Jabuuti is behind the Sitti conflict


The past few days I have been doing an undercover investigation. I have uncovered some shocking information. Many thanks to my anonymous informants in Sitti and Jabuuti.

1. TPLF and Ismail Omar Geelle (IOG) had a decades long secret agreement to keep the Afar-Isse border an unstable warzone. This benefitted IOG by preventing Afars from focusing on their status as second class citizens in Jabuuti. This benefitted TPLF by preventing the birth of Afar irredentism (diverting their attention elsewhere). IOG is more than happy to sacrifice his own kin for political agendas. Since the fall of TPLF, IOG has maintained this policy. I don’t know if Abiye is onboard.
2. The current uptick in violence was sponsored by IOG. The aim is to weaken the Ogaden controlled Liyu police. IOG like many actors in the region believes Ethiopian balkanisation to be inevitable and is preparing for it. One such preparation is to bleed the Liyu of manpower and experienced commanders in a never-ending war in Sitti.
3. IOG’s agenda for when Ethiopia collapses and balkanises is to grab Sitti region and add it to Jabuuti. To do this, he has to deal with the much stronger Liyu. Part of the strategy is above. Another part will be to arm the Iiddoor in Somaliland and encourage them to attack DDS from the North. With the Ogaden heartland threatened by such an attack, Ogaden leadership will have no choice but to withdraw from Sitti and defend their heartland. IOG’s army will then walk into an undefended Sitti and plant Jabuuti’s flag. The local Ciise leadership is onboard with this plan.
4. IOG encourages the displaced Ciise to not come to Jabuuti but to remain in the Diridhabe area. The plan is when Sitti is finally annexed by Jabuuti after Ethiopia’s balkanisation, they will return to their former districts. If they come to Jabuuti, he knows they will never return.

In short, the Sitti conflict begins and ends with IOG.
That does not make sense the cisse are in this situation because they keep moving to Djibouti they have left Awdal and now samaroon are the main majority and they have left dir dhaba where Oromo are majority. Iog has left his clan to die in Ethiopia,
Don’t worry too much about Siite getting taken by shiisheeye. Hawiye reach all the way from Nazareth to djiboutian towns as reer Babili which was recognised as the oromised Hawiye and also inhabiting the train route from djibouti to dire dawa and addis going past afdam and mieso according to this 1940s piece.




Us Karanle live in Haadaamo (Nazareth) which is 60km from the town and the milk that supplies Addis comes from Babile livestock market. We literally supply Addis with milk :dead:
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Don’t worry too much about Siite getting taken by shiisheeye. Hawiye reach all the way from Nazareth to djiboutian towns as reer Babili which was recognised as the oromised Hawiye and also inhabiting the train route from djibouti to dire dawa and addis going past afdam and mieso according to this 1940s piece.

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Us Karanle live in Haadaamo which is 60km from the town and the milk that supplies Addis comes from Babile livestock market. We literally supply Addis with milk :dead:
You should stop supplying milk to them walal starve these qadhmuun xabashi. The Liyuu police shut down the train route after massacring anfar militias and xabashi soldiers last week.
Like agaah! This entire time he was massacring his own Ciise clansmen? This so called president Ismail Omar gus dhuuqe obese monkey:birdman:

nacala aabaha ku yaal wtf!
The west/African union won’t allow Ethiopia to Balkanize it opens up a whole different kind of worms. IOG goals are to make sure Ethiopia is reliant on Djibouti ports, Afars don’t rise up and his clansmen don’t question him or hold him accountable.
The west/African union won’t allow Ethiopia to Balkanize it opens up a whole different kind of worms. IOG goals are to make sure Ethiopia is reliant on Djibouti ports, Afars don’t rise up and his clansmen don’t question him or hold him accountable.
It can balkanize as long as its done peacefully
It can balkanize as long as its done peacefully
The west and African union won’t allow it it’s more likely that the Horn of Africa becomes a federation than Ethiopia Balkanizing. The west doesn’t gain anything from Ethiopia Balkanizing while in Yugoslavia they did.

Even if it did get Balkanized DDS would be taken by Somalia, Tigray by Eritrea, who would take SSNNPR, Amhara, Afar, Oromo?

Garaad Awal

Former African
That does not make sense the cisse are in this situation because they keep moving to Djibouti they have left Awdal and now samaroon are the main majority and they have left dir dhaba where Oromo are majority. Iog has left his clan to die in Ethiopia,
Ciise keep depopulating their traditional lands to move to Jabuuti. Even IOG himself wasn’t born in Jabuuti.

This same phenomenon has happened with Isaaq Ethiopians who keep on leaving Ethiopia for SL.
Ciise keep depopulating their traditional lands to move to Jabuuti. Even IOG himself wasn’t born in Jabuuti.

