"Islam has no place in Slovakia". Slovakian PM Fico

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why do you think I am biased?
What do you make of the relationship between the United States & Saudia arabia? What do you think of the west propping up dictators in the Muslim world? Why do you think Muslims are in the west in mass cause the west has carpet bombed their countries. Can you name me one Muslim country that manufactures weapons like guns & missiles? What do you make of the west selling arms & spreading destruction & misery through out the entire world? War is big business so who benefits? The corporations that manufacture weapons...where's your condemnation? Nah it's the Muslims right? Very one sided if you ask me, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a European white supremacist with those biased views.
Thing is when you first leave Islam and become Atheist you become uber hostile not only to religion but also your culture and people, understandably so due to the things you've been through. I was like that years ago when I became Atheist. As time went on I realised where my socio-political interests lie and it certainly wasn't amongst white Atheists and secularists. I've been around the Atheist community for a long time and I've seen it turn from supposed "allies" to animosity - white Atheists cuddling up to white Christians on the right confirmed everything I suspected.

I said this last year on here but it's worth repeating. I'm an Atheist and a leftist but an ethnic Somali Muslim is closer to me than a white Atheist. In fact, an Eritrean Christian is closer to me and more of an ally than a white Atheist - and I don't give a f*ck about Christianity.

Saaxiib I've been a Atheist for the better part of 8 years, most of the time I troll and take the piss, I know exactly where I stand and how I define myself self, and for the part may it be the Somali Muslim, White Atheist lefties, I don't separate people I see them all the same, I'm speaking from experience you can meet a Somali Muslim who is moderate and a white Atheist who would like nothing better then to bury you alive, then you got a Somali Muslim litteraly threatening and in some extreme cases would kill you and you got on the other side a white atheist who's got the same exact belief's as you, but one thing I know for sure is we are on our own the minority always follows the majority for fear of ridicule or in the case of a Somali Muslim being a Gaal raac, so I whole heartedly disagree with your stance but each to his own.


Community Manager
Staff Member
What do you make of the relationship between the United States & Saudia arabia? What do you think of the west propping up dictators in the Muslim world? Why do you think Muslims are in the west in mass cause the west has carpet bombed their countries. Can you name me one Muslim country the manufactures weapons like guns & missiles? What do you make for the west selling arms & spreading destruction & misery through out the entire world? War is big business so who benefits? The corporations that manufacture weapons...where's your condemnation? Nah it's the Muslims right? Very one sided if you ask me, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a European white supremacist with those biased views.
I was speaking strictly from a societal perspective. Those things you mentioned are irrelevant to the topic.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Eastern Europeans don't want their countries ruined by uneducated, unemployable zealots who spread intolerance. Zealots who ruined their own countries and wouldn't hesitate a moment to force their beliefs on others.
Fari qorax ma qariso you're the admin have some self respect & show a bit of courtesy after all Somalis are overwhelmingly unapologetically Muslim, your biasses hasn't gone unnoticed.
first off, who the f*ck want´s to live in Slovakia? But i agree with them about their stance on Islam
I don't care about Slovakia and their policies or views. They can do whatever the f*ck they want.

With a mere 0,1% population of Muslim.
Do you think their stance is even relevant.:wtfdis:

They are one irrelevant ass country.:kodaksmiley:
Good. Less of a reason for yall to be ing about this clearly enlightened leader who wants nothing to do with your religion


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I respect the somali womb that brought me to life. But as far as i know, " god" did not squeeze me out. Stop this wadaad hadaal when u got that picture u hypocrite.
What wadaad hadal respect the womb that bore you, your mother is a Muslim remember that next time you want to talk smack about Muslims & Islam.
What wadaad hadal respect the womb that bore you, your mother is a Muslim remember that next time you want to talk smack about Muslims & Islam.

