Kabtan Ayuub headed to Cabudwaaq


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Kabtan Ayuub endorses Mudane Qoor Qoor and urges him to give a special status to Cabudwaaq district. This guys a hero!

Puntland reer mudug meeshey u jiheeyaan bay martaa. These kids are either sheegato or their fathers were horgals as @Libaax-Joore put it. Daaroodnimo qashin ku dar.

I have a special talent for rooting out certain people, and I should start charging for my services. Every single day, I choose to take the high-road with this incessant faro-gelin and fraudulent behaviour.

For example, there is a married man in this thread, whose ashy knuckles, and nasty antics I could expose, but I fear inuu darshad iska soo tuuro.
all.my father awoowe ayaa ka so jeedo puntland, it would be mighty disrespect not to honor your roots but my mother side ancestors are all.from.afgoye southern murusades and thats my personal obligation culayskasi ma.saaro all puntland like some.idiots do like ina Farole does for his abtiyaal in isaaq
Laandheere Cabdalla Sabti from Lower Shabelle. :salute:


And people still doubt that this community has weirdos who larp as us. Look at how invested they are in our affairs, and how desperate they are for validation and support.
i dont larp as mj. he posts more about mj affairs and intricate mj affairs and history instead of just insulting qabiils all the time on here. your qiyaas for deciding if a user is your qabiil is how much they insult rival qabiils. lol.
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i dont larp as mj. he posts more abput mj affairs and history instead of just insulting qabiils all the time on here. your qiyaas for deciding if a user is your qabiil is how much they insult rival qabiils. lol.

Your cousin failed our security check, lead by people other than me. I really wish you people focused on your own regions, that desperately need your attention, instead of MJs.

Shaqo yeesha, or don't cry later when I stop taking the high-road.


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