It's time for Somalia to Balkanize

Realistically speaking, it's time for Somalia to balkanize. The idea of a united Somali nation died long ago. Everyone cares about their clan only but pretends to be a wadani at the same time.

Our clans struggle to live with each other so imagine a united Somalia let alone a united Somaliweyn consisting of SL, the rest of Somalia, NFD, DDS and Jabuuti. Every clan occupying substantial territory should build their own country and they should come together and meet with neighboring clans to agree on a border if the current world order remains. For example: Habar Gidir would form a country of their own and would have to agree on a border with neighboring clans like Majeerteen, Dir (In Mudug/Galgaduud), Mareexaan, Leelkase, Murusade etc.

We never thought of uniting as a people until the 50's and we never were a united nation. We don't think of each other as a nation too. So it makes sense to balkanize at this point. It's for the better and it'll result in less death & destruction.
Clans should agree on a border with neighboring clans and then build border walls complete with barbed wire in order to prevent encroachment which will cause conflict between neighboring clans. This will actually prevent Somali youth from dying in clan wars. If you can't even meet your neighbor then you can't harm them either.
Your idea of building a border wall between clans is crazy You realize that a lot of clans live amongst one another intermarry and dont have tensions
That needs to end. My clan hates the neighboring clan and that's the case for everyone else. Everyone needs to marry their own and develop their own areas for the sake of stability. The idea of a united Somalia needs to end. I already know people who agree with me and I will be going to my region soon Insha Allah to convince more people so it becomes a reality Insha Allah.
That needs to end. My clan hates the neighboring clan and that's the case for everyone else. Everyone needs to marry their own and develop their own areas for the sake of stability. The idea of a united Somalia needs to end. I already know people who agree with me and I will be going to my region soon Insha Allah to convince more people so it becomes a reality Insha Allah.
Pys op

Internet Nomad

Your idea of building a border wall between clans is crazy You realize that a lot of clans live amongst one another intermarry and dont have tensions
As for the "don't have tensions" part this is cope sadly. All clans hate each other. I can name a million clan conflicts that are ongoing or dormant for whatever reason.
Have fun having more youth die in clan conflicts then. I'm not gonna let that happen. Your worst enemy is another Somali clan hence why we bring in foreigners or other clans we also hate to fight each other. We fight each other more than we fight Kenya/Ethiopia who occupy vital parts of ethnic Somali territory. It's time for us to seperate.
How will balkanization help us?
How will staying together help us? Balkanization will result in less battles between clans and people will be more motivated to build their own areas. If we build border walls complete with barbed wire, this will prevent encroachment by geeljires who are looking for more grazing land. Mudug in particular needs these measures.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Your right that it would end the bloodshed and end tensions but the thing is if we balkanize whats stopping us from getting annexed by ethiopia and kenya thag scenario will 1000% happen if we balkanize I see the unity of the somali people as a matter for survivial no matter how much we hate each other we have to be under one nation to survive and avoid getting absorbed into different foreign spheres of influence.
Your right that it would end the bloodshed and end tensions but the thing is if we balkanize whats stopping us from getting annexed by ethiopia and kenya thag scenario will 1000% happen if we balkanize I see the unity of the somali people as a matter for survivial no matter how much we hate each other we have to be under one nation to survive and avoid getting absorbed into different foreign spheres of influence.
Ethiopia could annex us today. They easily invaded in 2006. We always use our enemies against each other. That's what Cabdullaahi Yuusuf did in 2006 lol. Sticking together will not prevent an Ethiopian annexation attempt.
How will staying together help us? Balkanization will result in less battles between clans and people will be more motivated to build their own areas. If we build border walls complete with barbed wire, this will prevent encroachment by geeljires who are looking for more grazing land. Mudug in particular needs these measures.
What is your clan btw I’m reer mudug as well


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Ethiopia could annex us today. They easily invaded in 2006. We always use our enemies against each other. That's what Cabdullaahi Yuusuf did in 2006 lol. Sticking together will not prevent an Ethiopian annexation attempt.
They cant due to international law etc. it makes it harder for the also what makes you think the same outcome that happened in 06 would happene again? and how about the morals?and that stunt benefiting one clan while the rest suffer? but lets say balkanization happens what makes you think the international world would recognise each and every single clan state? we all know that if balkanisation happens although it brings peace and no bloodshed to the somali people it comes with a price and that is foreign annexation.
They cant due to international law etc. it makes it harder for the also what makes you think the same outcome that happened in 06 would happene again? and how about the morals?and that stunt benefiting one clan while the rest suffer? but lets say balkanization happens what makes you think the international world would recognise each and every single clan state? we all know that if balkanisation happens although it brings peace and no bloodshed to the somali people it comes with a price and that is foreign annexation.
No we won't be annexed. When Ethiopia invaded in 2006 there was no Somali unity when it came to fighting Ethiopia. You were either with the ICU or with the TFG. That shows a lack of unity.

The TFG are the ones who asked for Ethiopia to invade. If we couldn't unite in 2006 despite Somalia remaining intact as a nation (meaning it wasn't balkanized not that it was actually stable) then why would we do so today? We hate each other now more than we did then in many ways.

As for recognition, I don't really care about that honestly. I'd rather we remain unrecognized then have a shit country filled with people who hate each other. We can end up like SL who govern themselves and are de-facto independent but lack recognition from sovereign nations. Obviously we'd all need to improve since SL sucks too.
you made all these statements advocate for Somalis to be divided even further yet refuse to reveal your clan 😂😂😂
Yes because that'll derail the thread since people would rather attack me for what I am, instead of actually making valid points. People will say 'of course someone from xyz clan would call for this' instead of actually making a rebuttal.
Shisheeye/ajnabi alert. This guy who made his account a week ago made his first post where he says Somalia should balkanize. In a time when our enemies are weak, in a time when we about to get the oil out, in a time when our enemies anguish in desperation.

I havent read your post yet, just the title and I know that you aren't Somali.
If we balkanise what makes you believe they’ll live next to each other in peace? There were clan wars 100s of years ago and there’s clan wars today. In fact there’s probably less today than before.

We don’t have a universally agreed upon style of governance, education system, type of economy, etc. If this happens and we still fight amongst each other then I give up let’s balkanise.