Just watched Dune: Part 2 (NO SPOILERS)

I managed to snag the last seat amongst the back and middle rows during my opening night screening and the whole place was packed. To the point where there were people willing to occupy all of the front row seats and crane their necks upwards uncomfortably for nearly three hours straight.

I went in with zero expectations, I didn't even watch any of the trailers for the sequel and I think that this movie is a WHOLE LOT BETTER than the first one. I won't mention or even hint at any details because I want you guys to enjoy the theater experience as much as I did, but I found the first film to involve mostly set up and exposition of how the futuristic, planetary universe worked and the introduction of all of these families/groups with their own agendas. So it felt kinda boring at times.

Now Part 2, everything kicks off. All of the previous setup finally pays off. Only thing that took me out of the film was them calling that skinny French boy "the Mahdi" but that's in the first movie anyway lol

Give the new one a chance if you thought the first movie was a bore.

You must watch it on the biggest screen you can find. There's a cinema near me where you can watch it in varying screen sizes and I chose the most widescreen option. I've got no regrets.
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لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Ok , ill watch it inshallah. Ill come back to review it.
Gonna watch it soon never read the dune book but I enjoyed the first movie
Not sure if this is true, but I read somewhere that the director's taking a break from making Dune Part 3 so I'm gonna try reading the books so I don't spoiled like manga readers like to spoil the anime for people.
Yo just watched it. The deen was thoroughly violated Lol. Can understand the SJW Arabs on Twitter now. Crazy how producers didn't try and hide the similarities.
Yo just watched it. The deen was thoroughly violated Lol. Can understand the SJW Arabs on Twitter now. Crazy how producers didn't try and hide the similarities.
SJW Arabs on Twitter are more mad about the hijab being appropriated as its a part of "Arab tradition" more so than an actual commandment from Allah (SWT) and the fact that they are not represented as the actors playing the main characters.
It was perfect from start to end.
Lead them to paradise 🔥
War Attack GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures
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