It's time for Somalia to Balkanize

Turkey is actually taking advantage of Somalia's weakness. HSM brought Turkey in due to Ethiopia-SL MOU. Turkey will be protecting Somalia's coast which basically means the MOU is dead. Things are not going in the right direction at all. Shabaab are still strong and they actually took back much of the territory they lost during the offensive. Just look at Ceel-Buur which was captured for 24 hours and then abandoned. How many times has Ceeldheer switched hands? Also we can't actually start drilling until the nation is stable. AS will attack workers just like they did with Turkish engineers in Afgooye. You're being delusional, This is THE problem we face today. Time to get real.
It baffles me how stupid a person can be. You have to be Ethiopian. You have to be. Like I never seen anyone as retarded as you are. My blood pressure is all up because of your Stupidity. Please stfu and never ever talk about politics ever again. That is something for the person of average intelligence should talk about.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Do you really think USAID is going to set up a field office in every clan capital?

Ambition badanaa, brother our children are fed by gaalo. Nobody needs another 15 Somalias.
Do you really think USAID is going to set up a field office in every clan capital?

Ambition badanaa, brother our children are fed by gaalo. Nobody needs another 15 Somalias.
He wants to add 100 extra clan fiefdoms to the UN. Imagine the buuq when one clan leader has to do a speech at the UN general assembly


i dont think it’s a great idea, qabiils will then separate into sub qabiils and so on. the only way forward is leaving clan system behind, for good :)



That is exactly what this idea that is pushed in Somalia and nearly every Muslim country is. A Psy-op. It has a name, the Yinon Plan.

The Secret Zionist Plan to Destroy the Muslim World​

The Yinon Plan was first laid out in a 1982 article featured in the Hebrew journal Kivunim
(published by the World Zionist Organization’s department of Information in Jerusalem).

The article was authored by Oded Yinon – a former advisor to Ariel Sharon (an Israeli general who later became prime minister).

The Yinon Plan has played a key role in Zionist foreign policy since the 1980s. The powerful Israel lobby has also successfully pushed the US government into adopting the same plan.

The US government began to implement this plan partially in the 1990s. However, full implementation began in the early 2000s under George W. Bush. The plan still guides American policy to this day.

The basic aim of the Yinon Plan is to fatally weaken Muslim-majority states, especially in the Middle East. This involves promoting religious, sectarian, and ethnic divisions and conflict. Such is to be done within Muslim majority-states (e.g., Lebanon, Iraq, Syria). It is also to be done between these states (e.g., Gulf states versus Iraq, Saudi versus Iran).

It is assumed that Muslim-majority states will become weaker if there is conflict within them and between them. It is expected that these conflicts will cause complete economic ruin, millions of deaths, and tens of millions of refugees.

RELATED: Is Jihad the Same as Terrorism? Undoing Two Decades of Anti-Muslim War Propaganda

The Yinon Plan promotes various forms of conflict.

It promotes conflicts between Muslims and Christians in the Middle East (e.g., in Lebanon, Egypt).

It promotes conflicts between different ethnicities in the Middle East (e.g., Arabs, Kurds, Turks).

It promotes sectarian conflicts between Muslims (e.g., Sunni, Twelver, Zaidi).

It promotes conflicts between different groups of Sunnis (e.g., Traditionalist, Sufi, Salafi, Ikhwani).

Conflict is promoted in many ways. The US sanctions and invades Muslim-majority countries, weakening and collapsing the governments. With no unifying central government, the population naturally splits into groups which fight one another for power.

The US pushes Muslim-majority states to adopt massive programs to “reform” Islam, in the name of “counter-extremism” and “counter-terrorism.” These programs are geared towards weakening the eliminating shared Islamic teachings capable of unifying groups of Muslims within countries and between countries.

The US pushes Muslim-majority states to discard a broad Muslim identity and instead adopt narrow artificial nationalist and ethnic identities (e.g., the Jordanian or Emirati identity). Lacking a strong shared Muslim identity, the populations of Muslim-majority states are less likely to ally with one another.

The US prevents Muslim-majority states from allying with one another, or helping one another (e.g., ensuring the worthlessness of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation). Rather, the US pushes Muslim-majority states to form alliances against one another.

