You aint a Puntite Queen, You're not even from Puntland, Fadlan Magaca noo dhig![]()
Ku daaro im not Mj then?I have already figured out qofkaa tahay. You overplayed your hand but I expect nothing less from an inbred wecel.
Ku daaro im not Mj then?
I doubt it, anyways Arinta yaanan la fogaynin, i have no ill will towards you. Lets leave it here sisI know who you are. And afkaa laga garaaci doona.
I doubt it, anyways Arinta yaanan la fogaynin, i have no ill will towards you. Lets leave it here sis
Dont let inn yar oo online xagxagsho ah consume you ina adeer. Wax weyn ha uu qaadan.Soo joogso laga waayo, soo jiifsa laga helaa![]()
Dont let inn yar oo online xagxagsho ah consume you ina adeer. Wax weyn ha uu qaadan.
Reer bicidyahan are the Landhere of majerteenia π«‘![]()
Kuwaan kuma qancin miyaaWey yihiin yaa waxaa diidaya![]()
This guy is so desperate for attention that his self-esteem took a vacation and never came back.
This guy is so desperate for attention that his self-esteem took a vacation and never came back.
Puntland reer mudug meeshey u jiheeyaan bay martaa. These kids are either sheegato or their fathers were horgals as @Libaax-Joore put it. Daaroodnimo qashin ku dar.So you are against Majeerteenimo but claim to be MJ. Orad aabahaaga raadso. Disgraceful shegato.
I can't believe people don't see through you.
Puntland reer mudug meeshey u jiheeyaan bay martaa. These kids are either sheegato or their fathers were horgals as @Libaax-Joore put it. Daaroodnimo qashin ku dar.
Laandheere Cabdalla Sabti from Lower father awoowe ayaa ka so jeedo puntland, it would be mighty disrespect not to honor your roots but my mother side ancestors are all.from.afgoye southern murusades and thats my personal obligation culayskasi ma.saaro all puntland like some.idiots do like ina Farole does for his abtiyaal in isaaq
if @Thegoodshepherd isnt mj then i doubt any user is mj.
i dont larp as mj. he posts more about mj affairs and intricate mj affairs and history instead of just insulting qabiils all the time on here. your qiyaas for deciding if a user is your qabiil is how much they insult rival qabiils. lol.And people still doubt that this community has weirdos who larp as us. Look at how invested they are in our affairs, and how desperate they are for validation and support.
i dont larp as mj. he posts more abput mj affairs and history instead of just insulting qabiils all the time on here. your qiyaas for deciding if a user is your qabiil is how much they insult rival qabiils. lol.