Your superior
You are a clannist pseudo-nationalist.
Muxaafid when her qabiil is in power mucaarid otherwise
You are a clannist pseudo-nationalist.
You are a clannist pseudo-nationalist.
Silanyo and rest of SNM were government ministers who ran country and sitted on government meeting and have access to government national secrets.
The government was clannist , you can't deny that. At the end of the regime things started spiraling downwards.
Can't believe I'm agreeing with you. Why can't you always be like this? Instead of a woman hating gremlin.
Give us evidence of the "national secretes" that SNM gave the Ethiopians
Secondly why did siyaad barre agree a deal with Ethiopia shortly after
Your mentally capacity would not get it so bye and do not quote me again
I don't hate women...r U kidding me ..I appreciate women too much. ...
Is that you on the display![]()
Spot on. Can't take her seriously. She exposed herself recently and didn't even realize she was doing it.
Yes that's me.
And you're always clowning women, mocking women. Please stick to posting intelligent topics. This post was a breath of fresh air.
Every time someone asks you for evidence you run away. I suggest you don't say bullshit next time
I'm going in the restroom, I'm taking advantage of that display of yours![]()
This is the type of bullshit I was speaking of.
What does that have to do with your argument which stated that "SNM sold state secretes to Ethiopia". Where is the evidence of that which is what I asked for?
You are trying to change the topic
What does that have to do with your argument which stated that "SNM sold state secretes to Ethiopia". Where is the evidence of that which is what I asked for?
You are trying to change the topic
Some say they will make "Aas Qaran" for this guy Cali Samatar in Mogadishu.
Lol ok Ethiopia assisted them out of her good heart and SNM were smart enough to tell Ethiopia anything of Somalia army/ finance/defence ok boy they only took money, training, army for nothing ok
Unless you can provide evidence for what u say then i can't take you seriously. Your family benefited from siyaad barre and you are from the same tribe which is why you support it but don't lie