It's Halloween and guess what tens of thousands of Somali households are doing right now?

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Pepe Trump
Islam is the religion of Allah - it has existed and will continue to exist until the end of time. And you will die one day, as will I, and we will face our Lord and see the reality of this life. Repent and put your hands up to Allah and ask Him to guide you. You are truly lost and I feel very sorry for you. I don't say this with any malice or judgement in my heart wallahi, I hope that Allah guides you.

And I truly feel for you if you're willing to believe in plagiarised mythology without any evidence at all. Islam only came into existence in the seventh century. Unless you have proof, you need to stop presenting your myth as the truth.
And I truly feel for you if you're willing to believe in plagiarised mythology without any evidence at all. Islam only came into existence in the seventh century. Unless you have proof, you need to stop presenting your myth as the truth.

khattamAllahu 'alaa quloobihim wa 'alaa sam'ihim wa 'alaa absaarihim 3hishaawah, wallahum 'adhaabun 'adheem.


Pepe Trump

Seals our hearts and sensory faculties only to punish us for it.
Sounds justified.

"You have free will to go to hell or heaven but I'll seal your heart and hearing." Makes perfect sense.

These lot are just blind followers. Anyone can see why that verse is problematic.
Wait, so Allah has put a seal in my heart and hearing?! I thought I had free will?!

Allah guides those who wish to be guided. You have no wish to be guided, your heart and your hearing and your sight is sealed. You are ignorant of truth because you have no wish to see it. I hope for your sake that changes.


Pepe Trump
Allah guides those who wish to be guided. You have no wish to be guided, your heart and your hearing and your sight is sealed. You are ignorant of truth because you have no wish to see it. I hope for your sake that changes.

Wait, so it's my fault that Allah has sealed my heart and hearing? I thought I had free will? You've basically just said that Allah took away my right to choose and destined me to hell. Religion is a walking contradiction.
Halloween is perhaps the best example of Somalis and their failure to assimilate.

Isn't assimilation against Islam? You should know there is a difference between integration and assimilation. Eitherway, you can't call following the rituals of the pagans a perfect example of integration.


Pepe Trump
Isn't assimilation against Islam? You should know there is a difference between integration and assimilation. Eitherway, you can't call following the rituals of the pagans a perfect example of integration.

Then why go to a country of you refuse to assimilate? You can't walk into someone's house and expect not to try and engage with its residents.
Then why go to a country of you refuse to assimilate? You can't walk into someone's house and expect not to try and engage with its residents.
We don't mind integrating, as long as it does not come into contlict or clash with our religious belief. We as Muslims should reject any calls for assimilation.


Pepe Trump
What's yours Darwinian, a theory kkk

I think we've already established that a scientific theory is not the same as an ordinary use of the term theory. Plus, I've got no idea why you're obsessed with giving me the term Darwinian. What does that even mean? Evolution is a sound scientific fact.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Gaalka dhiil gartiisana sii, you're granted persona non grata in Somalia you apostate enemy of the most sublime the best of judges, the most merciful, the omnipotent & the omnipresent, the master of the day of judgement, not our will but may your will alone be done, we came from you & to you we shall return, the most wise, help us your slaves see things as they're & not as they appear to be..


Pepe Trump
We don't mind integrating, as long as it does not come into contlict or clash with our religious belief. We as Muslims should reject any calls for assimilation.

Then leave! Why shove yourself down other people's throats if you wont accept the cultural heritage of the nation. There's a reason why Somalis are despised all over the world. It's because of free loaders like you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I think we've already established that a scientific theory is not the same as an ordinary use of the term theory. Plus, I've got no idea why you're obsessed with giving me the term Darwinian. What does that even mean? Evolution is a sound scientific fact.
Tell that to your homoerectus ancestors who dragged their knuckles on the ground like silverback gorillas.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Then leave! Why shove yourself down other people's throats if you wont accept the cultural heritage of the nation. There's a reason why Somalis are despised all over the world. It's because of free loaders like you.
f*ck you & f*ck them kkkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Freeloaders kulaha war wuxu Maxa weeye wax oo isnacay oo substance laheen, oo Iska socdo bila honour iyo integrity, low self esteem, enemy of the Muslims, wallahi these apostates are vermin.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
They're your ancestors to you inbred dimwit. Plus, it's clearly evident that you're their descendent. You're bloody retarded.
Says the Darwinian :ftw9nwa:




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