"Islam has no place in Slovakia". Slovakian PM Fico

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It never fails to amaze me how many of the Muslims on here scream oppression at the rhetoric more often than action. Don't be so ridiculous as to say that Muslims are routinely and systematically oppressed when I see Muslims at my University donning the Khamiis, Jilbaab and other religious insignia you guys are spitting in the faces of those in the past who have suffered real persecution and oppression.

No rather many of you had brought this rise of anti-establishment politics on yourselves. Your religion for one demands you to not seek friendships with the Kuffar (Surah 5:51) which is straight away a temptation to forming insular often hostile ghettos. I'd wager that the Somali community's greater hostility towards ex-Muslims rather than criminal deadbeat Muslims which stain the reputation of this community is a prime example of the issue I'm pointing to.

Why is it we don't ever hear speeches inside Mandirs or Gurdwaras calling for the takeover of the West. Why is it we always hear this kind of rhetoric come from Masjids?

From the Caucasus to the Phillipines to Nigeria, why is it we only see a global religiously inspired insurgency coming from none other than 'the religion of peace?'

Those, peaceful law abiding Muslims that are around (and I'm sure most of you are) need to do much, much more in addressing these extremist/backward elements in their community which are fundamentally the root cause of the rise of this anti-establishment right wing populism we see sprouting up across the West.
State a few anecdotes that don't really apply to the scenario and quote a Ayah out of context.

Read the "Signs of the Last Hour" thread posted by @AceofSom

You should understand everything I'm talking about.
You don't know what is meant by "Awliya" in that ayah. It's permissible to live among non-Muslims (as long doing so will not prevent you from practicing Islam) but it's obligatory to not deceive them and disobey the laws of their land. It's encouraged to treat your neighbors well, even if they are non-Muslims. There's nothing wrong with having good relations with the non-Muslims on a personal level. Laakin what's discouraged and forbidden is what the Saudi Arabia monarchy is doing.


Accomplished Saaxir
You don't know what is meant by "Awliya" in that ayah. It's permissible to live among non-Muslims (as long doing so will not prevent you from practicing Islam) but it's obligatory to not deceive them and disobey the laws of their land. It's encouraged to treat your neighbors well, even if they are non-Muslims. There's nothing wrong with having good relations with the non-Muslims on a personal level. Laakin what's discouraged and forbidden is what the Saudi Arabia monarchy is doing.

"27. The Muslim Conquest of Rome"

"World is coming under rule of Islam people better be on the right side or perish forever..."

"I can see everything falling into place already. Trump, EU breaking up, awakening of the Muslim youth."

You seriously think I can take your comments seriously when your co-religionists on the forum are saying this?
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