It's time for Somalia to Balkanize

How will staying together help us? Balkanization will result in less battles between clans and people will be more motivated to build their own areas. If we build border walls complete with barbed wire, this will prevent encroachment by geeljires who are looking for more grazing land. Mudug in particular needs these measures.
Low iq somalis just speaking for the sake of it a profession their welfare dependent aboos has mastered in the cafes all over the world!

Go ask UN, the west, AU to grant you your imiginary state instead of starting a topic that has no value. No somali has the power to create new country you got it? Beg your superiors.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Realistically speaking, it's time for Somalia to balkanize. The idea of a united Somali nation died long ago. Everyone cares about their clan only but pretends to be a wadani at the same time.

Our clans struggle to live with each other so imagine a united Somalia let alone a united Somaliweyn consisting of SL, the rest of Somalia, NFD, DDS and Jabuuti. Every clan occupying substantial territory should build their own country and they should come together and meet with neighboring clans to agree on a border if the current world order remains. For example: Habar Gidir would form a country of their own and would have to agree on a border with neighboring clans like Majeerteen, Dir (In Mudug/Galgaduud), Mareexaan, Leelkase, Murusade etc.

We never thought of uniting as a people until the 50's and we never were a united nation. We don't think of each other as a nation too. So it makes sense to balkanize at this point. It's for the better and it'll result in less death & destruction.

I couldn't be bothered to write anything but this picture represents anyone who agrees with you.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
No we won't be annexed. When Ethiopia invaded in 2006 there was no Somali unity when it came to fighting Ethiopia. You were either with the ICU or with the TFG. That shows a lack of unity.

The TFG are the ones who asked for Ethiopia to invade. If we couldn't unite in 2006 despite Somalia remaining intact as a nation (meaning it wasn't balkanized not that it was actually stable) then why would we do so today? We hate each other now more than we did then in many ways.

As for recognition, I don't really care about that honestly. I'd rather we remain unrecognized then have a shit country filled with people who hate each other. We can end up like SL who govern themselves and are de-facto independent but lack recognition from sovereign nations. Obviously we'd all need to improve since SL sucks too.
It is not as simple as you think, there would definitely be foreign annexation whatever way you think about it and also you are aware of we balkanise there would be manu cases of even SUBCLANS wanting their own state for themselves.
Yes because that'll derail the thread since people would rather attack me for what I am, instead of actually making valid points. People will say 'of course someone from xyz clan would call for this' instead of actually making a rebuttal.
You are a galla. I know. No Somali will benefit from being further divided. If we cant even protect ourselves from Ethiopia and Kenya now, how about when we split in hundreds of mini states. You have room temperature of an IQ.

You are not Somali. Even Somalilands who wants to secede will never give up Awdal, Sool, Sanaag and Cayn that other clans live in. So cut the crap you raisin headed, burned faced Galla
How is the weather this time of the year in Addis Ababa?
Ironic coming from you. You were supporting Ethiopia not too long ago. I am Somali, not revealing my qabiil will not change that. I'm just being realistic. I also support the balkanization of Ethiopia, you can read my other posts.
Shisheeye/ajnabi alert. This guy who made his account a week ago made his first post where he says Somalia should balkanize. In a time when our enemies are weak, in a time when we about to get the oil out, in a time when our enemies anguish in desperation.

I havent read your post yet, just the title and I know that you aren't Somali.
Keep coping sxb. You know damn well Somalia is failing because we've forced ourselves to be part of one nation. We hate each other and you're just being delusional. I am Somali with a clan and my mother also has a clan. I don't need to prove that to a random guy online who could be an Oromo himself.
If we balkanise what makes you believe they’ll live next to each other in peace? There were clan wars 100s of years ago and there’s clan wars today. In fact there’s probably less today than before.

We don’t have a universally agreed upon style of governance, education system, type of economy, etc. If this happens and we still fight amongst each other then I give up let’s balkanise.
There are more clan wars now than there have been at any point apart from 1991.

