply sinister about Kaleel/AJ and his crew.

There is no way this charade is a simply innocent trolling. They are intentionally populating Google search bars with negative and humiliating threads about Somalis and why are we acting like what they were trying to do to Ilhan Omar is all forgotten? http://www.city-journal.org/html/curious-case-ilhan-omar-14724.html and how racist Cadaans are encouraged to use this troll forum to trash us and make up lies about us http://www.somalispot.com/threads/holy-shite-you-guys-saw-this-aj-come-in.15649/

It's like white supremacist right wing agenda front mascarating as a somali website
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This is not an attack against muslims but an attack against political islam. This has nothing to do with our parents or our relatives but Slovakias understandable concern of a foreign ideology that is not compatible with their values. Save those crocodile tears until there is a church in Saudi Arabia or a synagogue in Sudan


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
There is no reasoning with them, there is no logic or truth behind them. To me there is some underlying psychological problem with these people on this forum. Something traumatic must have happened or bad experience that give them motive to do this.

It has nothing to do with being Gaalo, you don't see @Bielsa act like them, he is self aware. He understands he Somali and that comes with a specific self-interests and social-political reality.

It is not even a simple case of self hate or identity issues. They have deep ingrained irrational prejudice for the Somali community and border-line suffer from cognitive dissonance. There is something very deeply sinister about Kaleel/AJ and his crew.

There is no way this charade is a simply innocent trolling. They are intentionally populating Google search bars with negative and humiliating threads about Somalis and why are we acting like what they were trying to do to Ilhan Omar is all forgotten? http://www.city-journal.org/html/curious-case-ilhan-omar-14724.html and how racist Cadaans are encouraged to use this troll forum to trash us and make up lies about us http://www.somalispot.com/threads/holy-shite-you-guys-saw-this-aj-come-in.15649/

It's like white supremacist right wing agenda front mascarating as a somali website

:dwill: Wallahi you just gave me a whole bunch of things to think about. The whole defamation fiasco.

I always thought these athiests are looking for some sort of validation from us or something. This was the only reason I could think of for their intense hatred of Islam. It's as if they feel like they know they have made the wrong decision but are trying to make themselves feel better. There is no reason for an athiest or an agnostic from the west to harbour immense hatred for religion as a whole, they are supposed to feel indifferent towards religion and religous people.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Thing is when you first leave Islam and become Atheist you become uber hostile not only to religion but also your culture and people, understandably so due to the things you've been through. I was like that years ago when I became Atheist. As time went on I realised where my socio-political interests lie and it certainly wasn't amongst white Atheists and secularists. I've been around the Atheist community for a long time and I've seen it turn from supposed "allies" to animosity - white Atheists cuddling up to white Christians on the right confirmed everything I suspected.

I said this last year on here but it's worth repeating. I'm an Atheist and a leftist but an ethnic Somali Muslim is closer to me than a white Atheist. In fact, an Eritrean Christian is closer to me and more of an ally than a white Atheist - and I don't give a f*ck about Christianity.


Community Manager
Staff Member
So, the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world are ALL "zealots", "unemployed", "uneducated" and "ruin things", right? ALL the Muslims on this planet, every single one of them. Right?
That's very unlikely. I can't agree with you on that.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
This is not an attack against muslims but an attack against political islam. This has nothing to do with our parents or our relatives but Slovakias understandable concern of a foreign ideology that is not compatible with their values. Save those crocodile tears until there is a church in Saudi Arabia or a synagogue in Sudan
I don't care about Slovakia and their policies or views. They can do whatever the f*ck they want.

With a mere 0,1% population of Muslim.
Do you think their stance is even relevant.:wtfdis:

They are one irrelevant ass country.:kodaksmiley:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Eastern Europeans don't want their countries ruined by uneducated, unemployable zealots who spread intolerance. Zealots who ruined their own countries and wouldn't hesitate a moment to force their beliefs on others.
Isn't that what the west does by propping up dictators in the Muslim world? What about the west relationship with the brutal dictatorship Saudia Arabia? You're bias against Muslims and Islam & you're the admin smh change the name to gaalo spot my g remember the overwhelming majority of Somalis are Muslim not in our name.
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Community Manager
Staff Member
Isn't that what the west does by probing up dictators in the Muslim world? What about the west relationship with the brutal dictatorship Saudia Arabia? You're bias against Muslims and Islam & you're the admin smh change the name to gaalo spot my g remember the overwhelming majority of Somalis are Muslim not in our name.
Why do you think I am biased?
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