The US also directly or indirectly creates terrorist organizations (e.g., al-Qaeda, ISIS), which launch random bombings on holy sites of various groups (e.g., Christians, Muslim sects). These bombings help spark inter-group conflict.

The aim of all this is to create mass political instability and civil war within every Muslim-majority country, as well as war between all Muslim-majority countries – and no alliances between these countries.

Weakened Muslim-majority countries of this kind pose no threat to Israel. They are unable to help the Palestinians, and they can be easily intimidated and controlled by Israel.

RELATED: The Islamic Importance of Palestine’s Struggle Against Genocide



The Yinon Plan has been implemented in each and every country mentioned here including Somalia. There are balkanization efforts and secessionists movements in every country and beyond, nearly all Muslim countries.

It is not your idea or natural, it is by design.

Since the beginning of time it is common knowledge that the larger a country or empire is the stronger it is. That is why the only people who would advocate for further dividing and weakening the Muslim world are either clear enemies or absolute idiots.

Meanwhile, the kuffar they support against Muslim countries in every region are expanding and taking territory from Muslims.

No point balkanizing, these retarded Somalis are qabilist even as you go down the tree.

Our people are a backwards people. I gotta accept it at this point.
There are so many problems with your proposal.

First off, Its impossible to properly demarcate qabil borders since qabil territory is inherently fluid and vaguely defined. There will be at least one qabil that will be unhappy with the results and start war to gain what they percieve to be their territory. Want proof it could happen? Look no further than Somaliland and Puntland who have been beefing for decades over useless qabil territory. And those are the most qabil homogenous states! It will be 10x worse in the south if you tried to make nations there. And of course, there is the fact that subclans will divided themselves on the sub sub sub clan level meaning there will be internal unrest.

Second, almost none of these hypothetical qabil states would be economically viable. Somalia has next to no resources (as of now) and they will be even poorer than Somalia is in GDP. We are talking about states that produce virtually nothing and will 100% be reliant on aid. It took Somaliland and Puntland DECADES to reach a somewhat economically stable status. And once again, when it comes to economic disparities, these qabil states will fight each other for more grazing land or livestock because that is just how primitive the Somali economy as a whole is. Splicing apart an already extremely underperforming economy won't make things better.

Third, the world will never accept multiple little Somalias with a seat in the UN. Its preposterous. The whole point of Somalia was to make a homeland for Somalis, its laughable to suggest completely dentical qabils could have their own state when there are ethnic groups out there fighting desperately for their own nation yet somehow Somalis get up to a dozen or more. No one wants more begging bowls and so will never entertain it.

Qabil is completely antithetical to modern nation building. Its a system that relies entirely on nepotism and greed and doesn't foster any cooperation whatsoever. Even the Arabs relegated their qabils as background noise with no real sway in their politics because they know its impossible to run nations purely through tribalism.
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It baffles me how stupid a person can be. You have to be Ethiopian. You have to be. Like I never seen anyone as retarded as you are. My blood pressure is all up because of your Stupidity. Please stfu and never ever talk about politics ever again. That is something for the person of average intelligence should talk about.
No I am not Ethiopia. Itoobiya ha dhacdo. Abiy Axmed ha dhaco. I hate Ethiopia. Ethiopia is actually taking advantage of our current situation. Balkanization is for the best. You may tolerate clan wars but I don't. You have fun with that but I don't want that in my region.
Do you really think USAID is going to set up a field office in every clan capital?

Ambition badanaa, brother our children are fed by gaalo. Nobody needs another 15 Somalias.
That doesn't have to happen. We can feed ourselves. We just can't do so today because we're being forced to be part of one nation and people keep encroaching. Yes we need many nations for the sake of stability. There are countries 100x drier than Somalia that are successful.
i dont think it’s a great idea, qabiils will then separate into sub qabiils and so on. the only way forward is leaving clan system behind, for good :)
You are far too optimistic about everything. I always see you saying stuff like that. Time to get real man. Somalia is never getting rid of qabyaalad. People are huge haters now. The only solution is to separate for those reasons. We can't share a country with people we hate. It's the logical solution.
No point balkanizing, these retarded Somalis are qabilist even as you go down the tree.