In Mudug alone there is:
Habar Gidir vs Mareexaan
Habar Gidir vs Leelkase
Mareexaan vs Surre

These is regular fighting in these regions because people can't get along. Time to end the project. Having a border wall complete with barbed wire will force people to stay in their own regions.
It is not as simple as you think, there would definitely be foreign annexation whatever way you think about it and also you are aware of we balkanise there would be manu cases of even SUBCLANS wanting their own state for themselves.
There may be and that can be arranged. Within my own clan there is fighting between sub-clans from time to time but they've calmed down. My clan could easily form their own state but they're too low-IQ and still believe in Somalia.
You are a galla. I know. No Somali will benefit from being further divided. If we cant even protect ourselves from Ethiopia and Kenya now, how about when we split in hundreds of mini states. You have room temperature of an IQ.

You are not Somali. Even Somalilands who wants to secede will never give up Awdal, Sool, Sanaag and Cayn that other clans live in. So cut the crap you raisin headed, burned faced Galla
I am Somali. Every Somali benefits from balkanization especially my own clan who no longer have to worry about rival tribes attempting to encroach into our territory. Some Landers support Balkanization too. I've seen them make threads on this before on this very forum. Landers will not give up on SSC & Awdal because SL is an imperialist Isaaq project.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
There may be and that can be arranged. Within my own clan there is fighting between sub-clans from time to time but they've calmed down. My clan could easily form their own state but they're too low-IQ and still believe in Somalia.
Arranged? 🤣 mate the kenyans and ethiopians will annex us and call our provinces some bastardised amhara or swahilli name we would have zero say in "arrangement" also whats to say your subclans start fighting again? how about the other clans? what makes you so sure they wont just devolve into subclan civil war? we have seen instances of it before and now to this day.
Keep coping sxb. You know damn well Somalia is failing because we've forced ourselves to be part of one nation. We hate each other and you're just being delusional. I am Somali with a clan and my mother also has a clan. I don't need to prove that to a random guy online who could be an Oromo himself.
You so detached from whats happening there and anything. I bet you havent finished 9th grade the way that you think. Give me an accurate analysis on the situation in Somalia. Stop with this sloppy ass rant about why Somalia should balkanize. Come with some good points.
1. Geography, some areas are barren with no resources.
2. Reduced political influence in the region
3. Al shabaab, Daesh
4. Ethiopia and Kenya wanting to annex land
5. More conflicts. Clan conflicts happen due to scarce resources and limited grazing land. Somalis are mostly nomads, so there will be border crossing meaning the conflict between clans will not go away.

If you enjoy and wish for Somalis to be politically irrelevant, militarily weak, and in a constant state of poverty and conflicts. Then yes these points I just made wouldnt matter.
But if you want Somalis to be the political force in the region, then you would want an united Somalia. How do we overcome this?

We sell the trillions of dollars worth of resources we have to overcome our geographical limitation and we expand. Thats what we gonna do.
There are more clan wars now than there have been at any point apart from 1991.

In Mudug alone there is:
Habar Gidir vs Mareexaan
Habar Gidir vs Leelkase
Mareexaan vs Surre

These is regular fighting in these regions because people can't get along. Time to end the project. Having a border wall complete with barbed wire will force people to stay in their own regions.
So Somalia is full of clan wars because of 3 clan wars in 1 region out of 18.
Arranged? 🤣 mate the kenyans and ethiopians will annex us and call our provinces some bastardised amhara or swahilli name we would have zero say in "arrangement" also whats to say your subclans start fighting again? how about the other clans? what makes you so sure they wont just devolve into subclan civil war? we have seen instances of it before and now to this day.
My clan is united by a common enemy (a neighboring clan) and there really isn't much to fight over. Kenya really isn't as strong as you think, AS handed them their worst ever L in 2016,. As for Ethiopia, as I said earlier, what's stopping them from annexing us today? If we balkanize, each region can defend itself. Ethiopia isn't as strong as you think. Ethiopia has been defeated numerous times.
Btw these issues I just mentioned could have been solved longtime ago but the FGS is fighting for it survival against religious fanatics who seeks to kill anyone they disagree with. Right now things are going in the right direction and Somalia's geo political importance is increasing, this is why we see Turkey investing in Somalia and Egypt making it clear that Somalia's sovereignty should be respected. When Turkey soon anounces the amount of oil in Somalia, estimated to be between 30-110 billion usd. We can expect our geopolitical relevance to increase even further
So Somalia is full of clan wars because of 3 clan wars in 1 region out of 18. View attachment 338102
You so detached from whats happening there and anything. I bet you havent finished 9th grade the way that you think. Give me an accurate analysis on the situation in Somalia. Stop with this sloppy ass rant about why Somalia should balkanize. Come with some good points.
1. Geography, some areas are barren with no resources.
2. Reduced political influence in the region
3. Al shabaab, Daesh
4. Ethiopia and Kenya wanting to annex land
5. More conflicts. Clan conflicts happen due to scarce resources and limited grazing land. Somalis are mostly nomads, so there will be border crossing meaning the conflict between clans will not go away.