Go clap ur dhabo for ur arab god and remove ur pic. I respect my mom, but not islam. Talking smack when i agree with someones stance on islam in the west is kinda funny. If u really want to cry about this, leave ur secular western country and join the khilafa or move to saudi. It´s a reason all europe is slowly becoming right wing, and it´s because ur precious akhis.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Go clap ur dhabo for ur arab god and remove ur pic. I respect my mom, but not islam. Talking smack when i agree with someones stance on islam in the west is kinda funny. If u really want to cry about this, leave ur secular western country and join the khilafa or move to saudi. It´s a reason all europe is slowly becoming right wing, and it´s because ur precious akhis.
Why don't you tell that to your mother & father & most of your immediate family since they're Muslim.
Why don't you tell that to your mother & father & most of your immediate family since they're Muslim.

They don´t complain like a little naag like u. We have to accept that we don´t live in muslim territory, and when islam don´t reflect the countries social and cultural norms, it can´t survive.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
They don´t complain like a little naag like u. We have to accept that we don´t live in muslim territory, and when islam don´t reflect the countries social and cultural norms, it can´t survive.
It's your Muslim families fault they should leave the west cause they're destroying the fabric of the society.
It's your Muslim families fault they should leave the west cause they're destroying the fabric of the society.

Not really, they don´t feel the need to protest and make demands. They can pray and live out there religion in peace. And they rather live here, then living in a sharia based society.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Not really, they don´t feel the need to protest and make demands. They can pray and live out there religion in peace. And they rather live here, then living in a sharia based society.
Your Muslim family are terrorists with their backwards religion & way of life they should be cleansed from the great white man our lord & saviours country those parasitic maggots.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Let's deport your Muslim family before they lay more eggs & swamp this great western lands of liberty equality & fraternity.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Thing is when you first leave Islam and become Atheist you become uber hostile not only to religion but also your culture and people, understandably so due to the things you've been through. I was like that years ago when I became Atheist. As time went on I realised where my socio-political interests lie and it certainly wasn't amongst white Atheists and secularists. I've been around the Atheist community for a long time and I've seen it turn from supposed "allies" to animosity - white Atheists cuddling up to white Christians on the right confirmed everything I suspected.

I said this last year on here but it's worth repeating. I'm an Atheist and a leftist but an ethnic Somali Muslim is closer to me than a white Atheist. In fact, an Eritrean Christian is closer to me and more of an ally than a white Atheist - and I don't give a f*ck about Christianity.

White Christians and White atheists cuddling up to one another i don't find that one bit strange.

For Europeans self-interest is an innate and unconscious act which requires no conspiracy theories or plotting to align and work in unison. The only people who do not behave like this are people so mentally oppressed they do as Malcolm suggest and worry about their master’s house first.


Accomplished Saaxir
It never fails to amaze me how many of the Muslims on here scream oppression at the rhetoric more often than action. Don't be so ridiculous as to say that Muslims are routinely and systematically oppressed when I see Muslims at my University donning the Khamiis, Jilbaab and other religious insignia you guys are spitting in the faces of those in the past who have suffered real persecution and oppression.

No rather many of you had brought this rise of anti-establishment politics on yourselves. Your religion for one demands you to not seek friendships with the Kuffar (Surah 5:51) which is straight away a temptation to forming insular often hostile ghettos. I'd wager that the Somali community's greater hostility towards ex-Muslims rather than criminal deadbeat Muslims which stain the reputation of this community is a prime example of the issue I'm pointing to.

Why is it we don't ever hear speeches inside Mandirs or Gurdwaras calling for the takeover of the West. Why is it we always hear this kind of rhetoric come from Masjids?

From the Caucasus to the Phillipines to Nigeria, why is it we only see a global religiously inspired insurgency coming from none other than 'the religion of peace?'

Those, peaceful law abiding Muslims that are around (and I'm sure most of you are) need to do much, much more in addressing these extremist/backward elements in their community which are fundamentally the root cause of the rise of this anti-establishment right wing populism we see sprouting up across the West.
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