200 years ago is when British explorers came to Somaliland, why don’t we find any mention of Afars living in Somaliland? And Saylac was a dead ruined community 200 years ago with its legacy long passed. It was ruled by a Habar Yoonis governor who didn’t even have real control outside it’s walls. Colonisation didn’t change the borders in our favour if that’s what you’re saying. And no, I don’t consider the savage Oromos who have been indiscriminately killing innocent Somalis as “wonderful” people. But why would an Oromo insult her own people?We are talking 200 years ago. When the British came to Somaliland, the Afars had a huge native community in Zeila too. Plus the border between them is huge. Things change because of time. That is normal. Colonisation and geopolitics changed many things. Btw I don't feel insulted at all. So it's fine, Oromo are really wonderful people. It is not ceeb to be Oromo.
I said Somalis, not Gallas.Jumping the gun again young man. Gurgura also border the Afar and actually live in the Afar Zone too.
Moreover, Jas is taking about historical times when the borders between Samaroon, Gurgura and Ciise were less rigid. The Gurgura and Samaroon used to marry intermarry in the distant past. Hence, Samaroons could have been exposed to attacks from Afars based around Djibouti and in the Harar/Dire Dawa vicinity.