Our people are a backwards people. I gotta accept it at this point.
We can't just abandon our land. We have to do the best we can which is balkanization. If my clan hates your clan and your clan hates mine, why should we share a country?
That is exactly what this idea that is pushed in Somalia and nearly every Muslim country is. A Psy-op. It has a name, the Yinon Plan.

The Secret Zionist Plan to Destroy the Muslim World​

The Yinon Plan was first laid out in a 1982 article featured in the Hebrew journal Kivunim
(published by the World Zionist Organization’s department of Information in Jerusalem).

The article was authored by Oded Yinon – a former advisor to Ariel Sharon (an Israeli general who later became prime minister).

The Yinon Plan has played a key role in Zionist foreign policy since the 1980s. The powerful Israel lobby has also successfully pushed the US government into adopting the same plan.

The US government began to implement this plan partially in the 1990s. However, full implementation began in the early 2000s under George W. Bush. The plan still guides American policy to this day.

The basic aim of the Yinon Plan is to fatally weaken Muslim-majority states, especially in the Middle East. This involves promoting religious, sectarian, and ethnic divisions and conflict. Such is to be done within Muslim majority-states (e.g., Lebanon, Iraq, Syria). It is also to be done between these states (e.g., Gulf states versus Iraq, Saudi versus Iran).

It is assumed that Muslim-majority states will become weaker if there is conflict within them and between them. It is expected that these conflicts will cause complete economic ruin, millions of deaths, and tens of millions of refugees.

RELATED: Is Jihad the Same as Terrorism? Undoing Two Decades of Anti-Muslim War Propaganda

The Yinon Plan promotes various forms of conflict.

It promotes conflicts between Muslims and Christians in the Middle East (e.g., in Lebanon, Egypt).

It promotes conflicts between different ethnicities in the Middle East (e.g., Arabs, Kurds, Turks).

It promotes sectarian conflicts between Muslims (e.g., Sunni, Twelver, Zaidi).

It promotes conflicts between different groups of Sunnis (e.g., Traditionalist, Sufi, Salafi, Ikhwani).

Conflict is promoted in many ways. The US sanctions and invades Muslim-majority countries, weakening and collapsing the governments. With no unifying central government, the population naturally splits into groups which fight one another for power.

The US pushes Muslim-majority states to adopt massive programs to “reform” Islam, in the name of “counter-extremism” and “counter-terrorism.” These programs are geared towards weakening the eliminating shared Islamic teachings capable of unifying groups of Muslims within countries and between countries.

The US pushes Muslim-majority states to discard a broad Muslim identity and instead adopt narrow artificial nationalist and ethnic identities (e.g., the Jordanian or Emirati identity). Lacking a strong shared Muslim identity, the populations of Muslim-majority states are less likely to ally with one another.

The US prevents Muslim-majority states from allying with one another, or helping one another (e.g., ensuring the worthlessness of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation). Rather, the US pushes Muslim-majority states to form alliances against one another.

The US also directly or indirectly creates terrorist organizations (e.g., al-Qaeda, ISIS), which launch random bombings on holy sites of various groups (e.g., Christians, Muslim sects). These bombings help spark inter-group conflict.

The aim of all this is to create mass political instability and civil war within every Muslim-majority country, as well as war between all Muslim-majority countries – and no alliances between these countries.

Weakened Muslim-majority countries of this kind pose no threat to Israel. They are unable to help the Palestinians, and they can be easily intimidated and controlled by Israel.

RELATED: The Islamic Importance of Palestine’s Struggle Against Genocide

Quite the opposite. Gaalo created the idea of nation states. None of our ancestors ever believed in a united Somalia. A united Somalia only brings about conflict and instability. If my clan becomes independent and has actual border security, then we'd be much better off than being part of the same nation as clans we have never gotten along with. Time to pull the plug.
This guy is 100% not somali don't fall for his pysc ops. He is another dirty ethiopian beggar.
Copium. I hate Ethiopia and Ethiopians and balkanization will help reduce their influence and make it harder for them to push us around. Ethiopia is a paper tiger anyway. People agree with me irl. Keep coping.
these bait threads are getting out of hand :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
landers come get your alt
I'm not a lander and I dislike SL for being an Isaaq imperialist project. SL should only govern Isaaq regions if anything. DH left, time for Dir to do the same in Awdal. All these federal states are just clan states acting as federal states even if other clans are a part of it.

