Yes, this is the reason they pulled out of Xagar. To clean up the surrounding countryside and destroy AS infrastructure first40 terrorists were killed in Weelmarrow including the head of finances for Al-shabab in the region.
Shabaab's illegal taxation and Isbaaro sites in the Jubba Valley are being demolished one by one.
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Yes, this is the reason they pulled out of Xagar. To clean up the surrounding countryside and destroy AS infrastructure first
What they saw in their final moment
Where is the sunnah beard?
Till we see dead bodies of high ranking irir khawarij then the war is not over.I’m impressed. The Darawish are effectively clearing out the countryside, especially a thickly forested one. The Abgaals can learn from us @PrinceSomaal
The nobodies are the ones that plant IEDs, ambush soldiers, suicide bombs etc, spies etc. They need to be exterminatedTill we see dead bodies of high ranking irir khawarij then the war is not over.
The nobodies have been sent to the front lines.
“Jubaland doesn’t have the numbers”