If you enjoy and wish for Somalis to be politically irrelevant, militarily weak, and in a constant state of poverty and conflicts. Then yes these points I just made wouldnt matter.
But if you want Somalis to be the political force in the region, then you would want an united Somalia. How do we overcome this?

We sell the trillions of dollars worth of resources we have to overcome our geographical limitation and we expand. Thats what we gonna do.
I finished 9th grade long ago and I am a fully grown adult. Somalia's situation is complex but the two main issues are AS and clan rivalries.

AS are this strong because everyone hates each other as I said. Clans/ethnicites that are small and don't have many rights are some of the biggest supporters AS' project. Daesh are actually not too big of an issue because Daesh can only be found in Cal-Miskaad in Bari lol.

Ethiopia is not in the position to annex us. Abiy Ahmed doesn't control anything outside of Addis. He had to sign a peace deal with the TPLF to get Tigray back under his control. Kenya are weak and even AS defeated them numerous times.

As for your last point on clan conflicts, it doesn't matter how barren one's land is, people need to stay in their regions, no one has the right to encroach. Mudug is not even the only region, it's just the region with the worst situation when it comes to clan conflicts.

People only care about their clan, not Somalis even you probably do and are just pretending to be wadani. We also won't be selling any resources as long as everyone hates each other and clans won't allow a clan they hate to benefit from resources found on their territory.
Btw these issues I just mentioned could have been solved longtime ago but the FGS is fighting for it survival against religious fanatics who seeks to kill anyone they disagree with. Right now things are going in the right direction and Somalia's geo political importance is increasing, this is why we see Turkey investing in Somalia and Egypt making it clear that Somalia's sovereignty should be respected. When Turkey soon anounces the amount of oil in Somalia, estimated to be between 30-110 billion usd. We can expect our geopolitical relevance to increase even further
Turkey is actually taking advantage of Somalia's weakness. HSM brought Turkey in due to Ethiopia-SL MOU. Turkey will be protecting Somalia's coast which basically means the MOU is dead. Things are not going in the right direction at all. Shabaab are still strong and they actually took back much of the territory they lost during the offensive. Just look at Ceel-Buur which was captured for 24 hours and then abandoned. How many times has Ceeldheer switched hands? Also we can't actually start drilling until the nation is stable. AS will attack workers just like they did with Turkish engineers in Afgooye. You're being delusional, This is THE problem we face today. Time to get real.
My clan my clan my clan🤣 what have ur clan achieved? I pity all the western born Somalis who engage in this type of dreaming must be serial loser inrl but as you’ve dodged my statement.

ask daddy UN, AU , US too gain you ur wish or stfu make some lacag make a name of urself in the west lil bro get out the trenches.

why does every low iq somali wanna talk politics? This is baffling.
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My clan my clan my clan🤣 what have ur clan achieved? I pity all the western born Somalis who engage in this type of dreaming must be serial loser inrl but as you’ve dodged my

ask daddy UN, AU , US too gain you ur wish or stfu make some lacag make a name of urself in the west lil bro get out the trenches.

why does every low iq somali wanna talk politics? This is baffling.
Say that again but in English next time.