This same phenomenon has happened with Isaaq Ethiopians who keep on leaving Ethiopia for SL.
Hawd waa dhul reer isaaq maxamad subeer Ogaden, kow dheh, iidoorka waa marti they can stay or leave as they please lakin waxan jeclan laheen inay Hargeisa u guuraan kuligood. Don’t compare Ciise to Isaaq, Ciise waa dad peaceful. Ciise don’t try to take other peoples land like you idoors did with the help of the British.
The west and African union won’t allow it it’s more likely that the Horn of Africa becomes a federation than Ethiopia Balkanizing. The west doesn’t gain anything from Ethiopia Balkanizing while in Yugoslavia they did.

Even if it did get Balkanized DDS would be taken by Somalia, Tigray by Eritrea, who would take SSNNPR, Amhara, Afar, Oromo?
Ethiopia joining BRICS and leaning towards China might make their Western handlers less inclined to intervene positively. The African Union is NCP

Anyways, the West can want whatever they want but ultimately, things will only ever happen by Allah’s will. Their planning and scheming can only go so far, especially in this age of mass communication where there is real hatred brewing between different Ethiopian ethnicities and they are seeing the dead bodies of their people.

Next few decades will be interesting

Garaad Awal

Former African
Hawd waa dhul reer isaaq maxamad subeer Ogaden, kow dheh, iidoorka waa marti they can stay or leave as
Isaaq live not only in the Hawd which is wide but also in Fafaan (mostly HA) from Wajaale all the way to the outskirts of Jigjiga.You are not the only Jabartis we neighbour. You are also not the Ethiopian State, you have zero power to tell Isaaq Ethiopians or any other Somali in Ethiopia where they should live or not live. Unlike Jabarti, Isaaqs & Ciise have our own independent states which is why our depopulation occurred while you have nowhere to go
they please lakin waxan jeclan laheen inay Hargeisa u guuraan kuligood.

Your WLSF grandfathers (funded by Afweyne) tried to ethnically cleanse the Garxajis & Hussein Abokor HA Isaaqs that neighbour you. Every massacre done by them was met with a massacre in similar form. You have no say to remove any Somalis that power remains with Abiy Ahmed.
Don’t compare Ciise to Isaaq, Ciise waa dad peaceful. Ciise don’t try to take other peoples land like you idoors did with the help of the British.
I can compare anyone I want. The British gave my lands in the Hawd & Fafaan as a reward to the Ethiopians unlike the other Somalis of that region who were conquered by Menelik’s vast imperial army :manny::hemad:
Isaaq live not only in the Hawd which is wide but also in Fafaan (mostly HA) from Wajaale all the way to the outskirts of Jigjiga.You are not the only Jabartis we neighbour. You are also not the Ethiopian State, you have zero power to tell Isaaq Ethiopians or any other Somali in Ethiopia where they should live or not live. Unlike Jabarti, Isaaqs & Ciise have our own independent states which is why our depopulation occurred while you have nowhere to go
idoor why do wanna start a drama?
If isaaq live all over Ogadenia how come there was never a isaaq mayor let alone president of the region? Iska yeel yeelka iska dhaaf warya you know exactly why. A few Isaaq families that indulge in the khad business live in Ogadenia and Addis Abeba.

What power are you talking about? No one is saying Ogaden don’t have the right to karbaash canfar. We have been killing them for entire week that just passed. Sitti is a beautiful region we liberated beautiful towns you should see them you worthless garxajis looma ooyaan. Sitti is 101,000kms if you add Djibouti it will be 124,000kms, Ciise actually have somewhere 16,000 kms more land compared to Isaaq. I have the power to karbaash the canfar militias and even the Ethiopian troops that trouble the Ciise civilians while I do this I have the power to keep you garxajis pests in check down in Hawd say the power to karbaash boons and the Habargidir that attack them down in Doolo. “Meel ka muuqo ama ka maqnow” .
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@Abaq what are the rumours all about the Liyuu have assembled and their weapons given back to them they’re saying Cagjar did this🤔waa guul walal if it turns out to be true. I saw this TikTok video today.
idoor why do wanna start a drama?
If isaaq live all over Ogadenia how come there was never a isaaq mayor let alone president of the region? Iska yeel yeelka iska dhaaf warya you know exactly why. A few Isaaq families that indulge in the khad business live in Ogadenia and Addis Abeba.

What power are you talking about? No one is saying Ogaden don’t have the right to karbaash canfar. We have been killing them for entire week that just passed. Sitti is a beautiful region we liberated beautiful towns you should see them you worthless garxajis looma ooyaan. Sitti is 101,000kms if you add Djibouti it will be 124,000kms, Ciise actually have somewhere 16,000 kms more land compared to Isaaq. I have the power to karbaash the canfar militias and even the Ethiopian troops that trouble the Ciise civilians while I do this I have the power to keep you garxajis pests in check down in Hawd say the power to karbaash boons and the Habargidir that attack them down in Doolo. “Meel ka muuqo ama ka maqnow” .
It's just that they are more loyal to Somaliland than ogadenia. Wa sababta xata xabashida ay u aamineen in isaaq marti ku noqdo Ethiopia sababto ah hargaisa ayay haystan