Jamal Osman Al Shabaab propagandist back in Jilib (Al Shabaab Headquarters)

Wiping out a decently sized town cause of kebab is not good, Put your focus on the the offense. They can be easily wiped out that way. Indiscriminate bombing is never the answer, it literally going to cause the opposite effect if you think about it.

The somali military and its leadership is just painfully incompetent. A real leader can wipe out kebab within a year easily.


they literally do, jilib has been their stronghold for at least 20 years they are the government of jilib they have more control than the fgs has on mogadishu
sacking Jillib won't stop their racketeting bussiness in Xamar nor fighters residing in other towns or regions.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
They were always there jaale dulmane. It is very well documented.
Where were they when AS ruled? Why they need Kenyan help to kick them out? Why couldnt they kick them out by themself like Hawadle?