KGS citizens protest against Masar

Can you really blame them. HSM wants to turn Somalia into a proxy war location for Ethiopia and Egypt.

If this war does happen who is gonna suffer the most casualties. It's going to be where the Ethiopians are stationed which is kgs, hiraan and Gedo.

So the people of these regions have every right to say no to the Egyptians coming in. They are thinking about their long term safety.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Can you really blame them. HSM wants to turn Somalia into a proxy war location for Ethiopia and Egypt.

If this war does happen who is gonna suffer the most casualties. It's going to be where the Ethiopians are stationed which is kgs, hiraan and Gedo.

So the people of these regions have every right to say no to the Egyptians coming in. They are thinking about their long term safety.
Culusow is directly involving himself in KGS affairs by trying to place Masari troops in Bakool. He also has had a hand in enflaming clan wars in Yaaqbariweyn, Wanlaweyn and now Qoryooleey. Ethiopians have served as a great counterweight to his HAG evil plans.
Can you really blame them. HSM wants to turn Somalia into a proxy war location for Ethiopia and Egypt.

If this war does happen who is gonna suffer the most casualties. It's going to be where the Ethiopians are stationed which is kgs, hiraan and Gedo.

So the people of these regions have every right to say no to the Egyptians coming in. They are thinking about their long term safety.
What do you suggest marka, to stfu and let them annex Somalilands? Egyptian soldiers will replace the useless xabashi, to train and equip the SNA. All this gibberish from Muse Bixi and now this is to show those who bankroll the mission that Egypt is a danger. Their only danger is they'll train and equip our army in a meaningful way, where we will be able to defend our borders from any enemy.

Giving 2$ to every maskiin on the street in Somalia will have them support Israel for you.

Edit: @TekNiKo I respect your dedication to cutting of your nose to spite your face sxb. Fk wadanka as long my adeer is not on the kursi

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Guul iyo Gobanimo
Treason at the highest level!

It's one thing to be against Egypt but supporting gaal Ethiopia's presence in our country is treasonous
Can you really blame them. HSM wants to turn Somalia into a proxy war location for Ethiopia and Egypt.

If this war does happen who is gonna suffer the most casualties. It's going to be where the Ethiopians are stationed which is kgs, hiraan and Gedo.

So the people of these regions have every right to say no to the Egyptians coming in. They are thinking about their long term safety.
We finally have a chance to get xabashi out of our lands and retards like you are arguing for them to stay, even after the whole mou disaster and their killings of civilians. I doubt you are somali


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
What do you suggest marka, to stfu and let them annex Somalilands? Egyptian soldiers will replace the useless xabashi, to train and equip the SNA. All this gibberish from Muse Bixi and now this is to show those who bankroll the mission that Egypt is a danger. Their only danger is they'll train and equip our army in a meaningful way, where we will be able to defend our borders from any enemy.

Giving 2$ to every maskiin on the street in Somalia will have them support Israel for you.

Edit: @TekNiKo I respect your dedication to cutting of your nose to spite your face sxb. Fk wadanka as long my adeer is not on the kursi


Stop playing the fake wadani card, it was your people that said “Farmaajo wa mareexaan, xamar unukuh leh”. Now you expect us to be wadani?


Stop playing the fake wadani card, it was your people that said “Farmaajo wa mareexaan, xamar unukuh leh”. Now you expect us to be wadani?
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU
What do you suggest marka, to stfu and let them annex Somalilands? Egyptian soldiers will replace the useless xabashi, to train and equip the SNA. All this gibberish from Muse Bixi and now this is to show those who bankroll the mission that Egypt is a danger. Their only danger is they'll train and equip our army in a meaningful way, where we will be able to defend our borders from any enemy.

Giving 2$ to every maskiin on the street in Somalia will have them support Israel for you.

Edit: @TekNiKo I respect your dedication to cutting of your nose to spite your face sxb. Fk wadanka as long my adeer is not on the kursi

My point is the Egyptians ain't gonna help us. If they were then I wouldn't be against them coming to Somalia.

If Egypt was gonna help anyone they would have helped Palestine and opened their borders to them. What makes you think they will help Somalis which don't border them.

What I'm genuinely afraid of is Egypt putting us into a war with Ethiopia for their own interests and then later abandoning us. Who is gonna suffer not Egyptians civilians but our Somali civilians.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Since when was Ethiopia Gaal. Ethiopia has a huge Muslim population. Similar to how Egypt has both Muslims and Christians.
Are you really going to compare 5% Christians in a Muslim country with a country that is 65% Christian ruled country with Muslim minority.

It's okay to be against Egypt but supporting Ethiopia in any case is treason. Wallahi what's wrong with Somalis:snoop:We have too many cucks here who should be cleansed
My point is the Egyptians ain't gonna help us. If they were then I wouldn't be against them coming to Somalia.

If Egypt was gonna help anyone they would have helped Palestine and opened their borders to them. What makes you think they will help Somalis which don't border them.

What I'm genuinely afraid of is Egypt putting us into a war with Ethiopia for their own interests and then later abandoning us. Who is gonna suffer not Egyptians civilians but our Somali civilians.
-Egypt was the first country to support Somalia when Ethiopia invaded north Somalia in 1964.

- Egypt was one of Somalias biggest weapons suppliers in the 1977 war in the liberation of Western Somalilands.

-Egypt has the biggest army and biggest surplus of weapons in Africa.

-It’s in their national interest to have a strong Somalia emerge. None of the other troop contributing countries has that interest.

War is inevitable as long as Ethiopia insists on a devide and rule policy in the hope of annexing Somalilands.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Can you really blame them. HSM wants to turn Somalia into a proxy war location for Ethiopia and Egypt.

If this war does happen who is gonna suffer the most casualties. It's going to be where the Ethiopians are stationed which is kgs, hiraan and Gedo.

So the people of these regions have every right to say no to the Egyptians coming in. They are thinking about their long term safety.

Same xabashis killed 13 civilians in Baydhabo in 2018 when Mukhtaar Roobow was denied the win of 2018 KGS elections. Instituted by Farmaajo and gaalada while Hsm freed the guy from house arrest and gave him a good position.

Your people have to wake up and take matters into their own hands. There is 5k itoobiyans in KGS, less than a small xaafad in Baydhabo. You can kick them out. Do it.


When did the thoughts of the masses matter? I love how Somali politicians that don't get they way will muster a village to demonstrate like those people elected them.

Mukhtaar Roobow
Not sure what this guy means to you, but he stole money upon being made minister by Hassan, so wasn’t exactly the right choice.

Regarding Ethiopia, to my understanding, Ethiopia will stay too if they drop the MOU. It’d only be favourable if they left and were replaced by Egypt. Which sucks because they should leave whether or not they drop the MOU. Burundi is leaving and being replaced by Zambia.
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Same xabashis killed 13 civilians in Baydhabo in 2018 when Mukhtaar Roobow was denied the win of 2018 KGS elections. Instituted by Farmaajo and gaalada while Hsm freed the guy from house arrest and gave him a good position.

Your people have to wake up and take matters into their own hands. There is 5k itoobiyans in KGS, less than a small xaafad in Baydhabo. You can kick them out. Do it.
Al Shabaab killed way more people in KGS then Ethiopia did. If anything we have to be grateful to Ethiopia for sacrificing their lives for the safety of kgs and it's citizens.

